2013 NFL Free Agents

2013 NFL Free Agency: Star rating is out of five. Age listing as of Sept. 1, 2013.

A log of all the offseason transactions below these links.

Follow me @walterfootball for updates.

2013 NFL Free Agents: Winners & Losers – Updated 3/23

2013 NFL Offseason Grades – Updated 9/14 (Reece, Cushing, Atkins, Felix-Adrian, Lee, Carter, Moffitt, Jenkins-Baldwin, Maehl, Colquitt, Young, R.Jones, Leach, Janikowski, Lilja, Winston, Abraham, Ryan, M.Williams, Hillis, Wright, Burnett, Clady, Stafford, Cruz, Bishop, Tebow, Bradshaw, Carimi, D.Smith, Cribbs, Harper, Woodson, Freeney, Kluwe, Dansby, F.Jones, Shipley, Trufant, A.Snyder, Clabo, McKinnie, A.Smith, Ivory, Arenas, Hughes, Bess, Rodgers, Harrison, Chancellor, Revis, McLendon, R.Jennings, Matthews, Young, Hanson, D.Landry, Carter, Sanders, Winfield, Edelman, Akers, McClain, Kelly, Jenkins, Kolb regrade, Grossman, Franklin, Fletcher, Landri, Connor, W.Allen, A.Davis, G.Jones, Slauson, Louis, Mosely, Durant, Asomugha, Butler, Porter, Palmer, Hall, DHB, McCoy, Flynn, C.Williams, F.Davis, Boothe, Grimes, Newman, Romo, Havili-Geathers, Campbell, Anderson, Umenyiora, Huff, Jones, Vollmer, Dumervil, Biggers, Zbikowski, Lechler, Pollard, Williams, Myers, Skuta, Reed, Dawson, Shaughnessy, Cason, Hasselbeck, Wilson, Barnes, Gibson, Roach, Rivers, Phillips, Maualuga, Long, Dahl, Talib, Jennings, Delmas, Quin, L.Washington, Spears, Benn, Colon, Keller, Arrington, Gonzalez, Goodson, Cassel, Bennett, S.Jackson, Barwin, K.Lewis, C.Williams, Jean-Francois, Simpson, S.Smith, Bell, Knighton, DRC, Cox, Landry, Avril, Amendola, Baker, Welker, Stanton, Hill, Greene, Bush, Goldson, Mendenhall, Avery, Vasquez, Jones, Harvin 2x, Felton, Houston, Cook, Chung, Wallace, Kruger, Levitre, Ellerbe, Boldin, DeVito, Fasano, Daniel, Maiava, Foote, Sopoaga, Canty, Dorsey, Hayes, Robinson)

2013 NFL Free Agents: Quarterbacks – Updated 6/13

2013 NFL Free Agents: Running Backs – Updated 6/11

2013 NFL Free Agents: Fullbacks – Updated 6/12

2013 NFL Free Agents: Wide Receivers – Updated 6/12

2013 NFL Free Agents: Tight Ends – Updated 6/26

2013 NFL Free Agents: Offensive Tackles – Updated 5/21

2013 NFL Free Agents: Guards – Updated 6/5

2013 NFL Free Agents: Centers – Updated 4/12

2013 NFL Free Agents: Defensive Ends – Updated 6/26

2013 NFL Free Agents: Defensive Tackles – Updated 4/16

2013 NFL Free Agents: Outside Linebackers – Updated 6/5

2013 NFL Free Agents: Inside Linebackers – Updated 6/17

2013 NFL Free Agents: Cornerbacks – Updated 5/29

2013 NFL Free Agents: Safeties – Updated 5/21

2013 NFL Free Agents: Kickers & Punters – Updated 5/16

2013 NFL Free Agents – Team-By-Team Free Agents and Signings – Updated 4/29

Click here for past free agents: 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009

2013 NFL Free Agency News Feed:

Follow me @walterfootball for updates.

  • Giants announce retirement of RB Brandon Jacobs – The following moves for 1/2

  • Bengals sign TE Kevin Brock – The following moves for 12/31
  • Bengals sign P Zoltan Mesko

  • 49ers sign CB Perrish Cox – The following moves for 12/30

  • Patriots waive WR Austin Collie – The following moves for 12/27
  • Seahawks waive CB Perrish Cox

  • Bears sign WR Chris Williams – The following moves for 12/26
  • Buccaneers sign DE Scott Solomon
  • Lions re-sign TE Matt Veldman
  • Patriots waive CB Marquice Cole
  • Ravens announce retirement of WR Brandon Stokley

  • Browns sign DE Brian Sanford – The following moves for 12/25
  • Cowboys sign QB Jon Kitna

  • Texans sign RB Ray Graham – The following moves for 12/24

  • Colts waive RB Shaun Draughn – The following moves for 12/20

  • Chiefs re-sign NT Jerrell Powe – The following moves for 12/19
  • Chiefs waive WR Chad Hall

  • Chiefs sign TE Richard Gordon – The following moves for 12/18
  • Cowboys sign KR Michael Spurlock
  • Dolphins claim CB Chris Owens
  • Redskins claim C J.D. Walton
  • Saints sign S Eric Frampton
  • Texans sign RB Jonathan Grimes

