2009 NBA Draft Blog – Paul Banks and David Kay

Written by Paul Banks of NBC Chicago and the Washington Times, and David Kay of the The Sports Bank.
Send Paul an e-mail here: paulb05 AT hotmail DOT com.
All other e-mail, including advertising and link proposals, send to: [email protected]

2009 NBA Draft Blog by Paul Banks and David Kay

Go here for Walt’s 2009 NBA Draft Blog.

5:28 (PMB) Welcome to our 2009 NBA Draft Live Blog. Dave and I will be commenting all night on every pick as it comes through, we request, no require that you add your commentary in the threads below. There will be also be added commentary from time to time by my ESPN.com buddy West Lamy, who accompanied me to the Chicago Bulls practice facility in beautiful Deerfield, IL. Yes, this blog will indeed be brought to you live from the HQ of the league’s most dynastic franchises. I’m excited! I know a lot of people are bummed out about Farah Fawcett’s death, and the critical condition that the King of Pop Michael Jackson is reported to be in. But let’s not let that spoil our fun. Happy Draft Day everyone!

5:46 (DK) I’m nervous Paul… like butterflies in my stomach nervous… I just want to beat ESPN’s Chad Ford. That’s all. We tied last year each picking nine right in the first round… this year something crazy is going to happen and one of us will be broke with our picks… BTW, I am setting an over/under of 25,000 words for this exchange.

5:59 (PMB) I might have to take the over on that! I’m a little nervous about it too, but Christmas is here. I don’t want to be too much of a buzzkill, so I’ll just post the link to Michael Jackson’s “Jam,” the video he did in ‘92 with the other MJ, Michael Jordan. Since it’s basketball related. Again, it’s too sad to really go in-depth on here, but I wanted to pay my respects….To move on to something more light hearted. Take this quiz of NBA Draft night suits.

6:03 (PMB) Everyone is familiar with Jo Noah’s “Dean of Clown College” ensemble from ‘07, but you’ll see plenty of other suits that look like they belong on one of the gangster villains in the early 90s live action “Dick Tracy” movie

6:11 (DK) Paul, why won’t Jay Bilas return my calls? He could be the blonde-haired guy to my Paul Rudd in “I Love You, Man”

6:15 (DK) Stuart Scott just put Anferne Hardaway in the same sentence as LeBron, Kobe, and D-Wade. Really??? Ok, gotta go anchor the 6:00 sports. See you for the start of the draft.

6:30 (PMB) Wow! that was a horrible “observation” like my opinion of Stu Scott could go any lower….I guess it just did. On the other side of the spectrum, Paul Schmidt made a keen insight below- Ricky Rubio is indeed the man you want to be right now. As Nate Dogg would say “gets more ass than a toliet seat”. BTW, West, who’s sitting across from me right now loves my 2 laptops going at the same time, just in case one fails. He said “I’m in the matrix”

6:33 (PMB) I think I might have to fire bomb both this place and the United Center tonight if the Bulls draft Tyler Hansbr…like Pete I can’t even stand to say his name. Ok, obviously, I’m joking about that. I’m not a terrorrist. but if you’re with Psycho T. then you truly are with the terrorists.


6:33 (DK) It’s go-time… Thank goodness David Stern mentioned that New York is the home of the Liberty.

6:36 (DK) If I could punch Stuart Scott in the face and not in trouble for it, I would totally do it… Why is it taking the Clippers so long to write Blake Griffin’s name down?

6:39 (DK) Like Q, I LOVE Rubio. Q just likes him because of his sweet hair though. The Griz will be kicking themselves in three years for drafting Thabeet over him.

6:44 (DK) Blake Griffin definitely got stuck with his mom’s looks…

6:48 (DK) Grizzlies are dumb. Kevin Durant is popping bottles of Cris like he’s Diddy right now since he’ll be playing alongside Ricky Rubio.

6:56 (PMB) First surprise of the night! Kings will likely get what they want. Kendall Gill in the house, other end of media table. Can he be “KG” as well? is there only one? Kings take Tyreke. Ricky Rubio’s stock falling like Brady Quinn in ‘07 NFL draft.

