Reader 2016 NFL Mock Draft: Round 1 – Picks 17-32

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Reader 2016 NFL Mock Draft: Picks 1-16

  1. Atlanta Falcons: Shaq Lawson, DE, Clemson
    Shaq Lawson: 34.9%
    Darron Lee: 20.8%
    Reggie Ragland: 14.1%
    Emmanuel Ogbah: 11.4%
    Kevin Dodd: 7.0%
    William Fuller: 5.3%
    Josh Doctson: 4.1%
    Jonathan Bullard: 2.4%
    Total votes: 341

    LRG: It’s either Kevin Dodd, Shaq Lawson, or Leonard Floyd for Atlanta. I don’t see them passing on one of those 3 pass rushers

    Greg D: The Falcons need 1st round level of talent in 3 areas, ILB, DE/DT, and OT. With Taylor Decker being to much of a reach at this point in the draft, the Falcons pick between Lawson, Ogbah, Lee and Ragland. I love the fit of Lee and Ogbah, and in the end choose Ogbah to help them with their lackluster Pass Rush. Lee would be a prime candidate to help them limit Cam Newton immediately this season.

    Thomas M: The Falcons have a lot of glaring holes on the defense. Most notably the pass rush. Last year they drafted Beasley and he struggled because offenses just keyed on him making it impossible for him to make an impact(dude was double teamed on almost every known passing down). I say they take the best pass rusher available and in this case its Lawson. Pairing up the two former Clemson products will make for a great pass rush tandem on the outside and will most certainly be vital to ATL’s success in slowing down Newton, Brees, and Winston. This pick also helps a struggling secondary that was asked to cover way too long last season.

    Joey Y: As frustrating as it must be for Falcons fans a year after spending a top 10 pick on Vic Beasley, this team still needs to desperately improve it’s pass rush. The Falcons pass rush is a multi-year reclamation project but one more top pick could be the tipping point to finally generate a long absent pass rush in Atlanta. Lucky for Atlanta this draft is stacked with defensive linemen, so why not grab the best available, who in this scenario I believe to be Shaq Lawson. By teaming up Lawson with his former teammate, Atlanta could rely on it’s Clemson Connection to finally start slowing down the elite passers of the NFC South.

    Jeff D: Atlanta needs a better pass rush. It’s been true for so long that it’s become almost an offseason clich�. While it remains true, I think between continuity with Dan Quinn, some high upside signings like Shelby and Upshaw, and possible second year jumps by Beasley and Jarrett, there’s reason for cautious optimism. On the other hand, their stagnant offense really hit a wall in the 2nd half of last year as Hankerson and Roddy White struggled. In this scenario, every possible WR they could want (a team with a big armed QB is not going to take Treadwell) has fallen to them. I’ll say Doctson helps this team the most long term among this group.

  2. Indianapolis Colts: Taylor Decker, OT/G, Ohio State
    Taylor Decker: 45.9%
    Reggie Ragland: 14.6%
    Ryan Kelly: 11.8%
    Darron Lee: 9.8%
    Eli Apple: 5.7%
    Kevin Dodd: 4.5%
    Mackensie Alexander: 4.1%
    Germain Ifedi: 2.0%
    William Jackson: 1.6%
    Total votes: 247

    Jim M: Ryan Grigson is bound to start protecting Luck, right? No skill position players being an option makes the Decker choice easier.

    Bagley: I have them selecting Conklin in my mock draft, but since he’s gone in this scenario, let’s give them Decker. They simply cannot have Joe Reitz starting on the right side going into the 2016 season. It would probably be good to grab AT LEAST 3 linemen in this draft.

    Mike M: This pick will likely come down to whether they value defence or offence more. Sine the Colts signed Patrick Robinson, they would probably turn to an inside linebacker on defence. Ragland and Lee would both be excellent picks (either one would be my selection), but the Colts have neglected giving Luck protection for so long that I think the pick has to be Decker (or whatever tackle Grigson falls in love with) even though it’s a reach. If they find a partner, I could also see them trading further back into the first round to improve the value of selecting a tackle (whether it be Decker or Spriggs).

