2024 NFL Playoff and Super Bowl LIX Predictions

Patrick Mahomes
2024 NFL Regular Season Standings
* – Wildcard berth
Dallas finishes ahead of Chicago because of conference record.

San Francisco finishes ahead of Detroit because of strength of victory.

San Francisco finishes ahead of Los Angeles because of head-to-head results.

Kansas City finishes behind Cincinnati and Houston because of head-to-head results.

Cincinnati finishes ahead of Houston because of conference record.

New York Jets finish ahead of Buffalo because of divisional record.

AFC tie-breakers at 10-7 in order due to conference record and strength of victory: Jacksonville, Miami, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Baltimore, Las Vegas.

NFC East
NFC North
NFC South
NFC West

AFC East
AFC North
AFC South
AFC West

2024 NFL Regular Season Results
Home team in CAPS

These were used to determine my projected records above when I compiled my 2024 NFL Season Previews individually.

Week 1:
Thursday, Sept. 5
CHIEFS 23, Ravens 20
Friday, Sept. 6
Eagles 34, Packers 27

Sunday, Sept. 8
BEARS 19, Titans 17
BENGALS 23, Patriots 20
Cardinals 27, BILLS 24
BROWNS 20, Cowboys 17
Redskins 27, BUCCANEERS 24
Raiders 20, CHARGERS 17
COLTS 24, Texans 23
DOLPHINS 37, Jaguars 21
Steelers 20, FALCONS 17
Vikings 27, GIANTS 24
LIONS 30, Rams 27
Panthers 23, SAINTS 22
SEAHAWKS 24, Broncos 21

Monday, Sept. 9
49ERS 27, Jets 16

Week 2:
Thursday, Sept. 12
DOLPHINS 27, Bills 24

Sunday, Sept. 15
Steelers 27, BRONCOS 13
Rams 38, CARDINALS 24
Bengals 27, CHIEFS 24
COWBOYS 38, Saints 24
JAGUARS 28, Browns 21
LIONS 34, Buccaneers 31
PACKERS 27, Colts 23
Chargers 30, PANTHERS 23
Seahawks 20, PATRIOTS 17
RAVENS 24, Raiders 21
Giants 19, REDSKINS 17
TEXANS 31, Bears 24
Jets 23, TITANS 17
49ers 34, VIKINGS 31

Monday, Sept. 16
EAGLES 30, Falcons 23

Week 3:
Thursday, Sept. 19
JETS 27, Patriots 3

Sunday, Sept. 22
BROWNS 24, Giants 3
BUCCANEERS 28, Broncos 27
Lions 38, CARDINALS 31
COLTS 26, Bears 20
Ravens 31, COWBOYS 28
Chiefs 27, FALCONS 21
RAIDERS 26, Panthers 6
49ers 27, RAMS 24
Eagles 36, SAINTS 23
Dolphins 34, SEAHAWKS 23
Chargers 23, STEELERS 20
Packers 27, TITANS 24
Texans 34, VIKINGS 17

Monday, Sept. 23
Redskins 24, BENGALS 23
BILLS 34, Jaguars 24

Week 4:
Thursday, Sept. 26
Cowboys 34, GIANTS 13

Sunday, Sept. 29
49ERS 30, Patriots 3
Rams 27, BEARS 24
Eagles 38, BUCCANEERS 24
Redskins 30, CARDINALS 27
Chiefs 28, CHARGERS 24
COLTS 24, Steelers 20
FALCONS 28, Saints 27
JETS 30, Broncos 10
PACKERS 27, Vikings 24
Bengals 38, PANTHERS 17
Browns 17, RAIDERS 16
Bills 28, RAVENS 27
TEXANS 33, Jaguars 27