6:58 (DK) WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! James Harden… REALLY??? Kevin Durant just shattered the bottle of Cris over his head. The Kings just pee’d themselves a little bit… If I’m Minnesota I’m trying like hell to get to #4 and take Rubio… or what if Rubio falls to 5??? My head is spinning… and my mock is trashed!

6:59 (DK) LOVE Tyreke Evans… have been saying it all year… don’t love him on Sac-town though… I think Peter Christian is crying in realizing that the T-Wolves landed Rubio at 5!!!


7:05 (DK) HUH? Rubio AND Flynn??? Aren’t they both point guards?? One of them has to be getting traded… right? maybe?

7:23 (DK) Hey, Dell Curry and I share the same birthday. The Curry-Hill combo at 7 and 8 gets me back in the race vs. Chad Ford. Current count, Me: 3 Ford :4


7:27 (DK) DeRozan was pretty much a gimme.

7:32 (DK) Bucks last 2 first round picks: Yi Jianlian and Joe Alexander.

7:35 (DK) I don’t see the Jennings-Scott Skiles relationship going well. I think Fran Fraschilla jizzed his pants a little bit.

7:39 (DK) Bilas’ boy!!! I like T-Will a lot. Of course I do, he is from the Big East. By the way, Chad Ford is OWNING me right now. FORD: 7, ME: 4


7:45 (DK) Anyone from Duke who gets drafted seems like such an anti-climactic pick. Cue Dickie V. in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…

7:50 (PMB) THANK GOD THE BULLS WON’T GET HANSBROUGH. As much I hate to see him drafted this high, I’m so glad he wont be in Chicago…Hallelujah

7:53 (PMB) I guess my hate for Indiana teams…Colts, Hoosiers, ND, now the Pacers are very much a part of that too. I like the guy picked ahead of him a lot, Henderson simply because he once bloodied Psycho T.’s nose


Duke N Carolina Basketball

7:57 (PMB) cue the Bill Rafterryism Clark BARRRRRRRR! SEND IT IN!

7:59 (DK) I thought Jennings wasn’t in the “green room.” That was bizarre. Especially him praising the going overseas experiment. I would have set the odds at 1-1 that a “Clark Bar” reference would come about from Banks when Earl was pick. By the way, COMPTON!!!!

8:04 (DK) With Daye going to the Pistons, I will now prepare my speech conceding this race. Shocker, Dickie V. praising Hansbrough AND Curry… No way…

8:06 (DK) A Dickie V rant on proven college players is as predictable as Brett Favre retirement/un-retirement rumors every off-season.

8:06 (PMB) Straight outta Compton! Here we go Chicago…they’ll take the player in this draft most likely to win the Shawn Kemp award…for having the highest number of illegitimate children.

8:11 (DK) Steve Kerr pretty much just admitted Steve Nash and Amare are going to be traded. Let the bidding begin.

8:16 (DK) Don’t mistake Jrue Holiday for Dru Hill… If B.J. Mullens goes to the T-Wolves at 18, I wouldn’t want to be near Peter Christian.

8:21 (DK) I’m baffled. There has to be a trade coming. Right? Or is David Kahn truly Kevin McHale part 2. Ok, Lawson to Denver. I can calm down now.


8:25 (DK) HEY! Teague to Atlanta! I picked that! Ford is still embarrassing me though. I owe him an apology. Even though he updated his mock like 10 minutes before the draft started and my last update was at 4:00. Yes, that was an excuse.

8:30 (DK) Is it wrong that I am really happy B.J. Mullens is sliding?

8:31 (PMB) Jay Bilas said earlier “there’s not a lot of low post talent available in this draft” UNDERSTATEMENT of the century! if BJ Mullens is an actual 1st rd prospect

8:32 (PMB) They handed out sheets profiling James Johnson here. Love what it says under Personal: “Father is 7 time world champion kick boxer. Is middle child in family of nine children, six brothers and two sisters.”

8:34 (DK) I love when late first round picks come to the draft and walk out of the crowd onto the stage. Collison is a bit of a reach at 21.

8:37 (DK) That whole “Blair having no ACL thing” really did hurt his stock huh?