    Joey Y: Indianapolis has to improve that oline, this pick almost has to be a linemen. They can’t afford to lose Andrew Luck again. Therefore, Taylor Decker will be the pick. Is Taylor Decker a reach here, yes probably but need will outweigh value. Indy’s current position is eerily similar to the Dolphins two years ago, who sat at #19 after narrowly missing the playoffs and desperately needed help on the Oline, but the top prospects (Robinson, Matthews, Lewan, and Martin) are all off the board, so Miami reached for Ja-Waun James and that pick has worked out for Miami so far. With the top linemen (Tunsil, Stanley, Conklin) all long off the board I think Indy will look at the success of James and pull the trigger of Decker. I could also see Indy trading up to secure one of those top 3 guys if they decide they don’t like Decker.

    Greg D: Straight forward, this pick is Taylor Decker. The Colts have enough need to allow for the reach, but would prefer to move into the bottom half of the first round to potentially give them another 3rd/4th round pick to play with. If they believe their Front 5 to be solid enough to prevent Luck from another injury, then the pick is between Ragland and Lee, as ILB would be a welcome pick up for them in this position.

  3. Buffalo Bills: Darron Lee, OLB, Ohio State
    Darron Lee: 25.5%
    Reggie Ragland: 23.4%
    Kevin Dodd: 13.7%
    Emmanuel Ogbah: 12.3%
    Jarran Reed: 8.8%
    Vernon Butler: 6.0%
    William Fuller: 3.9%
    Josh Doctson: 3.5%
    Corey Coleman: 1.4%
    Jonathan Bullard: 1.4%
    Total votes: 247

    Jacob C: The Bills will be ecstatic if both Lee and Ogbah are on the board here. Rex will have his pick between those two, who should both be excellent scheme fits. I would expect them to pick Lee in this scenario given the depth at the defensive end position in this draft class relative to the linebacker position.

    Bryon E: Darron Lee will be long gone but in this scenario he is available and should be the guy. Sexie Rexie will view Lee like a chess master views his queen, versatile piece moving in all directions.

    Greg D: What’s not to love about Reggie Ragland. This boy brings some serious pop, and in a Rex Ryan style defense, his skill set will shine. #Chalkitup

    Thomas M: The Bills almost have to go defense. Bradham is gone(not that he was very good anyway). Lawson is ok but he is a pass rush type of guy. Darron Lee or Reggie Ragland will be the pick here. Lee has the higher ceiling and projects better in Ryan’s scheme. Lee has the speed to play sideline to sideline, can rush the passer on blitz packages and is very good at coverage…Rex loves these types of defenders and would absolutely love to land him here.

    Joey Y: The Bills almost have to go defense. Bradham is gone(not that he was very good anyway). Lawson is ok but he is a pass rush type of guy. Darron Lee or Reggie Ragland will be the pick here. Lee has the higher ceiling and projects better in Ryan’s scheme. Lee has the speed to play sideline to sideline, can rush the passer on blitz packages and is very good at coverage…Rex loves these types of defenders and would absolutely love to land him here.

  4. New York Jets: Reggie Ragland, ILB, Alabama
    Reggie Ragland: 40.2%
    Noah Spence: 21.1%
    Connor Cook: 6.6%
    Mackensie Alexander: 5.9%
    Eli Apple: 5.5%
    Kevin Dodd: 5.1%
    Jarran Reed: 3.5%
    Vernon Butler: 3.5%
    William Jackson: 2.3%
    Total votes: 256

    Luke T: To me, it’s between Ragland and Butler. I have the Jets taking Butler in my mock draft, but that’s only because Ragland isn’t available. It’s close, but I’m going with Ragland.

    Rob D: I’d love an edge rusher here, something the Jets haven’t had in forever, but the LB corps struggled mightily. Ragland isn’t a flashy pick, but it’s a safe choice who will make Bowles’ defense even better than it was last year.

    Anthony C: (This is barring a trade!) I think the league has seen what Von Miller can do, and the Jets have especially taken notice by extensively looking in this draft class. Todd Bowles and Mike Mac are not afraid to take players with troubled histories (ie. Erin Henderson, Brandon Marshall), so it should stop them here. Noah Spence is the top pure pass rusher in this draft, with upside to largely improve on his run game.