  • Bengals sign P Shawn Powell – The following moves for 12/17
  • Broncos sign DE Jeremy Mincey
  • Broncos waive C J.D. Walton
  • Browns cut CB Chris Owens
  • Browns cut KR Armanti Edwards
  • Colts sign RB Shaun Draughn
  • Cowboys re-sign LB Orie Lemon
  • Cowboys waive DT Drake Nevis
  • Cowboys waive LB Kyle Bosworth
  • Jaguars sign C Patrick Lewis
  • Saints sign K Shayne Graham
  • Saints waive CB Chris Carr
  • Saints waive K Garrett Hartley
  • Titans waive QB John Skelton

  • Dolphins claim CB Jalil Brown – The following moves for 12/16
  • Dolphins waive S D.J. Campbell
  • Jaguars claim DE Gerald Rivers
  • Titans sign QB Tyler Wilson
  • Vikings sign OT Mike Remmers
  • Vikings waive RB Joe Banyard

  • Steelers waive LB Kion Wilson – The following moves for 12/14

  • Chiefs re-sign WR Chad Hall – The following moves for 12/13
  • Jaguars waive DE Jeremy Mincey
  • Texans sign FB Brad Smelley

  • Seahawks sign CB Perrish Cox – The following moves for 12/11

  • 49ers sign G Ryan Seymour – The following moves for 12/10
  • Bengals waive FB Chris Pressley
  • Bills waive LB Jamaal Westerman
  • Browns sign RB Edwin Baker
  • Browns waive QB Caleb Hanie
  • Dolphins sign CB Justin Rogers
  • Titans waive TE Visanthe Shiancoe

  • Colts sign RB Tashard Choice – The following moves for 12/9
  • Jaguars sign RB Delone Carter

  • Lions waive KR Michael Spurlock – The following moves for 12/7
  • Ravens waive RB Bernard Scott

  • Texans fire HC Gary Kubiak – The following moves for 12/6

  • Patriots re-sign WR Austin Collie – The following moves for 12/5

  • Bills wave RB Tashard Choice – The following moves for 12/4
  • Bills sign TE Tony Moeaki
  • Chiefs sign NT Jerrell Powe
  • Cowboys sign FB Tyler Clutts
  • Lions sign LB Julian Stanford
  • Patriots waive TE D.J. Williams
  • Titans waive LB Zac Diles
  • Titans waive S Shann Schillinger
  • Titans sign TE Visanthe Shiancoe

  • Browns sign QB Caleb Hanie – The following moves for 12/3
  • Cowboys sign FB Tyler Clutts
  • Jets sign KR Darrius Reynaud
  • Packers sign RB Kahlil Bell
  • Packers waive S Jerron McMillian

  • Titans re-sign C Kevin Matthews – The following moves for 11/28

  • Broncos sign DT Sione Fua – The following moves for 11/27
  • Buccaneers sign TE Kyle Adams
  • Lions waive DE Austen Lane
  • Raiders waive QB Tyler Wilson
  • Seahawks waive CB Perrish Cox
  • Texans waive CB Justin Rogers
  • Titans sign S Shann Schillinger

  • 49ers waive QB McLeod Bethel-Thompson – The following moves for 11/26
  • Browns claim TE Andre Smith
  • Colts waive KR David Reed
  • Colts waive TE Justice Cunningham
  • Colts sign S Corey Lynch
  • Cowboys sign DE Martez Wilson
  • Cowboys waive DT Everett Dawkins
  • Dolphins sign DT A.J. Francis
  • Patriots sign TE D.J. Williams
  • Patriots waive DT Marcus Forston
  • Patriots waive CB Justin Green
  • Seahawks sign CB Perrish Cox
  • Titans sign KR Leon Washington
  • Titans waive C Kevin Matthews
  • Vikings waive CB A.J. Jefferson

  • Patriots waive KR Leon Washington – The following moves for 11/23

  • Titans waive S Corey Lynch – The following moves for 11/22
  • Titans claim DB Micah Pellerin

  • Colts sign KR Chris Rainey – The following moves for 11/20
  • Jets sign DE/OLB Jermaine Cunningham
  • Texans claim CB Justin Rogers
  • Texans waive ILB D.J. Smith

  • Bills waive CB Justin Rogers – The following moves for 11/19
  • Broncos sign S Michael Huff
  • Cardinals re-sign CB Bryan McCann
  • Chiefs sign DT Kyle Love
  • Colts sign RB/KR Chris Rainey
  • Lions sign TE Dorin Dickerson
  • Raiders waive DE/OLB Martez Wilson

  • Chargers sign OT Willie Smith – The following moves for 11/18
  • Saints sign CB Trevin Wade
  • Titans sign QB John Skelton

  • Bears waive LB Larry Grant – The following moves for 11/16
  • Seahawks waive QB B.J. Daniels

  • Patriots waive WR LaQuan Williams – The following moves for 11/15
  • Texans claim DE/OLB Ricky Sapp
  • Texans waive RB Ray Graham

  • Jets sign S Ed Reed – The following moves for 11/14
  • Jets waive DE/OLB Ricky Sapp

  • Bears re-sign S Derrick Martin – The following moves for 11/13
  • Chiefs claim KR Kyle Williams
  • Chiefs waive WR Chad Hall
  • Falcons sign OT Sean Locklear
  • Panthers sign LB Dan Connor
  • Texans sign ILB D.J. Smith

  • 49ers waive KR Kyle Williams – The following moves for 11/12
  • 49ers waive CB Perrish Cox
  • Chargers sign OLB Adrian Robinson
  • Cowboys sign DT Corvey Irvin
  • Cowboys waive LB Caesar Rayford
  • Eagles waive WR B.J. Cunningham
  • Eagles sign KR Brad Smith
  • Falcons waive LB Thomas Howard
  • Panthers waive NT Sione Fua
  • Texans waive S Ed Reed
  • Titans sign G Kevin Matthews
  • Titans waive OT Pat McQuistan