8:41 (DK) Fran Fraschilla is to foreign players what Dickie V. is to Duke/UNC/upperclassmen.

8:42 (DK) Shaq is great! How can people not like this guy?

8:43 (DK) “I came off the bench behind the great Stanley Roberts”- Shaq. GOLD JERRY, GOLD!

8:46 (DK) Seriously, is there any foreign player Fraschilla doesn’t love?


8:54 (DK) Bulls fans are relieved B.J. Mullens is off the board. DeJuan Blair?? Sam Young??

8:55 (PMB) Mullens� upside= Yinka Dare

8:58 (DK) Peter, I had Beaubois going 42 to Charlotte… so he was on my board. Gibson to the Bulls. Another post player. Can’t believe Blair is falling this far. WOW!

9:03 (PMB) Taj Gibson, Chicago takes two prospects to play the four? ARE YOU LISTENING TYRUS THOMAS?! Time to obtain an actual post move.

Blair’s stock is falling worse than General Motors…za-zing!

9:04 (PMB) They should have Shaq on again “I had a mental conversation with them” LOVE IT!

DaMarre Carroll! The man no journalists seemed interesting in talking to at Combine Media Day…He was nice though. good man

9:05 (PMB) This NBA Draft has convinced me where I need to go this summer on vacation….Spain!

9:08 (DK) Wayne Ellington would be a great fit with ‘Sota.

9:12 (DK) Hey, saved a little bit of face with that call. David Kahn may know what he is doing after all…

9:15 (DK) Darko for Q-Rich. Remember how sweet Q and D-Miles were with that antenna on the head thing. I used do that in intramural hoops with Q.

9:17 (DK) Young, Blair, Budinger, Mills, Brown… a lot of solid players on the board.

9:18 (PMB) Can Stu Scott at least PRETEND not to have a boner over his alma mater UNC having so many guys drafted? This is why I hate the “Boo-Yah Network” and Eastern Seaboard Programming Network so much

9:23 (DK) WOW… DeJuan Blair doesn’t get picked in the first round. I’m stunned. Has been seen in a wheelchair or something? Are his knees that big of a red flag?

9:24 (DK) Final tally: Ford: 13 Me: 6 I’m embarrassed. I need to start cold calling NBA GM’s.

9:27 (DK) Hey, thanks for coming. I have a sportscast to produce. Check back here or at www.walterfootball.com for more Draft analysis. Good luck to Jerel McNeal and Wesley Matthews getting drafted.

9:46 (PMB) I’m back. James Johnson was on conference call…seems like a nice dude. Was a more interesting interview at the draft than here. I guess Tyrus could be on the way out? I haven’t heard anything concrete but what I’ve heard I guess they’re shopping him.

9:50 (PMB) Got a chance to look around this place. Lots of Bulls bling. The title trophies are encased near the practice court and there’s a little hardwood indoor track around the court. All the banners are up too.

10:05 (PMB) In case you�re new here and wondering what this site is all about�.this email from Amanda H. in Seattle sums up TSB best�.

You said it perfect when you said something along the lines of it being the place to find the info/access of a reporter & the passion of the die-hard fan! It�s like that buddy we all have, the one you watch football with every weekend (college & NFL), the guy you go to Opening Day with every year.. It�s like that guy somehow got into these places/events, met these people and is telling you about it.. Mind you that �buddy�of mine cannot write quite as well as you Paul, but the wittiness and passion is there, along with the occasional hilarious, BAD joke! (I mean that as a compliment!)

10:28 (PMB) Well, this was fun everyone wasn’t it? Stay tuned for NBA Draft grades and much much more on Walter Football.com I got a few candid questions in just now during the press conference with Bulls GM Gar Forman and Coach Vinny Del Negro. Look for more Bulls offseason analysis, with insights from both men soon. Both at Walter Football and here at TSB. It’s been fun! See you soon

Written by Paul Banks of NBC Chicago and the Washington Times, and David Kay of the The Sports Bank.
Send Paul an e-mail here: paulb05 AT hotmail DOT com.
All other e-mail, including advertising and link proposals, send to: [email protected]

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