
2021 NFL Regular Season Standings
* – Wildcard berth
Los Angeles Rams finishes ahead of Arizona and San Francisco because of divisional record.
San Francisco finishes ahead of Arziona because of divisional record.

NFC East
NFC North
NFC South
NFC West

AFC East
AFC North
AFC South
AFC West

2021 NFL Regular Season Results
Home team in CAPS

These were used to determine my projected records above when I compiled my 2021 NFL Season Previews individually.

Week 1:
Thursday, Sept. 9
BUCCANEERS 38, Cowboys 24

Sunday, Sept. 12
Vikings 27, BENGALS 24
BILLS 31, Steelers 20
CHIEFS 34, Browns 17
COLTS 27, Seahawks 24
FALCONS 30, Eagles 27
Broncos 20, GIANTS 13
49ers 31, LIONS 10
PANTHERS 27, Jets 20
PATRIOTS 20, Dolphins 13
RAMS 24, Bears 16
REDSKINS 20, Chargers 17
Packers 30, SAINTS 24
Jaguars 23, TEXANS 13
Cardinals 34, TITANS 31

Monday, Sept. 13
Ravens 38, RAIDERS 17

Week 2:
Thursday, Sept. 16
REDSKINS 23, Giants 17

Sunday, Sept. 19
BEARS 20, Bengals 16
BROWNS 49, Texans 14
BUCCANEERS 33, Falcons 23
CARDINALS 28, Vikings 21
CHARGERS 38, Cowboys 27
Rams 31, COLTS 24
DOLPHINS 27, Bills 23
49ers 30, EAGLES 17
Broncos 24, JAGUARS 17
Patriots 24, JETS 10
PANTHERS 28, Saints 21
Chiefs 31, RAVENS 24
Titans 33, SEAHAWKS 30
STEELERS 34, Raiders 20

Monday, Sept. 20
PACKERS 41, Lions 20

Week 3:
Thursday, Sept. 23
Panthers 27, TEXANS 17

Sunday, Sept. 26
49ERS 27, Packers 24
BILLS 26, Redskins 16
BRONCOS 24, Jets 14
BROWNS 24, Bears 16
CHIEFS 34, Chargers 31
Ravens 52, LIONS 24
GIANTS 30, Falcons 26
Cardinals 38, JAGUARS 27
PATRIOTS 20, Saints 17
Dolphins 27, RAIDERS 24
Buccaneers 26, RAMS 23
Bengals 30, STEELERS 27
Colts 27, TITANS 24
VIKINGS 30, Seahawks 27

Monday, Sept. 27
COWBOYS 34, Eagles 30

Week 4:
Thursday, Sept. 30
BENGALS 27, Jaguars 24

Sunday, Oct. 3
Seahawks 23, 49ERS 16
BEARS 24, Lions 10
BILLS 48, Texans 3
BRONCOS 23, Ravens 20
COWBOYS 34, Panthers 31
Colts 23, DOLPHINS 20
Chiefs 48, EAGLES 20
Redskins 26, FALCONS 17
Titans 30, JETS 27
PACKERS 34, Steelers 24
Buccaneers 34, PATRIOTS 17
RAMS 27, Cardinals 20
Giants 27, SAINTS 24
Browns 30, VIKINGS 27

Monday, Oct. 4
CHARGERS 30, Raiders 23

Week 5:
Thursday, Oct. 7
Rams 27, SEAHAWKS 23

Sunday, Oct. 10
Packers 38, BENGALS 31
BUCCANEERS 23, Dolphins 13
CARDINALS 23, 49ers 20
CHARGERS 27, Browns 24
Bills 30, CHIEFS 27
COWBOYS 34, Giants 31
Jets 30, FALCONS 26
Titans 34, JAGUARS 31
PANTHERS 28, Eagles 20
RAIDERS 20, Bears 17
REDSKINS 16, Saints 6
Broncos 31, STEELERS 28
Patriots 19, TEXANS 0
VIKINGS 34, Lions 17

Monday, Oct. 11
RAVENS 20, Colts 17

Week 6:
Thursday, Oct. 14
Buccaneers 48, EAGLES 17

Sunday, Oct. 17
Packers 26, BEARS 20
BRONCOS 21, Raiders 13
Cardinals 26, BROWNS 24
COLTS 31, Texans 10
Rams 28, GIANTS 24
Dolphins 24, Jaguars 17
Bengals 30, LIONS 23
Vikings 34, PANTHERS 27
PATRIOTS 26, Cowboys 21
RAVENS 27, Chargers 24
Chiefs 23, REDSKINS 20
Seahawks 31, STEELERS 28