    Jeff D: If the Jets draft Connor Cook, I will literally throw things at my TV. I would love for them to take an edge rusher here, but I don’t think the upside with Spence is high enough to get past his off the field issues. Besides, a prospect like him could easily slide to them on day 2. Think Randy Gregory. As sad as it is, with the Wilkerson contract situation not looking good and Richardson likely to demand dump tracks of cash starting next year, the Jets need to plan for life after a dominant front line, and that will mean building up their linebackers. Ragland should be an immediate upgrade over the departed Demario Davis and can be a long-term replacement for David Harris once he is gone. Take the value with Ragland here, look for value in edge rushers in the next round or two.

    Greg D: LB is definitely the pick here. Ragland or Spence would be the best available option for the Jets but I feel that Spence would be the better answer for them in the long run. While Ragland would help, I feel that they really need to utilize an attacking DE/OLB type player to really give their defence one of the final missing pieces that it needs.

  5. Washington Redskins: Jarran Reed, DE/DT, Alabama
    Jarran Reed: 26.1%
    Vernon Butler: 18.2%
    Eli Apple: 15.8%
    Mackensie Alexander: 13.3%
    Kevin Dodd: 7.9%
    William Jackson: 7.3%
    Kenny Clark: 3.6%
    Vernon Butler: 3.5%
    William Fuller: 3.0%
    Total votes: 165

    Bryon E: The Rams and Titans made all moch drafts until today obsolete but continuing in the spirit of great fun I think this pick will be the Apple of their eye, say what Eli. Top 3 corner, already recieved invitation to the dance, it could very well be a huge run stuffer b/c I dont think Apple will last this long.

    Greg D: The question is, where does Washington need 1st round talent, and the answer…is everywhere. So, when we prioritize, we are left with DT as the most glaring need with the departure of Knighton. Jarran Reed shouldn’t still be available at this point, but since he is there is no chance he slides away from Washington. In the case he does, Vernon Butler becomes the pick.

    Wesley C: Potroast Knighton is gone, so let’s replace him with a prospect with a higher ceiling in Jarran Reed. That’s usually how smart teams operate.

    Mike D: I think the Skins take Ryan Kelly here but he’s not on the board. While Reed will likely be the popular choice, I think A corner like Apple might actually be more likely while targeting a DT in round 2.

    Kevin A: Alexander… BPA by a mile.

  6. Houston Texans: William Fuller, WR, Notre Dame
    William Fuller: 35.8%
    Corey Coleman: 31.4%
    Josh Doctson: 15.2%
    Andrew Billings: 8.3%
    Vernon Butler: 6.4%
    Kenny Clark: 1.5%
    Keanu Neal: 1.5%
    Total votes: 206

    Bryon E: As you guys always say when new regimes are hired new qb’s arent far behind. Well, when you spend $72M better load the cupboard, a take-off-the – top guy would serve Texans as Hopkins and new add Miller need a field stretcher, Fuller is the guy.

    Joey Y: Houston has the best defensive player in football in J.J. Watt, so they need to keep building on offense. They picked up a RB in Lamar Miller and they added a quarterback who should atleast be competent, so they need to give Osweiler more tools. Will Fuller is the pick, and the Texans won’t even hesitate handing the card in. With Fuller on the other side of Hopkins, this passing game becomes pretty damn good.

    Greg D: Split decision between Fuller and Coleman? Safe bet is on Fuller to best compliment Hopkins. Osweiler will decline this year regardless

    Bobby J: Yes, the Texans need a WR, but despite what Walter is telling everyone, they don’t need to draft based on 40 times. Plenty of teams have had highly successful WR duos without having two that “compliment” each other. If drafting a receiver, you have to draft the best one, not the fastest and Doctson is the best of the 3. Besides that, texans don’t even have a second DE and Wilfork sucks so that makes more sense if we’re going by need anyway.

    Ryan H: I think the Texans would opt for the ultra productive field stretcher from their home state. Coleman would add a new dimension to this offense.

  7. Minnesota Vikings: Josh Doctson, WR, TCU
    Josh Doctson: 61.3%
    Corey Coleman: 19.9%
    Andrew Billings: 5.5%
    Keanu Neal: 4.4%
    Kevin Dodd: 3.3%
    Emmanuel Ogbah: 3.3%
    Vernon Butler: 2.2%
    Total votes: 181

    Greg D: I couldn’t name a single receiver for the Vikings last year. To be fair, I am a Ravens fan, and I could only name one of their receivers (who wasn’t injured last year). But to that point, this pick is WR, edge to Doctson. I would give Teddy Bridewater and whichever WR they take about a year to really mesh together though. That being said M. Alexander and E.Apple still shouldn’t be on the board at this point, so they both would make for interesting options. Same with E. Ogbah.