  • Packers sign QB Matt Flynn – The following moves for 11/11

  • Raiders waive DL Brian Sanford – The following moves for 11/9
  • Seahawks waive WR Bryan Walters
  • Vikings waive OT Kevin Murphy

  • Bills waive KR Brad Smith – The following moves for 11/8
  • Dolphins waive DT Vaughn Martin
  • Texans waive LB Tavares Gooden

  • Buccaneers claim DB Bradley McDougald – The following moves for 11/6

  • Bears waive DT Zach Minter – The following moves for 11/5
  • Bengals sign DT Kheeston Randall
  • Chiefs waive CB Bradley McDougald
  • Cowboys waive DT Marvin Austin
  • Cowboys cut OT Rashad Butler
  • Dolphins sign G David Arkin
  • Eagles sign CB Curtis Marsh
  • Lions cut OT Barry Richardson
  • Lions sign DE Austen Lane
  • Panthers sign C Geoff Hangertner
  • Patriots cut WR Austin Collie
  • Patriots sign WR LaQuan Williams
  • Saints re-sign CB Chris Carr
  • Steelers re-sign CB Demarcus Van Dyke

  • 49ers waive CB Nnamdi Asomugha – The following moves for 11/4
  • Bengals sign DL Christo Bilukidi
  • Bills cut QB Matt Flynn
  • Bills sign FB Evan Rodriguez
  • Cardinals waive TE D.C. Jefferson
  • Cardinals claim TE Jake Ballard
  • Dolphins sign WR Marlon Moore
  • Giants cut LB Dan Connor
  • Jaguars claim LB Nate Stupar
  • Jaguars sign WR Kerry Taylor
  • Jaguars waive TE D.J. Williams
  • Jaguars waive OT DeMarcus Love

  • Bears sign DT Jay Ratliff – The following moves for 11/2
  • Panthers waive RB Armond Smith
  • Vikings waive DE Justin Trattou

  • Saints cut CB Chris Carr – The following moves for 11/1

  • 49ers waive WR Marlon Moore – The following moves for 10/30
  • Ravens waive DE/DT Marcus Spears
  • Ravens waive S Michael Huff
  • Titans sign OT Pat McQuistan

  • 49ers waive DE/OLB Jermaine Cunningham – The following moves for 10/29
  • Bills waive DT Jay Ross
  • Browns sign KR Armanti Edwards
  • Browns sign OT Reid Fragel
  • Buccaneers claim CB Bobby Felder
  • Chiefs waive TE Kevin Brock
  • Colts sign TE Weslye Saunders
  • Redskins waive S Jordan Pugh
  • Steelers sign P Mat McBriar
  • Vikings re-sign DE Justin Trattou

  • Bears sign LB Larry Grant – The following moves for 10/28
  • Cowboys sign DE Everette Brown
  • Ravens sign RB Bernard Scott
  • Texans sign RB Ray Graham
  • Texans sign LB Jeff Tarpinian
  • Texans sign ILB Tavares Gooden
  • Titans re-sign S Corey Lynch

  • Cowboys waive G David Arkin – The following moves for 10/26
  • Vikings waive DE Justin Trattou

  • Bills waive CB Brandon Burton – The following moves for 10/25

  • Buccaneers cut DE Trevor Scott – The following moves for 10/24
  • Giants re-sign C Dallas Reynolds

  • Chiefs waive TE Tony Moeaki – The following moves for 10/23
  • Patriots sign DT Sealver Siliga
  • Raiders claim DE/OLB Martez Wilson
  • Redskins re-sign S Jordan Pugh
  • Texans cut ILB Tim Dobbins

  • Browns sign WR Brian Tyms – The following moves for 10/22
  • Colts waive TE Dominique Jones
  • Colts sign CB Jalil Brown
  • Falcons sign LB Thomas Howard
  • Falcons waive LB Jamar Chaney
  • Lions sign OT Barry Richardson
  • Lions cut TE Tony Scheffler
  • Patriots sign DE Andre Carter
  • Rams waive G Brandon Washington
  • Rams sign QB Austin Davis
  • Rams sigh QB Brady Quinn
  • Saints waive DE/OLB Martez Wilson
  • Seahawks sign FB Michael Robinson
  • Vikings cut CB Jacob Lacey

  • Bears cut TE Steve Maneri – The following moves for 10/21
  • Bears sign QB Jordan Palmer
  • Browns claim CB Jordan Poyer
  • Buccaneers claim RB Bobby Rainey
  • Cardinals sign CB Teddy Williams
  • Cowboys sign DT Marvin Austin
  • Dolphins acquire OT Bryant McKinnie from Ravens for conditional late-round pick
  • Dolphins waive LB Josh Kaddu
  • Eagles re-sign LB Emmanuel Acho
  • Jets cut QB Brady Quinn
  • Panthers cut CB D.J. Moore
  • Panthers claim WR Tavarres King
  • Steelers cut RB Isaac Redman
  • Steelers re-sign LB Kion Wilson
  • Texans waive DE Sam Montgomery
  • Texans waive RB Cierre Wood
  • Texans waive OLB Willie Jefferson
  • Titans cut KR Darius Reynaud

  • Broncos waive WR Tavarres King – The following moves for 10/19
  • Eagles waive CB Jordan Poyer

  • Browns waive RB Bobby Rainey – The following moves for 10/18
  • Falcons waive S Shann Schillinger
  • Packers claim WR Chris Harper
  • Packers waive RB Michael Hill
  • Vikings re-sign CB Jacob Lacey