Monday, Sept. 30
DOLPHINS 26, Titans 20
LIONS 33, Seahawks 30

Week 5:
Thursday, Oct. 3
FALCONS 34, Buccaneers 24

Sunday, Oct. 6
Cardinals 29, 49ERS 28
BEARS 23, Panthers 17
BENGALS 23, Ravens 20
Raiders 20, BRONCOS 7
JAGUARS 27, Colts 23
Dolphins 23, PATRIOTS 16
RAMS 30, Packers 23
Browns 26, REDSKINS 13
SEAHAWKS 20, Giants 17
STEELERS 23, Cowboys 20
TEXANS 38, Bills 31
Jets 24, Vikings 10

Monday, Oct. 7
CHIEFS 31, Saints 17

Week 6:
Thursday, Oct. 10
49ers 38, SEAHAWKS 17

Sunday, Oct. 13
Jaguars 27, BEARS 20
BRONCOS 20, Chargers 17
Lions 38, COWBOYS 27
EAGLES 24, Browns 16
Bengals 28, GIANTS 10
PACKERS 30, Cardinals 24
Falcons 26, PANTHERS 16
Texans 26, PATRIOTS 16
RAIDERS 17, Steelers 10
RAVENS 24, Redskins 20
Buccaneers 27, SAINTS 24
Colts 23, TITANS 17

Monday, Oct. 14
JETS 20, Bills 17

Week 7:
Thursday, Oct. 17
Broncos 24, SAINTS 17

Sunday, Oct. 20
Chiefs 27, 49ERS 26
Titans 19, BILLS 17
BROWNS 28, Bengals 17
Dolphins 38, COLTS 27
Seahawks 28, FALCONS 24
Eagles 38, GIANTS 10
JAGUARS 44, Patriots 10
PACKERS 28, Texans 27
RAMS 27, Raiders 24
REDSKINS 24, Panthers 21
STEELERS 17, Jets 16
Lions 41, VIKINGS 24

Monday, Oct. 21
Ravens 38, BUCCANEERS 17
Chargers 34, CARDINALS 31

Week 8:
Thursday, Oct. 24
RAMS 34, Vikings 17

Sunday, Oct. 27
49ERS 45, Cowboys 17
Eagles 34, BENGALS 31
Panthers 21, BRONCOS 20
BROWNS 23, Ravens 22
BUCCANEERS 28, Falcons 26
Saints 30, CHARGERS 27
DOLPHINS 41, Cardinals 24
JAGUARS 31, Packers 24
LIONS 28, Titans 27
Jets 17, PATRIOTS 16
Chiefs 23, RAIDERS 13
REDSKINS 31, Bears 24
Bills 38, SEAHAWKS 31
Colts 24, TEXANS 23

Monday, Oct. 28
STEELERS 24, Giants 23

Week 9:
Thursday, Oct. 31
JETS 23, Texans 20

Sunday, Nov. 3
BENGALS 31, Raiders 17
BILLS 31, Dolphins 24
Chargers 28, BROWNS 24
Bears 26, CARDINALS 20
Cowboys 31, FALCONS 27
Redskins 23, GIANTS 20
EAGLES 38, Jaguars 27
Lions 32, PACKERS 29
PANTHERS 20, Saints 17
RAVENS 34, Broncos 13
Rams 30, SEAHAWKS 17
Patriots 16, TITANS 13
Colts 31, VIKINGS 17

Monday, Nov. 4
CHIEFS 38, Buccaneers 17

Week 10:
Thursday, Nov. 7
RAVENS 26, Bengals 20

Sunday, Nov. 10
BEARS 23, Patriots 13
49ers 44, BUCCANEERS 17
Jets 23, CARDINALS 16
Titans 27, CHARGERS 24
CHIEFS 31, Broncos 7
Bills 34, COLTS 24
COWBOYS 27, Eagles 24
JAGUARS 35, Vikings 24
Giants 10, PANTHERS 7
Steelers 23, REDSKINS 16
Falcons 26, SAINTS 24
TEXANS 31, Lions 27

