* – Wildcard berth
Tampa Bay finishes ahead of Philadelphia because of conference record.
San Francisco finishes ahead of Green Bay because of strength of schedule.
San Francisco finishes ahead of Los Angeles because of head-to-head matchups.
Los Angeles finishes ahead of Detroit because of conference record.
San Angeles finishes ahead of Cincinnati because of strength of schedule.
Kansas City finishes ahead of Baltimore because of strength of schedule.
NFC East |
Record |
NFC North |
Record |
NFC South |
Record |
NFC West |
Record |
12-5 |
11-6 |
12-5 |
11-6 |
8-9 |
11-6 |
10-7 |
11-6 |
6-11 |
8-9 |
7-10 |
6-11 |
5-12 |
1-16 |
2-15 |
3-14 |
AFC East |
Record |
AFC North |
Record |
AFC South |
Record |
AFC West |
Record |
14-3 |
13-4 |
10-7 |
13-4 |
10-7 |
11-6 |
9-8 |
12-5 |
8-9 |
9-8 |
5-12 |
11-6 |
3-14 |
8-9 |
2-15 |
10-7 |
2022 NFL Regular Season Results
Home team in CAPS
These were used to determine my projected records above when I compiled my 2022 NFL Season Previews individually.
Week 1:
Thursday, Sept. 8
RAMS 28, Bills 27
Sunday, Sept. 11
49ers 34, BEARS 13
BENGALS 26, Steelers 20
Chiefs 30, CARDINALS 23
CHARGERS 27, Raiders 24
Patriots 23, DOLPHINS 20
Buccaneers 30, COWBOYS 27
Saints 20, FALCONS 17
Ravens 31, JETS 13
Eagles 30, LIONS 28
PANTHERS 23, Browns 20
Jaguars 20, REDSKINS 17
Colts 26, TEXANS 16
TITANS 23, Giants 20
VIKINGS 27, Packers 24
Monday, Sept. 12
Broncos 31, SEAHAWKS 17
Week 2:
Thursday, Sept. 15
Chargers 30, CHIEFS 27
Sunday, Sept. 18
49ERS 27, Seahawks 20
BRONCOS 27, Texans 3
BROWNS 31, Jets 17
Bengals 30, COWBOYS 27
Panthers 20, GIANTS 17
JAGUARS 20, Colts 17
LIONS 26, Redskins 20
PACKERS 38, Bears 10
RAIDERS 26, Cardinals 23
RAMS 38, Falcons 7
Dolphins 27, RAVENS 24
Buccaneers 20, SAINTS 17
STEELERS 16, Patriots 13
Monday, Sept. 19
BILLS 27, Titans 13
EAGLES 31, Vikings 24
Week 3:
Thursday, Sept. 22
Steelers 23, BROWNS 20
Sunday, Sept. 25
Texans 20, BEARS 17
BRONCOS 26, 49ers 23
BUCCANEERS 31, Packers 28
Rams 34, CARDINALS 26
CHARGERS 34, Jaguars 10
Chiefs 34, COLTS 20
DOLPHINS 30, Bills 27
Bengals 31, JETS 13
PANTHERS 26, Saints 23
Ravens 23, PATRIOTS 20
REDSKINS 23, Eagles 20
SEAHAWKS 13, Falcons 10
Raiders 23, TITANS 17
Lions 27, VIKINGS 24
Monday, Sept. 26
Cowboys 27, GIANTS 24
Week 4:
Thursday, Sept. 29
BENGALS 27, Dolphins 24
Sunday, Oct. 2
Chiefs 30, BUCCANEERS 27
Titans 24, COLTS 21
Redskins 27, COWBOYS 24
EAGLES 34, Jaguars 13
Browns 38, FALCONS 17
GIANTS 23, Bears 20
LIONS 30, Seahawks 20
PACKERS 26, Patriots 23
PANTHERS 26, Cardinals 20
RAIDERS 20, Broncos 17
Bills 30, RAVENS 27
SAINTS 26, Vikings 23
STEELERS 14, Jets 10
Chargers 30, TEXANS 10
Monday, Oct. 3
49ERS 31, Rams 24
Week 5:
Thursday, Oct. 6
BRONCOS 27, Colts 23