  • 49ers waive WR Chris Harper – The following moves for 10/17

  • Cowboys cut DT Jay Ratliff – The following moves for 10/16
  • Giants sign RB Peyton Hillis
  • Patriots re-sign DT Andre Neblett
  • Texans sign CB Elbert Mack
  • Titans sign LB Zac Diles

  • Bills waive G Colin Brown – The following moves for 10/15
  • Cowboys sign DE Jarius Wynn
  • Cowboys waive CB Chis Greenwood
  • Cowboys waive DL David Carter
  • Dolphins waive DT Marvin Austin
  • Giants waive RB Da’Rel Scott
  • Jets sign KR Joshua Cribbs
  • Jets sign WR Greg Salas
  • Panthers re-sign LB Jason Williams
  • Redskins sign LB Josh Hull
  • Redskins sign LS Kyle Nelson
  • Redskins waive S Jordan Pugh
  • Redskins sign S Trent Robinson
  • Steelers sign TE Richard Gordon

  • Bills sign QB Matt Flynn – The following moves for 10/14
  • Eagles re-sign WR B.J. Cunningham
  • Eagles waive TE Emil Igwneagu
  • Lions waive WR Patrick Edwards
  • Lions sign TE Dorin Dickerson

  • Browns sign WR Charles Johnson – The following moves for 10/12
  • Buccaneers sign G Patrick Omameh
  • Cardinals cut LB Vic So’oto
  • Patriots waive DT Andre Neblett
  • Seahawks waive C Jason Spitz

  • Jets sign QB David Garrard – The following moves for 10/10
  • Ravens cut RB Shaun Draughn
  • Ravens re-sign TE Billy Bajema
  • Steelers sign S Will Allen

  • 49ers waive QB John Skelton – The following moves for 10/9
  • 49ers claim QB McLeod Bethel-Thompson
  • Colts sign RB Dan Herron
  • Colts sign LB Andy Studebaker
  • Falcons sign WR Brian Robiskie
  • Jets re-sign DE/OLB Ricky Sapp
  • Patriots sign DT Andre Neblett
  • Raiders sin DT Daniel Muir
  • Steelers re-sign ILB Stevenson Sylvester
  • Steelers cut LB Kion Wilson
  • Texans sign TE Jake Byrne
  • Vikings claim DE Justin Trattou

  • Chargers claim DE/DT Lawrence Guy – The following moves for 10/8
  • Colts waive FB Robert Hughes
  • Cowboys cut S Will Allen
  • Giants waive DE Justin Trattou
  • Jaguars re-sign G Jacques McClendon
  • Jaguars claim OT Sam Young
  • Panthers waive WR Armanti Edwards
  • Ravens cut TE Billy Bajema
  • Saints sign DE Keyunta Dawson
  • Vikings waive QB McLeod Bethel-Thompson

  • Bills waive OT Sam Young – The following moves for 10/7
  • Colts waive DE Lawrence Guy
  • Jaguars waive WR Jeremy Ebert
  • Jaguars claim WR Stephen Williams
  • Patriots re-sign CB Marquice Cole
  • Patriots waive LB Ja’Gared Davis
  • Patriots waive S Kanorris Davis
  • Raiders cut QB Matt Flynn
  • Ravens re-sign WR Brandon Stokley

  • Bills sign P Brian Moorman – The following moves for 10/6
  • Vikings sign QB Josh Freeman

  • Jaguars waive G Jacques McClendon – The following moves for 10/5
  • Jets waive WR Ryan Spadola
  • Jets waive DE/OLB Ricky Sapp
  • Patriots sign S Kanorris Davis
  • Ravens cut WR Brandon Stokley
  • Ravens re-sign TE Billy Bajema
  • Titans waive DE Keyunta Dawson

  • Bills waive P Shawn Powell – The following moves for 10/4
  • Colts sign S Larry Asante
  • Giants acquire LB Jon Beason from Panthers for late-round pick
  • Jets claim TE Zach Sudfeld
  • Jets waive DE/OLB Scott Solomon
  • Patriots cut DB Marquice Cole

  • Buccaneers cut QB Josh Freeman – The following moves for 10/3
  • Jaguars waive LB Kyle Knox
  • Jaguars claim LB John Lotulelei
  • Patriots waive TE Zach Sudfeld
  • Patriots sign WR Austin Collie
  • Ravens cut TE Billy Bajema

  • Buccaneers claim S Kelcie McCray – The following moves for 10/2
  • Cardinals sign DE/OLB Marcus Benard
  • Lions sign WR Kevin Ogletree
  • Lions waive DT D’Anthony Smith
  • Seahawks claim QB B.J. Daniels
  • Steelers acquire OT Levi Brown for Cardinals for late-day picks

  • Bengals waive CB Curtis Marsh – The following moves for 10/1
  • Bengals sign OLB Michael Boley
  • Buccaneers re-sign WR Tiquan Underwood
  • Buccaneers cut WR Kevin Ogletree
  • Buccaneers waive S Ahmad Black
  • Chargers sign WR Lavelle Hawins
  • Giants waive RB Da’Rel Scott
  • Jets sign WR David Nelson
  • Ravens acquire OT Eugene Monroe from Jaguars for multiple third-day picks
  • Ravens waive S Christian Thompson
  • Redskins cut DE Phillip Merling
  • Redskins cut K John Potter
  • Vikings waive G Demarcus Love