Monday, Nov. 11
RAMS 38, Dolphins 34

Week 11:
Thursday, Nov. 14
EAGLES 41, Redskins 14

Sunday, Nov. 17
49ERS 30, Seahawks 21
Packers 31, BEARS 17
BILLS 31, Chiefs 24
Falcons 33, BRONCOS 16
Bengals 38, CHARGERS 31
Raiders 24, DOLPHINS 23
Colts 20, JETS 16
LIONS 41, Jaguars 24
Rams 26, PATRIOTS 16
Browns 24, SAINTS 10
STEELERS 20, Ravens 17
Vikings 20, TITANS 17

Monday, Nov. 18
Texans 38, COWBOYS 31

Week 12:
Thursday, Nov. 21
BROWNS 23, Steelers 17

Sunday, Nov. 24
BEARS 27, Vikings 20
Lions 27, COLTS 24
Patriots 26, DOLPHINS 23
Buccaneers 26, GIANTS 16
PACKERS 31, 49ers 24
Chiefs 34, PANTHERS 10
RAIDERS 20, Broncos 3
RAMS 28, Eagles 21
Cowboys 27, REDSKINS 26
Cardinals 27, SEAHAWKS 21
TEXANS 27, Titans 17

Monday, Nov. 25
Ravens 27, CHARGERS 24

Week 13:
Happy Thanksgiving!
COWBOYS 31, Giants 28
LIONS 34, Bears 17
Dolphins 36, PACKERS 20

Friday, Nov. 29
Raiders 17, CHIEFS 16

Sunday, Dec. 1
Steelers 27, BENGALS 24
BILLS 24, 49ers 23
FALCONS 29, Chargers 27
JAGUARS 24, Texans 20
JETS 23, Seahawks 20
PANTHERS 19, Buccaneers 17
Colts 19, PATRIOTS 13
Eagles 27, RAVENS 23
Titans 24, REDSKINS 20
SAINTS 26, Rams 20
VIKINGS 28, Cardinals 27

Monday, Dec. 2
Browns 23, BRONCOS 6

Week 14:
Thursday, Dec. 5
Packers 29, LIONS 28

Sunday, Dec. 8
Bears 27, 49ERS 24
Raiders 28, BUCCANEERS 17
Seahawks 24, CARDINALS 20
CHIEFS 27, Chargers 24
DOLPHINS 24, Jets 20
EAGLES 49, Panthers 17
GIANTS 23, Saints 17
Bills 38, RAMS 31
STEELERS 17, Browns 16
Jaguars 26, TITANS 20
Falcons 27, VIKINGS 24

Monday, Dec. 9
Bengals 38, COWBOYS 31

Week 15:
Thursday, Dec. 12
49ERS 31, Rams 24

Sunday, Dec. 15
Colts 34, BRONCOS 17
BROWNS 23, Chiefs 20
CARDINALS 21, Patriots 17
CHARGERS 31, Buccaneers 24
EAGLES 31, Steelers 25
Ravens 34, GIANTS 17
Jets 23, JAGUARS 20
Bills 34, LIONS 31
Cowboys 36, PANTHERS 19
SAINTS 23, Redskins 21
Packers 27, SEAHAWKS 24
TEXANS 31, Dolphins 24
Bengals 30, TITANS 24

Monday, Dec. 16
RAIDERS 24, Falcons 16
VIKINGS 26, Bears 23

Week 16:
Thursday, Dec. 19
BENGALS 16, Browns 10
Saturday, Dec. 21
Texans 26, CHIEFS 23
Sunday, Dec. 22
BEARS 24, Lions 16
BILLS 28, Patriots 20
CHARGERS 38, Broncos 17
Titans 23, COLTS 20
COWBOYS 27, Buccaneers 24
49ers 30, DOLPHINS 23
FALCONS 24, Giants 16
Rams 24, JETS 23
Cardinals 20, PANTHERS 17
Jaguars 23, RAIDERS 16
RAVENS 23, Steelers 20
REDSKINS 23, Eagles 22
Vikings 27, SEAHAWKS 20
Monday, Dec. 23
PACKERS 38, Saints 27