Sunday, Oct. 9
BILLS 30, Steelers 17
BROWNS 23, Chargers 20
BUCCANEERS 48, Falcons 21
CARDINALS 26, Eagles 23
Texans 23, JAGUARS 20
Dolphins 31, JETS 24
PACKERS 31, Giants 23
49ers 27, PANTHERS 24
PATRIOTS 17, Lions 13
RAMS 34, Cowboys 24
Bengals 34, RAVENS 31
Titans 13, REDSKINS 10
SAINTS 16, Seahawks 6
VIKINGS 26, Bears 20
Monday, Oct. 10
CHIEFS 34, Raiders 24
Week 6:
Thursday, Oct. 13
Redskins 20, BEARS 13
Sunday, Oct. 16
BROWNS 27, Patriots 17
Bills 38, CHIEFS 35
COLTS 27, Jaguars 24
Vikings 31, DOLPHINS 28
EAGLES 30, Cowboys 27
49ers 38, FALCONS 10
Ravens 28, GIANTS 27
PACKERS 34, Jets 16
RAMS 31, Panthers 27
Bengals 28, SAINTS 20
Cardinals 34, SEAHAWKS 17
STEELERS 20, Buccaneers 17
Monday, Oct. 17
CHARGERS 23, Broncos 20
Week 7:
Thursday, Oct. 20
Saints 20, CARDINALS 17
Sunday, Oct. 23
49ERS 31, Chiefs 24
BENGALS 45, Falcons 10
BRONCOS 34, Jets 20
CHARGERS 31, Seahawks 13
COWBOYS 33, Lions 30
Steelers 23, DOLPHINS 20
JAGUARS 16, Giants 13
Buccaneers 31, PANTHERS 23
RAIDERS 34, Texans 17
Browns 34, RAVENS 20
REDSKINS 28, Packers 27
Colts 21, TITANS 20
Monday, Oct. 24
PATRIOTS 24, Bears 16
Week 8:
Thursday, Oct. 27
BUCCANEERS 27, Ravens 17
Sunday, Oct. 30
BILLS 34, Packers 30
COLTS 27, Redskins 17
COWBOYS 31, Bears 24
EAGLES 24, Steelers 20
Panthers 27, FALCONS 17
Broncos 38, JAGUARS 13
Patriots 26, JETS 6
Dolphins 31, LIONS 30
49ers 27, RAMS 24
Raiders 20, SAINTS 16
Giants 20, SEAHAWKS 12
Titans 31, TEXANS 3
Cardinals 33, VIKINGS 30
Monday, Oct. 31
BROWNS 31, Bengals 28
Week 9:
Thursday, Nov. 3
Eagles 34, TEXANS 17
Sunday, Nov. 6
Dolphins 34, BEARS 17
BENGALS 31, Panthers 17
BUCCANEERS 35, Rams 24
Seahawks 24, CARDINALS 23
CHIEFS 27, Titans 17
Chargers 48, FALCONS 10
Raiders 34, JAGUARS 20
Bills 38, JETS 14
LIONS 30, Packers 27
PATRIOTS 20, Colts 17
Vikings 27, REDSKINS 24
Monday, Nov. 7
Ravens 23, SAINTS 20
Week 10:
Thursday, Nov. 10
PANTHERS 34, Falcons 17
Sunday, Nov. 13
Chargers 27, 49ERS 24
Lions 30, BEARS 23
BILLS 38, Vikings 31
BUCCANEERS 48, Seahawks 13
CHIEFS 38, Jaguars 17
DOLPHINS 34, Browns 31
GIANTS 20, Texans 19
Cowboys 30, PACKERS 27
RAIDERS 20, Colts 17
RAMS 38, Cardinals 27
STEELERS 17, Saints 16
Broncos 27, TITANS 20
Monday, Nov. 14
EAGLES 31, Redskins 21
Week 11:
Thursday, Nov. 17
PACKERS 26, Titans 9
Sunday, Nov. 20
BILLS 38, Browns 31
BRONCOS 23, Raiders 20
CHARGERS 34, Chiefs 33
Eagles 24, COLTS 20
Bears 23, FALCONS 17
Lions 23, GIANTS 20
RAVENS 24, Panthers 23
PATRIOTS 31, Jets 10
Rams 24, SAINTS 23
Bengals 24, STEELERS 17
Redskins 24, TEXANS 20
VIKINGS 34, Cowboys 27
Monday, Nov. 21
CARDINALS 27, 49ers 24
Week 12:
Happy Thanksgiving!
Bills 38, LIONS 35
Giants 24, COWBOYS 23
Patriots 26, VIKINGS 23
Sunday, Nov. 27
Saints 20, 49ERS 17