    Kevi A: Why are the best players on the board not available for voting? Alexander and Spence are extremely legitimate options here. BPA. I went Billings. I think people are blindly voting for positions rather than actually looking at the talents.

  8. Cincinnati Bengals: Corey Coleman, WR, Baylor
    Corey Coleman: 51.7%
    Vernon Butler: 12.2%
    Robert Nkemdiche: 9.0%
    Emmanuel Ogbah: 8.6%
    Noah Spence: 7.8%
    Kevin Dodd: 6.3%
    Keanu Neal: 4.7%
    Total votes: 255

    Bryon E: Interesting choices of questionable characters, who always seem to be a Bengal option. Nkemdiche and Spence would follow suit with the likes of Burfict and the Pacman Jones’s of the league. I chose edge rusher Spence over WR. I look for the Gals to add a Buckeye in 2nd, Thomas or Miller, or even Marshal later on.

    Arthur M: WR is the definite neccessity here, not to far ahead of neccessity #2, which is replacing the Basket-cases behind the DL with either Keannu Neal or Ragland if he were available.

    Burke G: Spence or Dodd would be interesting possible selections here but I think Coleman still being available will be too hard to pass up for Cincy. He’s in that group of the top receivers in the draft and I think they definitely snag him if he’s sitting there. If he’s gone along with Treadwell,Doctson and Fuller then I actually think the bengals will trade down for more picks.

    Christopher F: Andy Dalton lost Mohammed Sanu and Marvin Jones in free agency. Do you really think Branden LaFell is the answer? AJ Green needs a WR on the other side. With Will Fuller gone, give the Bengals a speed receiver in Corey Coleman to help draw double-teams off AJ Green. Can you imagine AJ Green and Coleman on the outsides and Tyler Eifert tearing apart the middle?

    Jeff D: Neither Mohammed Sanu nor Marvin Jones developed into the number 2 WR that the Bengals had hoped for, so the Bengals were going to be looking for an early round WR no matter what. While they probably would have liked to bring one back as number 3, I’m sure they had a big laugh when hearing about the dollars being thrown at them before politely saying goodbye and good luck. Doctson is the best fit for the Vikings offense and makes sense at 23, but Coleman is the better fit for the Bengals and probably the better player overall. If Treadwell and Coleman are gone, they probably look elsewhere, but in this scenario they get one of the guys they want.

  9. Pittsburgh Steelers: Eli Apple, CB, Ohio State
    Eli Apple: 32.8%
    William Jackson: 31.7%
    Mackensie Alexander: 18.8%
    Vernon Butler: 8.4%
    Keanu Neal: 6.6%
    Jonathan Bullard: 1.7%
    Total votes: 287

    Bryon E: In Never Never Land where we are allowed to pretend certain guys will still be on the radar the pick here will be Apple. He will not last past pick 16 at the latest, but this is the Steelers who have this kind of luck in the 1st round it seems every year. He has been invited to attend the shindig in Chicago and we all know they love them some Buckeyes!

    Jim M: Walt screwed up not making Billings avaialable at this juncture. I would have selected him based on his pass rush abilities and the need for DL. Without Billings the pick becomes Butler who has a high celing. I expect the Steelers to go front 7 in the first and wait on DB until later which has been their MO the last few years.

    David H: To quote a square from a classic 80s game show, the Steelers pick boils down to “pick a corner.” They cannot press their luck any more in that positional group. Jackson’s been touted to go earlier than this so I’ve picked him, but it’ll come down to their board.

    Thomas B: We say this every year with the steelers on needing a CB and they never do it. They are a shutdown corner away from making it to the super bowl and getting a player like alexander can do just that. College teams were afraid to throw to him and the nfl will realize that too.

    Thomas M: The Steelers are yet again pretty lucky as another underrated prospect falls to them. Vernon Butler is a stud in the middle and they let McClendon go in free agency which leaves a void in the middle and Butler will be a force on the nose something black and yellow have been lacking since Casey Hampton. A corner like Alexander is also an option here being that I cant name a single secondary player on the steelers roster but they are not known for drafting corners so its highly unlikely unless the organization wants to shock the world.