Week 17:
Merry Christmas!
Chiefs 34, STEELERS 17
TEXANS 24, Ravens 21
Thursday, Dec. 26
BEARS 20, Seahawks 17
Saturday, Dec. 28
Sunday, Dec, 29
BENGALS 31, Broncos 13
BILLS 20, Jets 17
Dolphins 29, BROWNS 20
BUCCANEERS 21, Panthers 14
EAGLES 38, Cowboys 31
Colts 33, GIANTS 13
Titans 27, JAGUARS 24
Chargers 20, PATRIOTS 10
RAMS 31, Cardinals 23
Falcons 27, REDSKINS 20
Raiders 24, SAINTS 20
Packers 34, VIKINGS 17

Monday, Dec. 30
49ERS 30, Lions 24

Week 18:
Sunday, Jan. 5
Chiefs 30, BRONCOS 17
Saints 23, BUCCANEERS 16
49ers 35, CARDINALS 24
Jaguars 23, COLTS 20
COWBOYS 34, Redskins 24
Giants 20, EAGLES 6
Panthers 27, FALCONS 24
JETS 17, Dolphins 13
LIONS 35, Vikings 17
Bears 26, PACKERS 23
PATRIOTS 20, Bills 17
Chargers 19, RAIDERS 16
RAMS 27, Seahawks 23
RAVENS 24, Browns 20
Bengals 30, STEELERS 24
Texans 27, TITANS 24

2024 NFL Playoff Predictions – Wildcard Round

7. Dallas Cowboys (9-8) at 2. San Francisco 49ers (12-5)
Anyone who has been paying attention to this one-sided rivalry knows how this game will go. The 49ers dominate the Cowboys, who can’t stop the run. Christian McCaffrey will rip through Dallas’ defense, as Mike McCarthy likely coaches his final game for Dallas.

49ers 30, Cowboys 17

6. Green Bay Packers (11-6) at 3. Detroit Lions (12-5)
The Packers marched into Detroit and dismantled the Lions last Thanksgiving. Could there be a repeat of that? Perhaps, but the Lions were likely unfocused after crushing Green Bay in the first meeting. The Lions have done enough to their secondary to help clamp down on Christian Watson. Meanwhile, Green Bay’s weakness versus the run could come back to haunt them.

Lions 34, Packers 24

5. Los Angeles Rams (12-5) at 4. Atlanta Falcons (9-8)
The Rams shouldn’t have much of a challenge in this game. The Falcons will be wishing they selected a dynamic pass rusher at No. 8 overall to help pressure Matthew Stafford. This will be a blowout.

Rams 34, Falcons 17

7. Miami Dolphins (10-7) at 2. Houston Texans (12-5)
The Dolphins at full strength can beat anyone. However, given how many key injuries they’ve suffered in recent years, it’s difficult to trust them to remain healthy. There’s a much better chance that the Texans are closer to 100 percent for this matchup. Besides, Jalen Ramsey is no longer the elite cornerback he once was, so it’s fair to wonder how the Dolphins will deal with all of Houston’s receivers.

Texans 31, Dolphins 23

6. Jacksonville Jaguars (10-7) at 3. Kansas City Chiefs (12-5)
It’s become an annual tradition for the Jaguars to run into the Chiefs buzzsaw and lose by double digits. There’s no reason to believe that this matchup will be any different, as the Jaguars haven’t fully fixed their primary problems.

Chiefs 34, Jaguars 24

5. Buffalo Bills (11-6) at 4. New York Jets (11-6)
Will Aaron Rodgers have the playoff run that was expected of him a year ago? If so, it begins here versus Buffalo. The Jets have had the Bills’ number in recent years. They’ve been known to frustrate Josh Allen for the most part, and Buffalo doesn’t run well enough to exploit the Jets’ only defensive weakness.