Buccaneers 34, BROWNS 20
Chargers 30, CARDINALS 23
CHIEFS 24, Rams 20
DOLPHINS 30, Texans 23
Packers 34, EAGLES 27
Ravens 30, JAGUARS 13
JETS 28, Bears 24
Broncos 34, PANTHERS 17
Falcons 20, REDSKINS 17
Raiders 38, SEAHAWKS 17
Bengals 27, TITANS 24
Monday, Nov. 28
COLTS 16, Steelers 10
Week 13:
Thursday, Dec. 1
Bills 31, PATRIOTS 24
Sunday, Dec. 4
49ERS 31, Dolphins 28
Packers 44, BEARS 13
BENGALS 37, Chiefs 34
Colts 23, COWBOYS 20
Titans 13, EAGLES 10
FALCONS 16, Steelers 13
GIANTS 21, Redskins 20
LIONS 31, Jaguars 20
Chargers 27, RAIDERS 24
RAMS 38, Seahawks 3
RAVENS 33, Broncos 30
Browns 49, TEXANS 14
VIKINGS 33, Jets 27
Monday, Dec. 5
Saints 20, BUCCANEERS 17
Week 14:
Thursday, Dec. 8
RAMS 34, Raiders 27
Sunday, Dec. 11
Buccaneers 31, 49ERS 27
BENGALS 34, Browns 31
BILLS 36, Jets 19
Chiefs 17, BRONCOS 16
CHARGERS 26, Dolphins 20
COWBOYS 26, Texans 16
Eagles 23, GIANTS 20
LIONS 34, Vikings 26
Panthers 23, SEAHAWKS 10
STEELERS 23, Ravens 20
Jaguars 17, TITANS 16
Monday, Dec. 12
Patriots 20, CARDINALS 17
Week 15:
Thursday, Dec. 15
49ers 26, SEAHAWKS 16
Sunday, Dec. 18
Eagles 38, BEARS 20
BILLS 41, Dolphins 24
BRONCOS 31, Cardinals 24
Ravens 27, BROWNS 24
Bengals 30, BUCCANEERS 27
Titans 27, CHARGERS 24
Cowboys 27, JAGUARS 24
Lions 31, JETS 27
PANTHERS 16, Steelers 13
RAIDERS 24, Patriots 17
REDSKINS 17, Giants 10
SAINTS 27, Falcons 24
Chiefs 52, TEXANS 14
Colts 30, VIKINGS 27
Monday, Dec. 19
PACKERS 23, Rams 17
Week 16:
Thursday, Dec. 22
JETS 20, Jaguars 17
Saturday, Dec. 24
49ERS 23, Redskins 20
Bills 52, BEARS 17
BROWNS 27, Saints 17
CHIEFS 44, Seahawks 13
COWBOYS 24, Eagles 23
Lions 30, PANTHERS 27
PATRIOTS 23, Bengals 20
RAVENS 33, Falcons 6
Raiders 13, STEELERS 10
TITANS 24, Texans 6
VIKINGS 27, Giants 24
Merry Christmas!
Buccaneers 34, CARDINALS 24
Packers 30, DOLPHINS 24
RAMS 27, Broncos 24
Monday, Dec. 26
COLTS 28, Chargers 24
Week 17:
Thursday, Dec. 29
TITANS 20, Cowboys 17
Sunday, Jan. 1
Panthers 30, BUCCANEERS 27
CHARGERS 27, Rams 24
Broncos 23, CHIEFS 20
EAGLES 24, Saints 16
Cardinals 31, FALCONS 14
Colts 23, GIANTS 13
LIONS 28, Bears 27
PACKERS 38, Vikings 24
Dolphins 28, PATRIOTS 27
49ers 26, RAIDERS 24
RAVENS 23, Steelers 20
Browns 30, REDSKINS 23
SEAHAWKS 23, Jets 20
Jaguars 20, TEXANS 17
Monday, Jan. 2
Bills 35, BENGALS 34
Week 18:
Sunday, Jan. 8
Cardinals 20, 49ERS 17
Vikings 23, BEARS 20
Ravens 33, BENGALS 16
Patriots 23, BILLS 17
BRONCOS 23, Chargers 20
COLTS 34, Texans 17
Jets 21, DOLPHINS 20
EAGLES 16, Giants 13
Buccaneers 34, FALCONS 17
Titans 23, JAGUARS 13
PACKERS 30, Lions 24
Chiefs 34, RAIDERS 24
Cowboys 26, REDSKINS 20
Panthers 23, SAINTS 17
Rams 37, SEAHAWKS 6
STEELERS 17, Browns 10
2022 NFL Playoff Predictions – Wildcard Round