  • Browns claim RB Fozzy Whittaker – The following moves for 9/30
  • Browns cut RB Montario Hardesty
  • Browns waive WR Josh Cooper
  • Colts sign FB Robert Hughes
  • Jaguars waive WR Jeremy Ebert
  • Jaguars waive WR Tobias Palmer
  • Jaguars re-sign G Jacques McClendon
  • Jaguars re-sign QB Ricky Stanzi
  • Patriots waive S Kanorris Davis

  • Chargers waive RB Fozzy Whittaker – The following moves for 9/28
  • Jaguars waive QB Ricky Stanzi
  • Jaguars waive OL Jacques McClendon

  • Bears sign DT Landon Cohen – The following moves for 9/27
  • Patriots cut CB Marquice Cole

  • Bengals re-sign S Chris Crocker – The following moves for 9/25
  • Bengals cut OT Dennis Roland
  • Giants re-sign FB John Conner
  • Lions claim DT D’Anthony Smith
  • Lions cut DT Justin Bannan
  • Seahawks sign C Jason Spitz

  • Bills re-sign DT Jay Ross – The following moves for 9/24
  • Buccaneers aive TE Danny Noble
  • Cardinals sign LB Vic So’oto
  • Colts sign DE/DT Lawrence Guy
  • Colts sign OT Xavier Nixon
  • Colts waive WR Da’Rick Rogers
  • Colts waive RB Kerwynn Williams
  • Cowboys sign DT Drake Nevis
  • Cowboys cut DE Jerome Long
  • Dolphins sign DT Marvin Austin
  • Seahawks waive DT D’Anthony Smith

  • Eagles cut CB Brandon Hughes – The following moves for 9/23
  • Jaguars waive WR Jeremy Ebert
  • Lions re-sign DT Andre Fluellen
  • Ravens claim S Jeromy Miles

  • Bengals waive S Jeromy Miles – The following moves for 9/21
  • Buccaneers cut RB Peyton Hillis
  • Jaguars waive G Jacques McClendon

  • Browns sign RB Willis McGahee – The following moves for 9/19
  • Rams waive S Quinton Pointer

  • Bengals sign CB Curtis Marsh – The following moves for 9/18
  • Bengals sign S Jeromy Miles
  • Broncos sign OT Winston Justice
  • Colts acquire RB Trent Richardson from Browns for 1st-round pick
  • Eagles sign CB Roc Carmichael
  • Panthers re-sign CB Drayton Florence
  • Rams sign OT Max Starks

  • 49ers sign FB Owen Marecic – The following moves for 9/17
  • Bengals cut RB Bernard Scott
  • Chargers sign CB Crezdon Butler
  • Cowboys cut WR/P Danny Coale
  • Cowboys sign DL David Carter
  • Cowboys waive DT Landon Cohen
  • Falcons sign LB Jamar Chaney
  • Falcons sign LB Omar Gaither
  • Saints re-sign CB Chris Carr
  • Steelers cut K Shayne Graham

  • Chiefs sign TE Kevin Brock – The following moves for 9/16
  • Chiefs waive CB Bradley McDouglad
  • Jaguars re-sign C Jacques McClendon
  • Jaguars waive WR Jeremy Ebert
  • Jaguars waive CB Marcus Burley
  • Jaguars claim CB Jamell Fleming
  • Rams claim G Mike Person

  • Buccaneers cut FB Spencer Larsen – The following moves for 9/14
  • Cardinals cut CB Jamell Fleming
  • Redskins cut QB Pat White
  • Redskins sign K John Potter
  • Seahawks re-sign DT Clinton McDonald

  • Giants claim LB Allen Bradford – The following moves for 9/12
  • Saints waive WR Andy Tanner
  • Saints re-sign DE Jay Richardson

  • 49ers re-sign WR Kassim Osgood – The following moves for 9/11
  • Cardinals cut DT Ricky Lumpkin
  • Panthers re-sign DT Sione Fua
  • Patriots claim DT Chris Jones
  • Ravens sign RB Shaun Draughn
  • Seahawks waive LB Allen Bradford
  • Seahawks sign TE Kellen Davis

  • 49ers waive DE Will Tukuafu – The following moves for 9/10
  • Bills waive DT Jay Ross
  • Buccaneers re-sign FB Spencer Larsen
  • Cowboys cut LB Alex Albright
  • Eagles re-sign CB Brandon Hughes
  • Giants sign RB Brandon Jacobs
  • Giants cut WR Ramses Barden
  • Patriots re-sign TE Matthew Mulligan
  • Rams waive LB Jonathan Stewart
  • Seahawks sign DT D’Anthony Smith
  • Titans cut S Markelle Martin
  • Titans cut FB Quinn Johnson

  • Bears re-sign OT Jonathan Scott – The following moves for 9/9
  • Bears waive TE Kyle Adams
  • Giants waive DE Adewale Ojomo
  • Jets re-sign QB Brady Quinn
  • Rams announce retirement of S O.J. Atogwe
  • Ravens sign WR Tandon Doss
  • Ravens waive LB Robert James
  • Steelers sign C Fernando Velasco
  • Steelers re-sign RB Jonathan Dwyer
  • Steelers sign K Shayne Graham

  • Browns waive RB Dennis Johnson – The following moves for 9/7
  • Eagles cut CB Brandon Hughes
  • Jets cut QB Brady Quinn
  • Patriots sign KR Leon Washington
  • Patriots cut DE Jermaine Cunningham
  • Patriots waive DT A.J. Francis

  • Cowboys re-sign DE Jerome Long – The following moves for 9/6
  • Panthers cut WR David Gettis
  • Patriots re-sign FB James Develin

