* – Wildcard berth
San Francisco finishes ahead of Detroit because of conference record.
Minnesota finishes ahead of New York Giants because of conference record.
Buffalo finishes ahead of Kansas City because of head-to-head matchup.
New York Jets finish ahead of Pittsburgh because of strength of schedule.
Baltimore finishes ahead of Miami and Cleveland because of conference record.
NFC East |
Record |
NFC North |
Record |
NFC South |
Record |
NFC West |
Record |
13-4 |
12-5 |
8-9 |
12-5 |
10-7 |
9-8 |
7-10 |
8-9 |
9-8 |
8-9 |
6-11 |
5-12 |
5-12 |
7-10 |
2-15 |
1-16 |
AFC East |
Record |
AFC North |
Record |
AFC South |
Record |
AFC West |
Record |
13-4 |
14-3 |
10-7 |
13-4 |
12-5 |
12-5 |
6-11 |
10-7 |
11-6 |
11-6 |
6-11 |
8-9 |
5-12 |
11-6 |
6-11 |
2-15 |
2023 NFL Regular Season Results
Home team in CAPS
These were used to determine my projected records above when I compiled my 2023 NFL Season Previews individually.
Week 1:
Thursday, Sept. 7
CHIEFS 34, Lions 31
Sunday, Sept. 10
Packers 27, BEARS 24
BRONCOS 27, Raiders 22
BROWNS 27, Bengals 24
CHARGERS 30, Dolphins 27
Jaguars 27, COLTS 24
FALCONS 23, Panthers 20
GIANTS 28, Cowboys 27
Eagles 30, PATRIOTS 17
RAVENS 34, Texans 17
REDSKINS 26, Cardinals 20
Titans 19, SAINTS 17
Rams 27, SEAHAWKS 24
STEELERS 16, 49ers 13
VIKINGS 26, Buccaneers 20
Monday, Sept. 11
JETS 27, Bills 24
Week 2:
Thursday, Sept. 14
EAGLES 38, Vikings 27
Sunday, Sept. 17
BENGALS 30, Ravens 23
BILLS 41, Raiders 24
BRONCOS 24, Redskins 17
Bears 27, BUCCANEERS 20
Giants 34, CARDINALS 23
Jets 31, COWBOYS 28
FALCONS 27, Packers 20
JAGUARS 34, Chiefs 27
LIONS 38, Seahawks 27
PANTHERS 27, Saints 23
Dolphins 27, PATRIOTS 17
49ers 27, RAMS 20
TEXANS 23, Colts 20
Chargers 27, TITANS 24
Monday, Sept. 18
STEELERS 23, Browns 17
Week 3:
Thursday, Sept. 21
49ERS 27, Giants 20
Sunday, Sept. 24
Titans 22, BROWNS 20
Cowboys 38, CARDINALS 27
CHIEFS 41, Bears 24
DOLPHINS 30, Broncos 23
JAGUARS 28, Texans 17
JETS 24, Patriots 20
LIONS 38, Falcons 17
PACKERS 23, Saints 20
Steelers 27, RAIDERS 20
RAVENS 30, Colts 17
Bills 34, REDSKINS 24
SEAHAWKS 31, Panthers 24
Chargers 28, VIKINGS 27
Monday, Sept. 25
BENGALS 31, Rams 23
Eagles 34, BUCCANEERS 17
Week 4:
Thursday, Sept. 28
Sunday, Oct. 1
49ERS 31, Cardinals 3
BEARS 23, Broncos 20
Dolphins 35, BILLS 34
BROWNS 27, Ravens 24
CHARGERS 31, Raiders 24
Rams 27, COLTS 22
COWBOYS 23, Patriots 22
EAGLES 38, Redskins 17
JAGUARS 26, Falcons 24
Chiefs 38, JETS 31
PACKERS 27, Lions 24
Vikings 38, PANTHERS 31
SAINTS 26, Buccaneers 16
Steelers 23, TEXANS 16
Bengals 35, TITANS 24
Monday, Oct. 2
Seahawks 30, GIANTS 24
Week 5:
Thursday, Oct. 5
REDSKINS 27, Bears 26
Sunday, Oct. 8
Bills 38, Jaguars 31
Cowboys 24, 49ERS 20