  10. Seattle Seahawks: Germain Ifedi, OT/G, Texas A&M
    Germain Ifedi: 23.0%
    Robert Nkemdiche: 18.6%
    Jason Spriggs: 18.0%
    Kevin Dodd: 13.7%
    Vernon Butler: 12.0%
    Emmanuel Ogbah: 10.4%
    Jonathan Bullard: 4.4%
    Total votes: 183

    Bryon E: The O line is the area of greatest concern but consider these 2 items, Seatle will trade out as they have not had a #1 pick in forever, and Pete Carrol never does what a conventional coach would execute. That said I chose Spriggs but it very well could be QB with Cowboy? name on ticket.

    Jim M: Seahawks go value pick and select Kevin Dodd.

  11. Green Bay Packers: Vernon Butler, DT, Louisiana Tech
    Vernon Butler: 37.0%
    Noah Spence: 15.3%
    Kevin Dodd: 12.7%
    Kenny Clark: 9.0%
    William Jackson: 7.8%
    ‘ Hunter Henry: 5.8%
    Jonathan Bullard: 5.8%
    Mackensie Alexander: 4.2%
    Kendall Fuller: 1.6%
    Keanu Neal: 0.5%
    Total votes: 189

    David H: Lots of options here that have no business falling to 27, but for me the best are Bullard and Dodd as they can be movable pieces on the D. Dodd, who has somehow gone under the radar after three sacks in the national championship game, has the size (277 pounds before entering an NFL weight room) to play as a penetrating five-tech along the lines of Cameron Jordan, but could also be an edge-setting player on early downs. That combination helps move Clay Matthews around, too, and the Packers should ideally be looking to do right by him with this pick. Unfortunately, the guys who can move him back to a full-time edge role are going to be off the board; do not be surprised to see them take Jaylon Smith at some point in the hope he can be that guy in 2017.

    Arthur M: The Pack definately need to fill that huge hole in the DL with a guy like Butler. Furthermore I believe they should dangle their next years’ 1st also, either here or earlier to aquire another big stud in this deep draft.

    David H: Lots of options here that have no business falling to 27, but for me the best are Bullard and Dodd as they can be movable pieces on the D. Dodd, who has somehow gone under the radar after three sacks in the national championship game, has the size (277 pounds before entering an NFL weight room) to play as a penetrating five-tech along the lines of Cameron Jordan, but could also be an edge-setting player on early downs. That combination helps move Clay Matthews around, too, and the Packers should ideally be looking to do right by him with this pick. Unfortunately, the guys who can move him back to a full-time edge role are going to be off the board; do not be surprised to see them take Jaylon Smith at some point in the hope he can be that guy in 2017.

    Chris S: Mock draft have Andrew Billings going as high as 15, yet he’s not listed here. The Packers need a true nose tackle since Letroy Guion is more of a 5-tech. Vernon Butler is the best choice here given, though Jared Cook should not prevent them considering Hunter Henry

    Christopher F: If the draft fell like this (it won’t), would the Packers trade back with a team that wants Paxton Lynch or Connor Cook? A big need is ILB, but Lee and Ragland are off the board. Even trading back they can probably pick up an OLB that could replace Julius Peppers or the TE Hunter Henry to help stretch the field for Aaron Rogers.

  12. Kansas City Chiefs: William Jackson, CB, Houston
    William Jackson: 36.9%
    Mackensie Alexander: 14.0%
    ‘ Cody Whitehair: 10.8%
    Kevin Dodd: 11.4%
    Kenny Clark: 9.0%
    Jonathan Bullard: 7.6%
    Kendall Fuller: 1.3%
    Total votes: 157

    David H: Dogs bite men. Popes are Catholic. Andy Reid drafts linemen. Whitehair looks to be a reach here after his bench press failure at the Combine, but the tape doesn’t match that, so he’d still be a worthy addition to the line. Mackenzie Alexander is also in play – Marcus Peters needs a new partner, and like the former Huskies CB, Alexander is a high-end talent who’s fallen out of concerns over whether he’ll be a locker room disruption. I can also absolutely see a trade down, as the Chiefs are a pick short this year and someone looking for Cook or Lynch on the five-year contract is going to have to leap Arizona to be sure of getting him.

