2010 NFL Draft Mailbag

NFL Draft Mailbag Notes: Note that the e-mails I received have been italicized and left mostly unedited. My responses follow them.


2010 NFL Draft E-mails – AFC West (Post Draft)

  • From Many Luke P:

    Will the Chiefs ever recover from the Scott Pioli era?

    Safety doesn’t make much of a difference, yet they draft Eric Berry.

    You need a quarterback who’s good, an offensive line, Receivers who can catch, and pass rushers. None of which KC has. Yet they’ve traded away Jared Allen (The next year they had an NFL record 8 sacks the entire year), the greatest tight end of all time (there’s now no go to guy when the blocking breaks down- which happens alot), cut the one of the best safeties in the NFL (we didn’t even trade him! We flat out released him! We got NOTHING for Pollard and now he’s dominating with the Texans), and released an 8-time pro bowler without even giving him a shot at playing (Zach Thomas)

    Last time the Chiefs were good- we had 2 HOF lineman, a pro-bowl QB, a great RB in Priest Holmes, the greatest return specialist ever, a young emerging defense, a great coach, a reliable kicker, ect ect. Granted, most of those guys got old or retired.. But there should have been a backup plan.

    Now we have….. A reliable kicker. Um…. a great backup running back in Thomas Jones, a great kick returner who we don’t even use as a kick returner (Jamaal Charles), a good punter…. The two tallest tight ends in the NFL…. Tamba Hali….. Ummm….a guy named Brodie (you get bonus points for having a cool name, right?)… Well, that’s just about it…

    Ten. That’s the number of games the Chiefs have won the past 2 years.

    –> I’m with you. Eric Berry will probably be a phenomenal player, but safeties don’t mean much if a team has no quarterback, offensive line or pass rush. It’s a shame Chiefs fans have to go through this – they’re a really loyal fan base that deserves better.

  • From Alex P:

    I heard Ryan Mathews has some durability issues? Are they serious? Also do you hate the Raiders? (being a Charger fan I hate the Raiders) but I just kinda find your jokes funny about the Raiders.

    –> I haven’t heard anything about Ryan Mathews having durability issues. Jahvid Best was the running back with durability concerns. If they Chargers were worried about that, they wouldn’t have moved up to 12 to get him.

    I don’t hate the Raiders. On the contrary, I miss the days when they were good because they play the role of the antagonist so well. I just make fun of them because they’re so inept. There’s a reason they keep going 5-11 or worse.

  • From Ross C:

    Has it occurred to you that thanks to Al Davis’s stupidity, we wont get to see any more of Al Davis’s stupidity for two more years? With the Seymour trade, Oakland doesn’t have a first round pick until 2012. I always counted on Al for a good Draft Day laugh, but now next years draft could be pretty boring.

    –> I know – it’s depressing. On the bright side, that’s one less inept team that can ruin our mock drafts.

  • From Ashraf H:

    I think your Millen grade for the Raiders on McClain was a little harsh. If you ask me though, the pick deserves a C. McClain is a top 10 talent, AND IS A TRUE FOOTBALL PLAYER! Not just a combine superstar that can’t catch the damn ball!

    –> You’re right – I moved it up to a D after thinking about it more. I’m not doubting McClain. He’s a very good prospect. But to take an inside linebacker at No. 8 is just horrific positional value. There’s a reason no inside linebacker has gone in the top 8 since the early 1990s. It’s as if the Raiders are still living in the 70s and 80s.

  • From Mike W:

    Sorry bulaga sucks. Baby t rex arms! As for the noodle arm comment on cassel..he has a way better arm than you do douche. If we had receivers that could catch it wouldnt be an issue. His arm is fine! Go cry in your black hole faider fan

    –> Thanks for the hilarious e-mail. I am definitely not a Raider fan; in fact, I receive more hate mail from Raiders fans than from anyone else. For proof go here. Matt Cassel definitely has a better arm than I do. But I’m not paid $63 million. For $63 million, Cassel should be able to make all of the throws.

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