Jets 27, BRONCOS 20
Bengals 52, CARDINALS 24
Titans 16, COLTS 15
DOLPHINS 38, Giants 27
Texans 23, FALCONS 20
LIONS 44, Panthers 24
PATRIOTS 17, Saints 13
Eagles 38, RAMS 24
STEELERS 20, Ravens 17
Chiefs 37, VIKINGS 30
Monday, Oct. 9
RAIDERS 28, Packers 24
Week 6:
Thursday, Oct. 12
CHIEFS 31, Broncos 17
Sunday, Oct. 15
BEARS 30, Vikings 27
BENGALS 31, Seahawks 28
Giants 38, BILLS 37
BROWNS 27, 49ers 24
Lions 41, BUCCANEERS 17
DOLPHINS 49, Panthers 24
Redskins 23, FALCONS 20
Colts 23, JAGUARS 20
JETS 27, Eagles 24
Patriots 26, RAIDERS 23
RAMS 31, Cardinals 17
Saints 24, TEXANS 23
Ravens 27, TITANS 22
Monday, Oct. 16
CHARGERS 27, Cowboys 24
Week 7:
Thursday, Oct. 19
SAINTS 30, Jaguars 27
Sunday, Oct. 22
BEARS 31, Raiders 28
BRONCOS 27, Packers 17
Falcons 23, BUCCANEERS 20
CHIEFS 27, Chargers 24
Browns 20, COLTS 17
EAGLES 30, Dolphins 27
Redskins 23, GIANTS 20
Bills 27, PATRIOTS 13
Steelers 26, RAMS 13
Lions 31, RAVENS 24
SEAHAWKS 44, Cardinals 14
Monday, Oct. 23
49ers 27, VIKINGS 24
Week 8:
Thursday, Oct. 26
BILLS 45, Buccaneers 17
Sunday, Oct. 29
BENGALS 30, 49ers 27
Chiefs 30, BRONCOS 17
Ravens 38, CARDINALS 14
CHARGERS 35, Bears 31
COLTS 24, Saints 23
COWBOYS 34, Rams 31
DOLPHINS 23, Patriots 20
Jets 30, GIANTS 23
Vikings 27, PACKERS 24
Texans 28, PANTHERS 27
Eagles 30, REDSKINS 23
Browns 31, SEAHAWKS 28
Jaguars 20, STEELERS 17
Falcons 18, TITANS 16
Monday, Oct. 30
LIONS 48, Raiders 24
Week 9:
Thursday, Nov. 2
STEELERS 19, Titans 17
Sunday, Nov. 5
Bills 27, BENGALS 24
Chiefs 26, Dolphins 20
BROWNS 23, Cardinals 13
EAGLES 38, Cowboys 31
Vikings 31, FALCONS 27
PACKERS 24, Rams 23
PANTHERS 28, Colts 20
PATRIOTS 24, Redskins 16
Giants 27, RAIDERS 24
RAVENS 44, Seahawks 41
SAINTS 28, Bears 27
Buccaneers 20, TEXANS 17
Monday, Nov. 6
Chargers 23, JETS 20
Week 10:
Thursday, Nov. 9
BEARS 31, Panthers 24
Sunday, Nov. 12
BENGALS 38, Texans 17
Titans 20, BUCCANEERS 13
Falcons 28, CARDINALS 24
COWBOYS 34, Giants 31
49ers 31, JAGUARS 28
Lions 34, CHARGERS 31
PATRIOTS 16, Colts 13
Jets 33, RAIDERS 17
RAVENS 30, Browns 20
SEAHAWKS 38, Redskins 31
STEELERS 24, Packers 14
VIKINGS 31, Saints 28
Monday, Nov. 13
BILLS 34, Broncos 24
Week 11:
Thursday, Nov. 16
RAVENS 23, Bengals 20
Sunday, Nov. 19
49ERS 31, Buccaneers 13
BILLS 30, Jets 24
BRONCOS 38, Vikings 31
BROWNS 16, Steelers 13
DOLPHINS 44, Raiders 17
JAGUARS 23, Titans 17
Bears 38, LIONS 35
Chargers 24, PACKERS 23
Cowboys 35, PANTHERS 31
Seahawks 27, RAMS 24
Giants 24, REDSKINS 23
TEXANS 30, Cardinals 27
Monday, Nov. 20
Eagles 34, CHIEFS 31
Week 12:
Happy Thanksgiving!
COWBOYS 34, Redskins 33
LIONS 41, Packers 24
SEAHAWKS 27, 49ers 24
Friday, Nov. 24
JETS 24, Dolphins 20
Sunday, Nov. 26
BENGALS 27, Steelers 17