  • Cowboys cut G Nate Livings – The following moves for 9/5
  • Patriots cut TE Matthew Mulligan
  • Patriots waive C Braxston Cave

  • Lions re-sign OLB Rocky McIntosh – The following moves for 9/4

  • Bengals re-sign OT Dennis Roland – The following moves for 9/3
  • Browns sign K Billy Cundiff
  • Buccaneers re-sign DT Gary Gibson
  • Colts waive S John Boyett
  • Cowboys sign G Brian Waters
  • Cowboys cut S Eric Frampton
  • Dolphins sign G Danny Watkins
  • Cowboys acquire LB Caesar Rayford from Colts for conditional 2015 pick
  • Falcons sign OT Jeremy Trueblood
  • Rams cut OLB Jo-Lonn Dunbar
  • Saints sign WR Robert Meachem
  • Saints waive OLB Chris Chamberlain

  • Bears waive TE Kyle Adams – The following moves for 9/2
  • Bills sign S Jim Leonhard
  • Bills sign K Dan Carpenter
  • Colts acquire DE/OLB Cam Johnson from 49ers for conditional pick
  • Colts waive TE Justice Cunningham
  • Eagles claim LB Najee Goode
  • Packers sign QB Seneca Wallace
  • Packers waive QB B.J. Coleman
  • Panthers sign S Quintin Mikell
  • Patriots re-sign CB Marquice Cole
  • Patriots waive FB James Develin
  • Patriots waive OL Josh Kline
  • Patriots sign TE Matthew Mulligan
  • Raiders cut OT Alex Barron
  • Raiders sign OT Tony Pashos
  • Steelers waive P Drew Butler
  • Steelers waive CB Isaiah Green
  • Steelers sign P Zoltan Mesko
  • Steelers claim DB Antwon Blake

  • Bears waive DE Cheta Ozougwu – The following moves for 9/1
  • Bills claim CB Brandon Burton
  • Browns waive TE Brad Smelley
  • Browns waive G Jarrod Shaw
  • Browns waive OT Caylin Hauptmann
  • Browns claim TE Keavon Milton
  • Buccaneers waive LB Najee Goode
  • Buccaneers cut WR Tiquan Underwood
  • Cardinals claim NT Alameda Ta’amu
  • Chargers waive ILB D.J. Smith
  • Chiefs waive NT Jerrell Powe
  • Jaguars cut WR Jordan Shipley
  • Jaguars waive DB Antwon Blake
  • Jaguars waive TE Brett Brackett
  • Jaguars waive OL Dan Gerberry
  • Jaguars waive FB Lonnie Pryor
  • Jaguars cut LB Andy Studebaker
  • Jets claim G Ben Ijalana
  • Jets cut RB Kahlil Bell
  • Jets cut LB Danny Lansanah
  • Lions cut LB Rocky McIntosh
  • Patriots cut KR Leon Washington
  • Patriots claim LB Chris White
  • Raiders claim DL Brian Sanford
  • Raiders claim G Antoine McClain
  • Ravens claim LB Robert James
  • Steelers sign C Cody Wallace
  • Steelers waive G John Malecki