7. Carolina Panthers (10-7) at 2. Philadelphia Eagles (12-5)
The Panthers have strengthened their roster by trading for Baker Mayfield and adding lots of talent to their offensive line. They still figure to struggle against the run, however, so that will crush them in this matchup.
Eagles 27, Panthers 17

6. Detroit Lions (11-6) at 3. San Francisco 49ers (11-6)
What was written about the Panthers can pretty much be said of the Lions. Detroit has made some terrific moves this spring to legitimize it as a playoff contender. However, the team’s run defense still figures to be a liability, which bodes very poorly against the 49ers.
49ers 31, Lions 20

5. Los Angeles Rams (11-6) at 4. Green Bay Packers (11-6)
The Packers dismantled the Rams in Lambeau last year, and the same thing could happen in this playoff rematch. Green Bay’s excellent secondary will be able to slow down Matthew Stafford, who will be wishing that he still had Andrew Whitworth protecting his blindside versus the Green Bay edge rush.
Packers 27, Rams 20

7. Baltimore Ravens (11-6) at 2. San Angeles Chargers (13-4)
The Ravens, in this scenario, are the best No. 7 NFL playoff seed of all time. Of course, that’s not saying much because there’s such a limited history. The AFC is stacked this year, however, and Baltimore has a legitimate chance to win the Super Bowl. This matchup is not very good for them, however, as the Chargers’ elite offensive line has a great advantage versus Baltimore’s mediocre pass rush.
Chargers 34, Ravens 27

6. Kansas City Chiefs (11-6) at 3. Cincinnati Bengals (13-4)
The Bengals had the Chiefs’ number last year, and there’s no reason for that to change this season, especially with the Chiefs now without Tyreek Hill. Also, unless George Karlaftis is a stud right away, the Chiefs will have a diminished pass rush compared to last year, which bodes poorly against Cincinnati’s suddenly stellar offensive line.
Bengals 38, Chiefs 35