Jets 20, Bills 17

2024 NFL Playoff Predictions – Divisional Round

5. Los Angeles Rams (12-5) at 1. Philadelphia Eagles (13-4)
The Rams can beat anyone in their dome, but they won’t be playing in ideal conditions in Philadelphia. The Eagles also have the pass rush to overwhelm Matthew Stafford. The Rams will be yearning for the Aaron Donald days in this matchup, as they won’t be able to put a hand on Jalen Hurts or clamp down on Saquon Barkley.

Eagles 31, Rams 24

3. Detroit Lions (12-5) at 2. San Francisco 49ers (12-5)
The 49ers and Lions meet again. Detroit had a 17-point lead in the NFC Championship, but blew it. This time, the Lions will have a better chance to hold on to the lead, thanks to the additions of D.J. Reader and two talented rookie cornerbacks. San Francisco’s offensive line can’t totally be trusted against Detroit’s terrific pass rush.

Lions 31, 49ers 28

4. New York Jets (11-6) at 1. Cincinnati Bengals (12-5)
The Jets have one of the top pass defenses in the NFL, but will they be able to stop Joe Burrow and his talented receivers? The Bills couldn’t beat the Jets in the opening round of the playoffs because of their very questionable receiver situation, but Ja’Marr Chase and Tee Higgins should be able to crack through the Jets secondary. Plus, it’s more likely that New York will have more injuries than Cincinnati at this stage of the season.

Bengals 29, Jets 23

3. Kansas City Chiefs (12-5) at 2. Houston Texans (12-5)
The Chiefs have a stellar pass defense, but they’re not as strong against the run. The Texans have a trio of terrific receivers, but their ground attack is questionable with a declining Joe Mixon replacing Devon Singletary. Houston will have a chance to win this game if it can establish Mixon, but it’s more likely that Patrick Mahomes will get the best of the opposing young quarterback.

Chiefs 34, Texans 26

2024 NFL Playoff Predictions – Championship Sunday

3. Detroit Lions (12-5) at 1. Philadelphia Eagles (13-4)
The Lions will be better against the pass this year because of the great improvements the front office made this offseason. However, it’s going to be almost impossible for any team to contain the Eagles now that Saquon Barkley is on the roster. Meanwhile, Philadelphia’s defense has also made vast improvements. And if that’s not enough of a reason to pick Philadelphia, consider that Jared Goff will be playing in bad weather for the first time in the playoffs. The Lions were the pick over the Eagles in the NFC Championship in last year’s season previews, but the Eagles will prevail in the 2024 version.

Eagles 38, Lions 31

3. Kansas City Chiefs (12-5) at 1. Cincinnati Bengals (12-5)
The Ravens looked like a buzzsaw last year versus the Texans, but fell to the Chiefs in the AFC Championship because they couldn’t run the ball against them. Kansas City’s defensive weakness is stopping the run. The Bengals will not be able to exploit that, in all likelihood, with Zack Moss and Chase Brown. Joe Burrow will do everything in his power to keep this game close, but Patrick Mahomes will prevail versus Cincinnati for the second-consecutive AFC Championship meeting.

Chiefs 23, Bengals 20

2024 NFL Playoff Predictions – Super Bowl LIX at New Orleans

Philadelphia Eagles (13-4) vs. Kansas City Chiefs (12-5)
As stated earlier, the Chiefs’ liability is the run defense. The Jaguars, Texans and Bengals won’t be able to exploit that. Philadelphia wouldn’t have been able to do so a year ago either. However, things have changed. The Eagles signed Saquon Barkley, a dynamic threat who can push the team over the top. Kansas City will have its hands full with Barkley, which will prevent it from fully focusing on Jalen Hurts and his talented receivers. The Eagles, meanwhile, have one of the top pass rushes in the NFL, so they can give Patrick Mahomes fits, much like the Buccaneers did in the Super Bowl during the 2020 season.

Eagles 31, Chiefs 24

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