  • 49ers cut WR Austin Collie – The following moves for 8/31
  • 49ers cut WR Chad Hall
  • 49ers sign FB Owen Marecic
  • 49ers waive S Trent Robinson
  • 49ers waive S Michael Thomas
  • 49ers cut WR Kassim Osgood
  • 49ers cut WR Lavelle Hawkins
  • 49ers waive OT Carter Bykowski
  • 49ers cut LS Brian Jennings
  • 49ers waive CB Marcus Cooper
  • 49ers waive G Wayne Tribue
  • 49ers waive RB Jewel Hampton
  • 49ers waive NT Mike Purcell
  • 49ers waive FB Jason Schepler
  • 49ers waive OT Kenny Wiggins
  • 49ers waive LB Joe Holland
  • 49ers waive WR Chuck Jacobs
  • 49ers waive LB Travis Johnson
  • 49ers waive CB Darryl Morris
  • 49ers waive G Patrick Omameh
  • 49ers waive TE MarQuies Gray
  • Bears waive LB J.T. Thomas
  • Bears claim DE David Bass
  • Bears waive WR Terrence Toliver
  • Bears waive OT Cory Brandon
  • Bears waive DT Corvey Irvin
  • Bengals cut QB John Skelton
  • Bengals waive OT Reid Fragel
  • Bengals waive TE Bryce Davis
  • Bengals waive DE/OLB Dontay Moch
  • Bengals waive FB John Conner
  • Bengals waive S Tony Dye
  • Bengals waive C T.J. Johnson
  • Bengals waive RB Onterio McCalebb
  • Bengals waive WR Cobi Hamilton
  • Bengals waive RB Dan Herron
  • Bengals waive LB J.K. Schaffer
  • Bengals cut OT Dennis Roland
  • Bills waive DT Torell Troup
  • Bills waive QB Thaddeus Lewis
  • Bills cut LB Bryan Scott
  • Bills waive Jaime Blatnick
  • Bills waive DE Izaian Cross
  • Broncos cut C Ryan Lilja
  • Broncos waive G Ben Garland
  • Broncos waive C Philip Blake
  • Broncos waive G C.J. Davis
  • Broncos waive OT Vinston Painter
  • Broncos waive RB Jeremiah Johnson
  • Broncos waive TE Jake O’Connell
  • Broncos waive OT Paul Cornick
  • Broncos waive DT Romeny Fuga
  • Broncos waive S Ross Rasner
  • Broncos waive DE John Youboty
  • Broncos claim OLB Adrian Robinson
  • Broncos waive WR Tavarres King
  • Browns cut WR David Nelson
  • Browns waiver S Jamoris Slaughter
  • Browns waive OLB Justin Cole
  • Browns cut K Shayne Graham
  • Browns cut K Brandon Bogotay
  • Browns waive LB James-Michael Johnson
  • Browns waive CB Aaron Adams
  • Browns waive DB Akeem Auguste
  • Browns waive RB Jamaine Cook
  • Browns waive DL Hall Davis
  • Browns cut WR Tori Gurley
  • Browns waive WR Naaman Roosevelt
  • Browns waive DL Brian Sanford
  • Browns waive LB Justin Staples
  • Browns claim LB Brandon Magee
  • Browns waive ILB L.J. Fort
  • Browns claim TE MarQueis Gray
  • Browns cut RB Brandon Jackson
  • Browns claim RB Dennis Johnson
  • Browns claim G Patrick Lewis
  • Browns claim RB Bobby Rainey
  • Browns claim TE Keavon Milton
  • Browns cut TE Kellen Davis
  • Buccaneers claim WR Russell Shepard
  • Buccaneers claim DT Chris Jones
  • Buccaneers cut S Cody Grimm
  • Buccaneers cut DT Gary Gibson
  • Buccaneers cut WR Jordan Norwood
  • Buccaneers waive G Roger Allen
  • Buccaneers waive S Sean Baker
  • Buccaneers waive CB Deveron Carr
  • Buccaneers waive OT Jace Daniels
  • Buccaneers waive LB Dom DeCicco
  • Buccaneers waive LS Andrew DePaola
  • Buccaneers waive WR David Douglas
  • Buccaneers waive LB Ka’llal Glaud
  • Buccaneers waive P Chas Henry
  • Buccaneers waive DT Lazarius Levingston
  • Buccaneers waive DT Matthew Masifilo
  • Buccaneers waive DT Andre Neblett
  • Buccaneers waive WR Chris Owusu
  • Buccaneers waive OT Mike Remmers
  • Buccaneers waive CB Mason Robinson
  • Buccaneers waive G Cody Wallace
  • Cardinals claim OT Bradley Sowell
  • Cardinals waive WR Kerry Taylor
  • Cardinals waive OT Jamaal Johnson-Webb
  • Cardinals waive LB Kenny Rowe
  • Cardinals waive DT Padric Scott
  • Chargers cut WR Robert Meachem
  • Chargers waive OLB Thomas Kaiser
  • Chargers waive RB Michael Hill
  • Chargers waive C David Molk
  • Chargers claim DT Drake Nevis
  • Chargers acquire DL Sean Lissemore from Cowboys for 2015 7th-rounder
  • Chargers sign ILB Reggie Walker
  • Chiefs cut DE Marcus Dixon
  • Chiefs cut TE Tony Moeaki
  • Chiefs waive RB Shaun Draughn
  • Chiefs cut TE Demetrius Harris
  • Chiefs waive S Tysyn Hartman
  • Chiefs claim OLB Dezman Moses
  • Chiefs claim CB Marcus Cooper
  • Chiefs waive WR Devon Wylie
  • Chiefs claim ILB James-Michael Johnson
  • Chiefs waive CB Jalil Brown
  • Chiefs claim DL Jaye Howard
  • Chiefs claim WR Chad Hall
  • Chiefs cut ILB Zac Diles
  • Chiefs cut DE Austen Lane
  • Chiefs waive G Rokevious Watkins
  • Chiefs waive CB Kennard Cox
  • Chiefs waive LB Orie Lemon
  • Chiefs waive OT Steven Baker
  • Chiefs waive WR Josh Bellamy
  • Chiefs waive S Malcolm Bronson
  • Chiefs waive S Greg Castillo
  • Chiefs waive OL Tommie Draheim
  • Chiefs waive LB Darin Drakeford
  • Chiefs waive WR Frankie Hammond
  • Chiefs waive CB Semaj Moody
  • Chiefs waive FB Toben Pourum
  • Chiefs waive OT Matt Reynolds
  • Chiefs waive WR Rico Richardson
  • Chiefs waive DE Ridge Wilson
  • Colts waive OT Lee Ziemba
  • Colts waive LB Shawn Loiseau