  13. Arizona Cardinals: Ryan Kelly, C, Alabama
    Ryan Kelly: 25.4%
    Kevin Dodd: 22.5%
    Noah Spence: 14.8%
    Keanu Neal: 10.6%
    Chris Jones: 7.0%
    Cody Whitehair: 4.9%
    Andrew Billings: 4.9%
    Mackensie Alexander: 4.2%
    Kendall Fuller: 2.8%
    Jonathan Bullard: 2.1%
    Vonn Bell: 0.7%
    Total votes: 142

    Andrew C: If Ryan Kelly is not the pick it won’t be surprising, but I’ll certainly be disappointing. The Cardinals have spent the offseason doing a terrific job of upgrading every aspect of the team. I could see Keanu Neal or Vonn Bell being the pick, but if the Cardinals want to capitalize on this amazing team, getting a young, talented center should be the top priority.

    Bryon E: Noah Spence is a QB predator. Arians is a very smart guy. Learning from the Super Bowl defensing really good offenses starts with pressure. Cam out of comfort zone appeared human. In Spence you create this concept and if any other front offices are really paying attention he should not be available.

  14. Carolina Panthers: Mackensie Alexander, CB, Clemson
    Mackensie Alexander: 34.2%
    Kevin Dodd: 14.3%
    Kendall Fuller: 9.3%
    Emmanuel Ogbah: 9.3%
    Derrick Henry: 8.1%
    Jason Spriggs: 8.1%
    Su’a Cravens: 5.0%
    Noah Spence: 3.7%
    Cody Whitehair: 3.7%
    Keanu Neal: 3.1%
    Vonn Bell: 1.2%
    Total votes: 162

    Kevin A: I know there will be surprises come draft night, but Alexander or Spence being available at 31 would be dream-come-true scenarios for the Panthers. Both should be off the board close to 15 spots earlier

    Bryon E: Reviewing the Super Bowl tape is all you need. Cam, NFL most valuable, running for his life until Miller has him so dazed and confused he finishes the game and press conference in the Twilight Zone. Not only do they need to keep him upright but at least a 2 count would be nice. CB will be popular but at pk #30 I dont see Norman replacement. Wasn’t he a 5th rounder?

    Andrew C: After Josh Norman’s release nothing the Panthers do could surprise me in the draft. It’s no secret Norman was the cornerstone of the secondary, but really anyone could do the job he did with that ferocious front seven. I’m going with Keanu Neal simply because I think Brandon Boykin has the confidence in the front office to replace Josh Norman. At this point, they have to find someone to step in for the grey haired Roman Harper and Neal certainly could be that guy.

    Andrew B: Replacing Josh Norman is going to be important for this team.

  15. Denver Broncos:

    Vote for whom you think the Broncos will take No. 31 overall in the 2016 NFL Draft (assuming no trades) and post in the comment board below. If the voting is a landslide, I may end the voting early and post the next pick. Follow @walterfootball to stay updated.