BRONCOS 28, Browns 27
Rams 31, CARDINALS 23
Ravens 30, CHARGERS 24
COLTS 24, Buccaneers 17
EAGLES 38, Bills 36
Saints 30, FALCONS 27
GIANTS 23, Patriots 20
Chiefs 34, RAIDERS 17
Jaguars 28, TEXANS 20
Panthers 24, TITANS 22
Monday, Nov. 27
VIKINGS 34, Bears 30
Week 13:
Thursday, Nov. 30
COWBOYS 34, Seahawks 27
Sunday, Dec. 3
Panthers 23, BUCCANEERS 20
49ers 31, EAGLES 28
JETS 34, Falcons 17
Chiefs 30, PACKERS 10
PATRIOTS 20, Chargers 17
Browns 26, RAMS 23
Dolphins 31, REDSKINS 17
Lions 38, SAINTS 28
STEELERS 23, Cardinals 3
Broncos 30, TEXANS 24
Colts 18, TITANS 14
Monday, Dec. 4
Bengals 33, JAGUARS 27
Week 14:
Thursday, Dec. 7
STEELERS 16, Patriots 10
Sunday, Dec. 10
49ERS 34, Seahawks 24
Lions 49, BEARS 20
BENGALS 31, Colts 17
BROWNS 30, Jaguars 27
CHARGERS 23, Broncos 20
Bills 28, CHIEFS 27
COWBOYS 37, Eagles 34
FALCONS 21, Buccaneers 14
JETS 31, Texans 13
Vikings 31, RAIDERS 24
RAVENS 29, Rams 21
SAINTS 28, Panthers 24
Monday, Dec. 11
DOLPHINS 34, Titans 28
Packers 26, GIANTS 24
Week 15:
Thursday, Dec. 14
Chargers 27, RAIDERS 21
Sunday, Dec. 17
BENGALS 41, Vikings 24
BILLS 42, Cowboys 34
BROWNS 24, Bears 16
49ers 37, CARDINALS 17
Steelers 20, COLTS 10
DOLPHINS 28, Jets 27
JAGUARS 27, Ravens 24
LIONS 34, Broncos 24
PACKERS 24, Buccaneers 21
PANTHERS 24, Falcons 20
Redskins 20, RAMS 17
Giants 27, SAINTS 24
Eagles 41, SEAHAWKS 28
TITANS 23, Texans 22
Monday, Dec. 18
Chiefs 27, PATRIOTS 13
Week 16:
Thursday, Dec. 21
RAMS 23, Saints 20
Saturday, Dec. 23
Bengals 30, STEELERS 20
Sunday, Dec. 24
Cardinals 34, BEARS 31
BRONCOS 13, Patriots 10
Jaguars 26, BUCCANEERS 16
Bills 31, CHARGERS 27
DOLPHINS 31, Cowboys 26
FALCONS 20, Colts 17
JETS 31, Redskins 21
PANTHERS 30, Packers 23
TEXANS 27, Browns 24
Seahawks 33, TITANS 23
VIKINGS 32, Lions 29
Merry Christmas!
49ERS 24, Ravens 20
CHIEFS 43, Raiders 16
Giants 23, EAGLES 20
Week 17:
Thursday, Dec. 28
BROWNS 20, Jets 17
Saturday, Dec. 30
Lions 38, COWBOYS 31
Sunday, Dec, 31
BEARS 34, Falcons 31
BILLS 38, Patriots 24
BRONCOS 24, Chargers 23
BUCCANEERS 13, Saints 10
Bengals 30, CHIEFS 27
COLTS 28, Raiders 24
EAGLES 48, Cardinals 10
GIANTS 33, Rams 30
JAGUARS 27, Panthers 20
RAVENS 38, Dolphins 35
49ers 34, REDSKINS 21
Steelers 23, SEAHAWKS 16
TEXANS 21, Titans 20
Packers 28, VIKINGS 24
Monday, Jan. 1
Week 18:
Sunday, Jan. 7
49ERS 30, Rams 10
BENGALS 27, Browns 20
Seahawks 38, CARDINALS 27
Chiefs 30, CHARGERS 20
COLTS 27, Texans 24
Bills 34, DOLPHINS 24
Eagles 34, GIANTS 21
Vikings 34, LIONS 10
PACKERS 27, Bears 24
PANTHERS 27, Buccaneers 17
Jets 26, PATRIOTS 16
RAIDERS 29, Broncos 23
RAVENS 23, Steelers 20
Cowboys 30, REDSKINS 16
Falcons 30, SAINTS 24
TITANS 16, Jaguars 6
2023 NFL Playoff Predictions – Wildcard Round