Monday, Oct. 18
Bills 38, TITANS 24

Week 7:
Thursday, Oct. 21
BROWNS 27, Broncos 24

Sunday, Oct. 24
49ERS 23, Colts 20
BUCCANEERS 27, Bears 13
CARDINALS 49, Texans 10
DOLPHINS 23, Falcons 20
GIANTS 26, Panthers 23
PACKERS 21, Redskins 20
Jets 16, PATRIOTS 13
RAIDERS 30, Eagles 23
RAMS 38, Lions 10
RAVENS 34, Bengals 17
Chiefs 41, TITANS 24

Monday, Oct. 25
SEAHAWKS 27, Saints 24

Week 8:
Thursday, Oct. 28
CARDINALS 34, Packers 31

Sunday, Oct. 31
BEARS 17, 49ers 16
BILLS 28, Dolphins 24
BRONCOS 20, Redskins 17
BROWNS 35, Steelers 28
CHARGERS 23, Patriots 16
Titans 30, COLTS 27
Panthers 31, FALCONS 28
Bengals 28, JETS 24
LIONS 24, Eagles 23
Buccaneers 34, SAINTS 23
SEAHAWKS 26, Jaguars 24
Rams 41, TEXANS 7
VIKINGS 34, Cowboys 27

Monday, Nov. 1
CHIEFS 38, Giants 27

Week 9:
Thursday, Nov. 4
COLTS 34, Jets 16

Sunday, Nov. 7
49ERS 26, Cardinals 23
Browns 34, BENGALS 30
CHIEFS 45, Packers 34
COWBOYS 24, Broncos 20
DOLPHINS 26, Texans 6
Chargers 38, EAGLES 24
GIANTS 24, Raiders 23
Bills 38, JAGUARS 17
PACKERS 34, Seahawks 31
Patriots 23, PANTHERS 20
RAMS 34, Titans 16
RAVENS 36, Vikings 24
SAINTS 31, Falcons 28

Monday, Nov. 8
STEELERS 23, Bears 20

Week 10:
Thursday, Nov. 11
DOLPHINS 23, Ravens 20

Sunday, Nov. 14
Eagles 20, BRONCOS 17
CARDINALS 28, Panthers 24
CHARGERS 31, Vikings 27
COLTS 26, Jaguars 18
COWBOYS 38, Falcons 34
Bills 30, JETS 17
Browns 23, PATRIOTS 17
Chiefs 55, RAIDERS 27
REDSKINS 16, Buccaneers 13
STEELERS 38, Lions 27
TITANS 31, Saints 30

Monday, Nov. 15
49ERS 27, Rams 20

Week 11:
Thursday, Nov. 18
Patriots 27, FALCONS 23

Sunday, Nov. 21
Ravens 20, BEARS 17
BILLS 27, Colts 20
BROWNS 42, Lions 17
CHARGERS 26, Steelers 24
CHIEFS 52, Cowboys 28
Saints 30, EAGLES 27
49ers 16, JAGUARS 13
JETS 20, Dolphins 17
Redskins 17, PANTHERS 7
RAIDERS 26, Bengals 23
Cardinals 28, SEAHAWKS 27
TITANS 38, Texans 17
Packers 31, VIKINGS 26

Monday, Nov. 22
BUCCANEERS 27, Giants 25

Week 12:
Happy Thanksgiving!
Raiders 34, COWBOYS 31
Bears 34, LIONS 20
Bills 41, SAINTS 17

Sunday, Nov. 28
49ERS 26, Vikings 23
BENGALS 30, Steelers 27
BRONCOS 38, Chargers 34
Buccaneers 27, COLTS 24
Panthers 24, DOLPHINS 20
Eagles 27, GIANTS 24
JAGUARS 30, Falcons 27
Rams 31, PACKERS 24
Titans 20, PATRIOTS 17
Browns 31, RAVENS 27
Jets 20, TEXANS 16

Monday, Nov. 29
Seahawks 27, REDSKINS 24

Week 13:
Thursday, Dec. 2
SAINTS 30, Cowboys 27

Sunday, Dec. 5
BEARS 20, Cardinals 17
Chargers 24, BENGALS 23
CHIEFS 38, Broncos 31
Giants 23, DOLPHINS 20
Buccaneers 30, FALCONS 27
Eagles 26, JETS 20
Vikings 38, LIONS 17
RAIDERS 20, Redskins 17
Jaguars 23, RAMS 20
SEAHAWKS 33, 49ers 17
STEELERS 23, Ravens 20
Colts 33, TEXANS 3

Monday, Dec. 6
BILLS 27, Patriots 24

Week 14:
Thursday, Dec. 9
VIKINGS 27, Steelers 23

Sunday, Dec. 12
49ers 24, BENGALS 17
BRONCOS 31, Lions 17
Ravens 34, BROWNS 31
BUCCANEERS 24, Bills 16
CHARGERS 31, Giants 24
CHIEFS 27, Raiders 24
Saints 29, JETS 23
PACKERS 20, Bears 17
PANTHERS 31, Falcons 24
Cowboys 24, REDSKINS 21
Seahawks 41, TEXANS 17
TITANS 31, Jaguars 28