  16. 2016 NFL Mock Draft

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2013 NFL Mock Draft (UPDATED 4/25): Round 1 /Picks 17-32 /Round 2 /Round 3 /Round 4 /Round 5 /Round 6 /Round 7
2013 NFL Mock Re-Draft (UPDATED 4/27): Walt Round 4 /Walt Round 5 /Charlie Round 4 /Charlie Round 5 /Walt Round 2 /Walt Round 3 /Charlie Round 2 /Charlie Round 3
Other 2013 Mock Drafts: Charlie Campbell (4/25) /GM Mock (4/21) /Charlie's Trade Mock (4/20) /Goals (4/19) /Rapid Reader Mock (4/18) /Emmitt Mock (4/14) /Not Mock (4/13) /Pick History (4/5) /Backward Mock (4/4) /April Fools Mock (4/1) /Reader Mock /Free Agent Mock (3/7) /Archived 2013 NFL Mock Drafts
2014 NFL Mock Draft (UPDATE 5/8): Round 1 /Picks 17-32 /Round 2 /Round 3 /Round 4 /Round 5 /Round 6 /Round 7
2014 NFL Mock Re-Draft (UPDATED 5/10): Walt Round 4 /Walt Round 5 /Charlie Round 4 /Charlie Round 5 /Walt Round 2 /Walt Round 3 /Charlie Round 2 /Charlie Round 3
Other 2014 Mock Drafts: Charlie Campbell (5/8) /Goals (5/3) /Not Mock (4/27) /Emmitt Mock (4/20) /Trades Mock (4/13) /Celebrity Mock (4/11) /Backward Mock (4/4) /April Fools Mock (4/1) /Reader Mock /Free Agent Mock (3/6) /Overreaction Mock (12/30)
2015 NFL Mock Draft (UPDATED 4/30): Round 1 /Picks 17-32 /Round 2 /Round 3 /Round 4 /Round 5 /Round 6 /Round 7
2015 NFL Mock Re-Draft (UPDATED 5/2): Walt Round 4 /Walt Round 5 /Charlie Round 4 /Charlie Round 5 /Walt Round 2 /Walt Round 3 /Charlie Round 2 /Charlie Round 3
Other 2015 Mock Drafts: Charlie Campbell (4/30) /Goals (4/25) /Not Mock (4/19) /Emmitt Mock (4/17) /Trades Mock (4/12) /Celebrity Mock (4/10) /Backward Mock (4/3) /April Fools Mock (4/1) /Free Agent Mock (3/5) /Overreaction Mock (12/29)
2016 NFL Mock Draft (UPDATED 4/28): Round 1 /Picks 17-32 /Round 2 /Round 3 /Round 4 /Round 5 /Round 6 /Round 7
2016 NFL Mock Re-Draft (UPDATED 4/30): Walt Round 4 /Walt Round 5 /Charlie Round 4 /Charlie Round 5 /Walt Round 2 /Walt Round 3 /Charlie Round 2 /Charlie Round 3
Other 2016 Mock Drafts: Charlie Campbell (4/28) /Combo (5/8) /Goals (4/23) /Not Mock (4/22) /Emmitt Mock (4/17) /Trades Mock (4/16) /Celebrity Mock (4/10) /Backward Mock (4/7) /April Fools Mock (4/1) /Reader Mock /Free Agent Mock (3/6) /Overreaction Mock (1/4)
2017 NFL Mock Draft (UPDATED 4/27): Round 1 /Picks 17-32 /Round 2 /Round 3 /Round 4 /Round 5 /Round 6 /Round 7
2017 NFL Mock Re-Draft (UPDATED 4/29): Walt Round 4 /Walt Round 5 /Charlie Round 4 /Charlie Round 5 /Walt Round 2 /Walt Round 3 /Charlie Round 2 /Charlie Round 3
Other 2017 Mock Drafts: Charlie Campbell (4/27) /Combo (5/7) /Goals (4/22) /Not Mock (4/21) /Emmitt Mock (4/16) /Backward Mock (4/9) /Celebrity Mock (4/7) /April Fools Mock (4/1) /Reader Mock /Free Agent Mock (3/7) /Overreaction Mock (1/2)
2018 NFL Mock Draft (UPDATED 4/26): Round 1 /Picks 17-32 /Round 2 /Round 3 /Round 4 /Round 5 /Round 6 /Round 7
2018 NFL Mock Re-Draft (UPDATED 4/28): Walt Round 4 /Walt Round 5 /Charlie Round 4 /Charlie Round 5 /Walt Round 2 /Walt Round 3 /Charlie Round 2 /Charlie Round 3
Other 2018 Mock Drafts: Charlie Campbell (4/26) /Combo (5/6) /Goals (4/21) /Not Mock (4/20) /Emmitt Mock (4/15) /Trades Mock (4/13) /Backward Mock (4/8) /April Fools Mock (4/1) /Reader Mock /Free Agent Mock (3/11) /Senior Bowl (1/27)