7. New York Giants (9-8) at 2. San Francisco 49ers (12-5)
An elite offensive line is needed to negate the relentless pressure the 49ers are capable of producing. The Giants’ blocking unit is better than it has been in recent years, but it doesn’t seem good enough to take down the 49ers. The Giants’ receiving corps won’t be able to expose San Francisco’s cornerbacks either.
49ers 30, Giants 17

6. Minnesota Vikings (9-8) at 3. Detroit Lions (12-5)
The Lions match up extremely well against the Vikings, as evidenced by their near-sweep of Minnesota last year. Their receivers can easily expose Minnesota’s miserable secondary, while Detroit’s elite offensive line can negate the only strength of Minnesota’s defense, which is the pass rush.
Lions 34, Vikings 24

5. Dallas Cowboys (10-7) at 4. Atlanta Falcons (8-9)
The Cowboys get to beat up on another NFC South winner in the opening round of the playoffs. The Falcons have made some improvements this year, but it’s difficult to imagine Desmond Ridder winning his first ever playoff game against Dallas’ dominant pass rush. The Cowboys are also great against the run, so Bijan Robinson won’t do much.
Cowboys 31, Falcons 13

7. Baltimore Ravens (11-6) at 2. Buffalo Bills (13-4)
The Ravens, in this scenario, are the best No. 7 NFL playoff seed of all time. Of course, that’s not saying much because there’s such a limited history. The AFC is stacked this year, however, and Baltimore has a legitimate chance to win the Super Bowl. This matchup is not very good for them, however, as Buffalo’s pass rush with Von Miller will overwhelm Baltimore’s weakened offensive line.
Bills 27, Ravens 17

6. Pittsburgh Steelers (12-5) at 3. Kansas City Chiefs (13-4)
The Steelers ran into the Chiefs in the playoffs a couple of years ago, and it didn’t end well. History will repeat itself, as Kenny Pickett’s inexperience will prove costly in what needs to be a shootout victory over Patrick Mahomes.
Chiefs 34, Steelers 17