Monday, Dec. 13
Rams 31, CARDINALS 23

Week 15:
Thursday, Dec. 16
Chiefs 31, CHARGERS 24

Sunday, Dec. 19
Falcons 26, 49ERS 23
Panthers 27, BILLS 26
Bengals 23, BRONCOS 20
BROWNS 34, Raiders 17
BUCCANEERS 42, Saints 21
COLTS 17, Patriots 13
DOLPHINS 27, Jets 17
GIANTS 30, Cowboys 26
JAGUARS 28, Texans 17
Cardinals 39, LIONS 20
RAMS 30, Seahawks 23
RAVENS 38, Packers 31
REDSKINS 27, Eagles 13
STEELERS 44, Titans 34

Monday, Dec. 20
BEARS 23, Vikings 20

Week 16:
Thursday, Dec. 23
49ers 31, TITANS 17
Merry Christmas!
Browns 37, PACKERS 30

Sunday, Dec. 26
BENGALS 30, Ravens 27
CARDINALS 27, Colts 24
CHIEFS 34, Steelers 20
Redskins 24, COWBOYS 17
Giants 34, EAGLES 27
FALCONS 41, Lions 24
Jaguars 31, JETS 24
Buccaneers 34, PANTHERS 17
Bills 31, PATRIOTS 17
RAIDERS 20, Broncos 16
SEAHAWKS 20, Bears 17
Chargers 41, TEXANS 13
Rams 34, VIKINGS 20

Monday, Dec. 27
Dolphins 23, SAINTS 17

Week 17:
Sunday, Jan. 2
49ERS 35, Texans 0
Chiefs 42, BENGALS 28
BILLS 49, Falcons 24
CHARGERS 23, Broncos 20
COLTS 27, Raiders 21
Cardinals 35, COWBOYS 31
Giants 20, BEARS 17
Buccaneers 38, JETS 24
PACKERS 31, Vikings 28
PATRIOTS 24, Jaguars 16
RAVENS 23, Rams 20
REDSKINS 26, Eagles 16
SAINTS 27, Panthers 24
SEAHAWKS 44, Lions 24
Dolphins 31, TITANS 24

Monday, Jan. 3
STEELERS 28, Browns 27

Week 18:
Sunday, Jan. 9
BILLS 20, Jets 17
Chiefs 20, BRONCOS 17
BROWNS 35, Bengals 31
Panthers 31, BUCCANEERS 13
Seahawks 27, CARDINALS 24
DOLPHINS 16, Patriots 9
EAGLES 27, Cowboys 24
FALCONS 30, Saints 27
Redskins 20, GIANTS 13
Colts 26, JAGUARS 23
Packers 30, LIONS 24
Chargers 26, RAIDERS 20
49ers 24, RAMS 16
RAVENS 26, Steelers 20
Titans 35, TEXANS 24
VIKINGS 20, Bears 17

2021 NFL Playoff Predictions – Wildcard Round

7. Seattle Seahawks (11-6) at 2. Los Angeles Rams (12-5)
The NFC West is a rock-paper-scissors division. The Rams are scissors, and the Seahawks are paper. Los Angeles has dominated this rivalry, as its terrific defensive line has put so much pressure on Russell Wilson. The Rams knocked the Seahawks out of the playoffs last year, and that is likely to happen again if they meet up this upcoming January.

Rams 27, Seahawks 20

6. Arizona Cardinals (12-5) at 3. Green Bay Packers (11-6)
Everyone will expect Aaron Rodgers to beat the “lowly” Cardinals in what could be his final playoff game. However, Arizona is better than Green Bay. J.J. Watt and Chandler Jones will dominate the trenches against a weakened Green Bay offensive line, while Kyler Murray will have his way with the Packers’ inept defense.

Cardinals 30, Packers 24

5. San Francisco 49ers (12-5) at 4. Washington Redskins (10-7)
The Redskins have a great defense, but so do the 49ers. This will be a close, low-scoring battle. In the end, Ryan Fitzpatrick is more trustworthy than Jimmy Garoppolo or a raw, rookie quarterback. Fitzpatrick wins his first-ever playoff appearance in a stunning upset.

Redskins 13, 49ers 10

7. Miami Dolphins (10-7) at 2. Buffalo Bills (14-3)
The Dolphins are a new entrant in this playoff simulation, thanks to Aaron Rodgers’ return to Green Bay knocking the Broncos out of the mix. Miami is a solid team, but it’s not quite ready to compete with a great Buffalo team that can reach the Super Bowl if it can somehow get past the Chiefs.