5. Denver Broncos (12-5) at 4. Indianapolis Colts (10-7)
The Broncos are a much better team than the Colts, who won the AFC’s worst division by far. Russell Wilson won’t have much of an issue against the Colts and their worst-ranked pass rush from 2021.
Broncos 31, Colts 17
2022 NFL Playoff Predictions – Divisional Round

4. Green Bay Packers (11-6) at 1. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (12-5)
The Buccaneers swept the Packers in 2020 as they made their way toward their Super Bowl victory. They even won in Lambeau. Why would things suddenly change with Davante Adams gone, especially when this latest battle is in Tampa Bay?
Buccaneers 34, Packers 31

3. San Francisco 49ers (11-6) at 2. Philadelphia Eagles (12-5)
While the 49ers have had Green Bay’s number in recent years, the Eagles have fared very well versus the 49ers. They upset San Francisco in 2020 despite having tons of injuries, and they were beating the 49ers at home in Week 2 this past season until Brandon Graham suffered an injury. This Eagles roster is much better than the 2021 version, as the two shutdown cornerbacks will make life very difficult for San Francisco’s first-year starting quarterback.
Eagles 27, 49ers 21

5. Denver Broncos (12-5) at 1. Buffalo Bills (14-3)
These two AFC divisional-round games could easily be Super Bowl matchups if one of the teams were in the other conference. That’s how good the AFC is this year. The Broncos are an excellent team with Russell Wilson, but the Bills are on another level. They’ve improved their offensive line, and they’ll be getting Tre’Davious White back from injury. His presence will be huge in this contest, but the biggest difference will be the Von Miller-led pass rush versus Denver’s offensive line.
Bills 38, Broncos 27

3. Cincinnati Bengals (13-4) at 2. San Angeles Chargers (13-4)
The Chargers’ lacking homefield advantage will be painful here, as there will be more Cincinnati fans in the stands than Charger supporters. Both of these teams are amazing, and either could prevail in what figures to be a close game. When it comes down to it, Joe Burrow’s ability to be clutch will be the deciding factor.
Bengals 37, Chargers 36
2022 NFL Playoff Predictions – Championship Sunday

2. Philadelphia Eagles (12-5) at 1. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (12-5)
The Eagles will throw much more often this year, which doesn’t automatically disqualify them from winning this matchup, like it did last year. That is huge because Philadelphia’s defense matches up well versus the Buccaneers and their diminished receiving corps. Antonio Brown and Rob Gronkowski are gone, while Chris Godwin is coming off a torn ACL. It’ll be difficult for the Buccaneers to move the chains on Philadelphia, which could definitely pull the upset. Eagles 26, Buccaneers 24

3. Cincinnati Bengals (13-4) at 1. Buffalo Bills (14-3)
This is the real Super Bowl, as the Bills and Bengals are the two best teams in the NFL this year. It’s extremely difficult to pick a winner in this matchup, with both teams stacked on offense and the front seven. The difference is the secondary. The Bengals used two early selections on defensive backs, but it’s not clear how effective they’ll be as rookies. Conversely, Tre’Davious White will be able to shut down one of Cincinnati’s receivers. This could be enough to make the difference, but either team could easily win this game.
Bills 37, Bengals 34
2022 NFL Playoff Predictions – Super Bowl LVII at Arizona

Philadelphia Eagles (12-5) vs. Buffalo Bills (14-3)
The Eagles have a great roster, but they’re outmatched against the Bills. Philadelphia’s two great cornerbacks can slow down Stefon Diggs and Gabriel Davis, but what about Jamison Crowder, Dawson Knox, Devin Singletary and James Cook? Oh, and then there’s Josh Allen’s scrambling ability, which could make all the difference against Philadelphia’s linebacking corps. The Eagles may be able to establish the run in this game, especially if the Bills show up with the attitude that they can just prevail easily because they emerged from the much tougher conference. However, if the Bills take Philadelphia seriously, they shouldn’t have issues winning their first Super Bowl.
Bills 34, Eagles 26
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