5. New York Jets (12-5) at 4. Jacksonville Jaguars (10-7)
Aaron Rodgers didn’t come to the Jets to lose to the Jaguars in the opening round of the playoffs. Jacksonville is the best team in the AFC South, but it has some major defensive liabilities that Rodgers will easily be able to exploit. Meanwhile, New York’s great secondary and pass rush will be able to limit Trevor Lawrence and his receivers.
Jets 34, Jaguars 26
2023 NFL Playoff Predictions – Divisional Round

5. Dallas Cowboys (10-7) at 1. Philadelphia Eagles (13-4)
The Cowboys and Eagles have the two best pass rushes in the NFL, but only one team has the offensive line to keep their quarterback safe. That would be the Eagles, who can limit Micah Parsons if everyone is healthy. Dallas, conversely, has aging left tackle Tyron Smith who has major trouble staying healthy. The quarterback kept cleaner wins this matchup.
Eagles 31, Cowboys 24

3. Detroit Lions (12-5) at 2. San Francisco 49ers (12-5)
The 49ers are very fortunate the Seahawks kept the Lions out of the playoffs last year, as Detroit had the tools to pull the upset as the No. 7 seed. That’s still the case, as Detroit’s elite offensive line can limit Nick Bosa and company. Meanwhile, the Lions’ receivers can expose the one weakness the 49ers have, which is their cornerbacks.
Lions 38, 49ers 34

5. New York Jets (12-5) at 1. Cincinnati Bengals (14-3)
The Jets have their great defense to give them a chance, but the Bengals are also excellent on the defensive side of the ball. Both teams can get after the quarterback extremely well, but only one of them doesn’t have question marks on their offensive line. If Mekhi Becton can finally live up to his potential, the Jets can shield Aaron Rodgers from Cincinnati’s stellar edge rush, but what are the odds of that happening?
Bengals 29, Jets 23

3. Kansas City Chiefs (13-4) at 2. Buffalo Bills (13-4)
The Bills built their roster to defeat the Chiefs. This has been evident in their previous three matchups against them, two of which have been victories, while the third was a loss because of an unlucky overtime coin toss. As long as Von Miller can play close to 100 percent by the end of the season, Buffalo should be able to defeat Kansas City once again.
Bills 38, Chiefs 34
2023 NFL Playoff Predictions – Championship Sunday

3. Detroit Lions (12-5) at 1. Philadelphia Eagles (13-4)
The Eagles had the most sacks in the NFL last year, yet they couldn’t get to Patrick Mahomes in the Super Bowl. The slippery field certainly played a factor, but Kansas City’s improved offensive line did a great job of protecting Mahomes. The Lions have an even better front, so they’ll be able to score on the Eagles. Philadelphia will be able to score as well, so this will be a shootout that could go either way. It really is a toss up, so the pick will be the underdog to have a bolder prediction, but Philadelphia could obviously make a return trip to the Super Bowl.
Lions 41, Eagles 38

3. Buffalo Bills (13-4) at 1. Cincinnati Bengals (14-3)
The Bills are built to beat the Chiefs, but not the Bengals. Cincinnati’s great offensive line will protect Joe Burrow, who had his way with Buffalo’s defense last year. It could be argued that the Bills have the weakest offensive line of the four teams in the championship games, so the Bengals will be the team to prevail in this matchup.
Bengals 34, Bills 26
2023 NFL Playoff Predictions – Super Bowl LVIII at Las Vegas

Detroit Lions (12-5) vs. Cincinnati Bengals (14-3)
The Bengals have been so close to winning the Super Bowl the past couple of years. They held a second-half lead against the Rams, and then nearly defeated the Chiefs in the AFC Championship last year. With Orlando Brown joining the roster, they finally have the great offensive line to protect Joe Burrow. This should allow Cincinnati to finally get over the hump and defeat any team that emerges from the NFC. In this case, it’s the Lions, who have a quarterback who once forgot his own snap count in a previous Super Bowl. Not that this would necessarily happen again, but Burrow has proven that he is one of the most clutch quarterbacks in the NFL, while Jared Goff has not.
Bengals 31, Lions 24
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