2019 NFL Mock Draft (UPDATED 4/25): Round 1 /Picks 17-32 /Round 2 /Round 3 /Round 4 /Round 5 /Round 6 /Round 7
2019 NFL Mock Re-Draft (UPDATED 4/27): Walt Round 4 /Walt Round 5 /Charlie Round 4 /Charlie Round 5 /Walt Round 2 /Walt Round 3 /Charlie Round 2 /Charlie Round 3
Other 2019 Mock Drafts: Charlie Campbell (4/25) /Combo (5/5) /Goals (4/20) /Not Mock (4/18) /Witten Mock (4/14) /Trades Mock (4/12) /Emmitt Mock (4/7) /Backward Mock (4/5) /April Fools Mock (4/1) /Free Agent Mock (3/10) /Senior Bowl Mock (1/26) /Video Mock (1/8) /Overreaction Mock (12/31)
2020 NFL Mock Draft (UPDATED 4/23): Round 1 /Picks 17-32 /Round 2 /Round 3 /Round 4 /Round 5 /Round 6 /Round 7
2020 NFL Mock Re-Draft (UPDATED 4/25): Walt Round 4 /Walt Round 5 /Charlie Round 4 /Charlie Round 5 /Walt Round 2 /Walt Round 3 /Charlie Round 2 /Charlie Round 3
Other 2020 Mock Drafts: Charlie Campbell (4/23) /Combo (5/3) /Goals (4/18) /Emmitt Mock (4/12) /Trades Mock (4/8) /Backward Mock (4/5) /April Fools Mock (4/1) /Free Agent Mock (3/16) /Corey Long (3/13) /Senior Bowl Mock (1/27) /Overreaction Mock (12/30)
2021 NFL Mock Draft (UPDATED 4/29): Round 1 /Picks 17-32 /Round 2 /Round 3 /Round 4 /Round 5 /Round 6 /Round 7
2021 NFL Mock Re-Draft (UPDATED 5/1): Walt Round 4 /Walt Round 5 /Charlie Round 4 /Charlie Round 5 /Walt Round 2 /Walt Round 3 /Charlie Round 2 /Charlie Round 3
Other 2021 Mock Drafts: Charlie Campbell (5/17) /Goals (4/23) /Backward Mock (4/18) /Emmitt Mock (4/11) /April Fools Mock (4/1) /Senior Bowl Mock (1/30) /Overreaction Mock (1/4)
2022 NFL Mock Draft (UPDATED 4/28): Round 1 /Picks 17-32 /Round 2 /Round 3 /Round 4 /Round 5 /Round 6 /Round 7
2022 NFL Mock Re-Draft (UPDATED 4/30): Walt Round 4 /Walt Round 5 /Charlie Round 4 /Charlie Round 5 /Walt Round 2 /Walt Round 3 /Charlie Round 2 /Charlie Round 3
Other 2022 Mock Drafts: Charlie Campbell (4/28) /Goals (4/22) /Backward Mock (4/20) /Emmitt Mock (4/15) /April Fools Mock (4/1) /Senior Bowl Mock (2/5) /Overreaction Mock (1/10)
2023 NFL Mock Draft (UPDATED 4/27): Round 1 /Picks 17-32 /Round 2 /Round 3 /Round 4 /Round 5 /Round 6 /Round 7
2023 NFL Mock Re-Draft (UPDATED 4/29): Walt Round 4 /Walt Round 5 /Charlie Round 4 /Charlie Round 5 /Walt Round 2 /Walt Round 3 /Charlie Round 2 /Charlie Round 3
Other 2023 Mock Drafts: Charlie Campbell (4/27) /Backward Mock (4/19) /April Fools Mock (4/1) /Senior Bowl Mock (2/4) /Overreaction Mock (1/9)
2024 NFL Mock Draft (UPDATED 4/25): Round 1 /Picks 17-32 /Round 2 /Round 3 /Round 4 /Round 5 /Round 6
Other 2024 Mock Drafts: Charlie Campbell (4/25) /April Fools Mock (3/31)
2025 NFL Mock Draft (UPDATED 7/23): Round 1 /Picks 17-32 /Round 2
Other 2025 Mock Drafts: Charlie Campbell (7/22)
2026 NFL Mock Draft (UPDATED 7/24): Round 1 /Picks 17-32
Other 2026 Mock Drafts: Charlie Campbell (7/17)
2018 NFL Draft Re-Mock / 2017 NFL Draft Re-Mock / 2016 NFL Draft Re-Mock / 2015 NFL Draft Re-Mock / 2014 NFL Draft Re-Mock / 2013 NFL Draft Re-Mock / 2012 NFL Draft Re-Mock / 2011 NFL Draft Re-Mock / 2010 NFL Draft Re-Mock / 2009 NFL Draft Re-Mock / 2008 NFL Draft Re-Mock / 2007 NFL Draft Re-Mock / 2006 NFL Draft Re-Mock / 2005 NFL Draft Re-Mock / 2004 NFL Draft Re-Mock / 2003 NFL Draft Re-Mock / 2002 NFL Draft Re-Mock