Bills 26, Dolphins 16

6. Baltimore Ravens (11-6) at 3. Cleveland Browns (12-5)
The Ravens swept the Browns in 2020, but things will be different this time. The Ravens lost some key players on both sides of the ball, while the Browns made some very crucial upgrades to their back seven. They’ll also have Odell Beckham Jr. back from injury.

Browns 27, Ravens 24

5. San Angeles Chargers (12-5) at 4. Indianapolis Colts (10-7)
It’s unclear how Carson Wentz will perform coming off the worst season of his career, by far. He’s expected to play better, but that’s no guarantee. That said, this is Justin Herbert’s maiden voyage into the playoffs, which could come with some growing pains against a solid defense.

Colts 26, Chargers 23

2021 NFL Playoff Predictions – Divisional Round

6. Arizona Cardinals (12-5) at 1. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (15-2)
The Cardinals are extremely underrated, and if the Buccaneers suffer numerous injuries, Arizona will become one of the favorites to represent the NFC in the Super Bowl. However, the Buccaneers are better than everyone else in the conference if everyone remains healthy. Their pass rush will frustrate Kyler Murray, while Tom Brady will exploit the weaknesses in Arizona’s defense.

Buccaneers 38, Cardinals 27

4. Washington Redskins (10-7) at 2. Los Angeles Rams (12-5)
Can the Fitzmagic continue? Unfortunately, no. The Redskins were able to grind out a victory over the 49ers at home, but beating the Rams in Los Angeles is a different animal. Matthew Stafford will overcome Washington’s dominant defense behind his stellar offensive line, as he reaches the NFC Championship for the first time in his career.

Rams 24, Redskins 10

4. Indianapolis Colts (10-7) at 1. Kansas City Chiefs (16-1)
Back in 2018, the Colts, a dome team, traveled to Kansas City for a divisional-round playoff battle, and they were completely destroyed. It was so brutal that a famous meme of Andrew Luck looking frozen to death was spawned across all social media platforms. This will be a repeat of that onslaught, as the Colts just don’t have the horses to compete with the Chiefs, especially when battling them outdoors in the wintry elements.

Chiefs 41, Colts 17

3. Cleveland Browns (12-5) at 2. Buffalo Bills (14-3)
This is nearly the matchup from last year’s AFC Championship, but the Chiefs held on to their lead against the Browns despite Patrick Mahomes’ injury. Buffalo couldn’t quite keep up with Kansas City, but it should be able to do so against Cleveland. The Bills boast a terrific defense that should be able to clamp down on Baker Mayfield and the rest of Cleveland’s offense. The Browns have a strong stop unit as well, but slowing down Josh Allen will be very difficult.

Bills 30, Browns 23

2021 NFL Playoff Predictions – Championship Sunday

2. Los Angeles Rams (12-5) at 1. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (15-2)
The Buccaneers and Rams are the two best teams in the NFC, and they’re meeting in the NFC Championship in this simulation. The Rams recently defeated the Buccaneers on Monday Night Football, which is something Tom Brady certainly has not forgotten. In that game, Donovan Smith suffered an injury, allowing the Rams to harass Brady the entire evening. That won’t be the case this time, as Brady will likely discover how to overcome the Rams’ terrific defense.

Buccaneers 27, Rams 24

2. Buffalo Bills (14-3) at 1. Kansas City Chiefs (16-1)
The Bills lost four consecutive Super Bowls in the early 90s, so hopefully they don’t lose four consecutive AFC Championships. Josh Allen is a great quarterback, and Buffalo has an outstanding roster, but this team could be like the Jazz or Pacers of the 90s; tremendous teams that never won a championship because one of the all-time greats stood in their way. The Bills really need to strengthen their pass rush to get by Patrick Mahomes. They’ve spent lots of draft capital on that area, but all of those players are inexperienced at the moment.

Chiefs 38, Bills 31

2021 NFL Playoff Predictions – Super Bowl LVI at Los Angeles

Kansas City Chiefs (16-1) vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (15-2)
This is a very boring Super Bowl prediction, but it seems to be the correct one. Bold predictions are often made in this space – Buccaneers over Chiefs was the pick last year – but these are the two best teams in the NFL, and they seem destined to have another matchup.

The Buccaneers crushed the Chiefs in the Super Bowl in Tampa last year, and that occurred because their tremendous pass rush hounded Patrick Mahomes all evening. Mahomes had no chance because he was under pressure on nearly every snap. Kansas City’s injury-ravaged offensive line couldn’t keep the Tampa defensive line out of the backfield.

Things will be much different this time. The Chiefs spent lots of energy beefing up their blocking. Mahomes will have more time in the pocket to do some damage. He’ll also be very motivated after being humiliated on a national stage the last time against the Buccaneers. This is why there’s a good chance Mahomes will avenge last year’s loss with a win in Los Angeles.

Chiefs 41, Buccaneers 38

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