  • Colts waive OT Emmett Cleary
  • Colts waive CB Daxton Swanson
  • Colts cut QB Chandler Harnish
  • Colts waive LB Daniel Adongo
  • Colts waive S Larry Asante
  • Colts waive C Thomas Austin
  • Colts waive CB Marshay Green
  • Colts waive DE Lawrence Guy
  • Colts waive FB Robert Hughes
  • Colts waive G Ben Ijalana
  • Colts waive TE Dominique Jones
  • Colts waive WR Jeremy Keiley
  • Colts cut DT Drake Nevis
  • Colts waive CB Sheldon Price
  • Colts waive WR Jabin Sambrano
  • Colts waive WR Lanear Sampson
  • Colts waive LB Monte Simmons
  • Colts waive OT Bradley Sowell
  • Colts waive NT Martin Trevaseu
  • Colts waive RB Kerwynn Williams
  • Colts claim TE Jack Doyle
  • Cowboys waive DE Thaddeus Gibson
  • Cowboys waive WR Tim Benford
  • Cowboys waive RB Kendial Lawrence
  • Cowboys waive CB Sterling Moore
  • Cowboys waive WR Danny Coale
  • Cowboys waive OT Edawn Coughman
  • Cowboys waive OT Demetress Bell
  • Cowboys waive DB Xavier Brewer
  • Cowboys waive DE Jerome Long
  • Cowboys waive DE Jabari Fletcher
  • Cowboys waive LB Caleb McSurdy
  • Cowboys waive LB Cameron Lawrence
  • Cowboys waive G Ray Dominguez
  • Cowboys waive DE Jason Vegas
  • Cowboys waive CB Micah Pellerin
  • Cowboys waive LB Brandon Magee
  • Cowboys waive C Kevin Kowalsi
  • Cowboys claim LB Kyle Bosworth
  • Cowboys acquire DE Edgar Jones and 7th-round pick from Chiefs for 6th-round pick
  • Dolphins waive RB Jonas Gray
  • Dolphins waive WR Chad Bumphis
  • Dolphins waive DB Julian Posey
  • Dolphins waive TE Kyle Miller
  • Dolphins waive TE Evan Rodriguez
  • Dolphins waive WR Brian Tyms
  • Dolphins claim FB Tyler Clutts
  • Dolphins waive WR Marvin McNutt
  • Dolphins cut DE Antwan Applewhite
  • Dolphins waive G Chris Barker
  • Dolphins waive C Sam Brenner
  • Dolphins waive WR Keenan Davis
  • Dolphins waive DT A.J. Francis
  • Dolphins waive S Keelan Johnson
  • Dolphins waive S Jordan Kovacs
  • Dolphins waive OT Andrew McDonald
  • Dolphins waive TE Tristin Okpalaugo
  • Dolphins waive CB De’Andre Presley
  • Dolphins waive DT Kheeston Randall
  • Dolphins waive DT Tracy Robertson
  • Dolphins waive LB Lee Robinson
  • Dolphins cut LB Austin Spitler
  • Eagles waive G Danny Watkins
  • Eagles waive S David Sims
  • Eagles waive WR Greg Salas
  • Eagles waive OLB Chris McCoy
  • Eagles waive OLB Travis Long
  • Eagles waive OT Michael Bamiro
  • Eagles cut TE Clay Harbor
  • Eagles waive WR Russell Shepard
  • Eagles claim CB Shaun Prater
  • Eagles waive CB Curtis Marsh
  • Falcons cut WR James Rodgers
  • Falcons waive LB Robert James
  • Falcons waive WR Darius Johnson
  • Falcons waive OL Jacques McClendon
  • Falcons waive FB Patrick DiMarco
  • Falcons waive WR Martel Moore
  • Falcons waive G Phillipkeith Manley
  • Falcons waive CB Jordan Mabin
  • Falcons waive DT Adam Replogle
  • Giants cut WR Ramses Barden
  • Giants cut QB David Carr
  • Giants waive CB Terrence Frederick
  • Giants waive OT Matt McCants
  • Giants waive S Tyler Sash
  • Giants waive DT Marvin Austin
  • Giants waive DE Adrian Tracy
  • Giants waive DE Adewale Ojomo
  • Giants waive DE Matt Broha
  • Giants waive LB Kyle Bosworth
  • Giants waive OL Eric Herman
  • Giants waive OL Stephen Goodin
  • Giants waive OL Bryant Browning
  • Giants waive CB Terrence Frederick
  • Giants waive CB Charles James
  • Giants waive WR Kevin Hardy
  • Giants waive WR Marcus Harris
  • Giants waive WR Julian Talley
  • Giants cut RB Ryan Torain
  • Jaguars waive DT Kyle Love
  • Jaguars claim LB J.T. Thomas
  • Jaguars claim C Jacques McClendon
  • Jaguars claim WR Stephen Burton
  • Jaguars claim LB Chris McCoy
  • Jaguars claim TE Clay Harbor
  • Jaguars claim S Winston Guy
  • Jaguars claim TE D.J. Williams
  • Jets cut QB Greg McElroy
  • Jets cut OT Jason Smith
  • Jets cut WR Ben Obomanu
  • Jets waive RB Mossis Madu
  • Jets cut WR Mohamed Massaquoi
  • Jets claim DE Scott Solomon
  • Jets claim RB Alex Green
  • Jets waive WR Zach Rogers
  • Jets waive TE Chris Pantale
  • Jets waive OL Erik Cook
  • Jets waive OL J.B. Shugarts
  • Jets waive DL Junior Aumave
  • Jets waive DL Lanier Coleman
  • Jets waive DL Tevita Finau
  • Jets waive LB Troy Davis
  • Jets waive LB JoJo Dickson
  • Jets waive LB Jacqueis Smith
  • Jets waive DB Royce Adams
  • Jets waive DB Mike Edwards
  • Jets waive S Rontez Miles
  • Lions waive WR Corey Fuller
  • Lions cut WR Matt Willis
  • Lions cut S Amari Spievey
  • Lions cut G Jake Scott
  • Lions cut CB Ron Bartell
  • Lions waive G Rodney Austin
  • Lions waive LB Jon Morgan
  • Lions waive OL Darren Keyton
  • Lions cut S Tyrell Johnson
  • Lions waive CB Chris Greenwood
  • Lions cut OT Kevin Haslam
  • Lions waive LB Brandon Hepburn
  • Lions waive KR Steve Miller
  • Lions cut LB Chris White
  • Lions claim S DeJon Gomes
  • Lions cut FB Shaun Chapas
  • Packers cut QB Vince Young
  • Packers waive RB Alex Green
  • Packers cut TE Matthew Mulligan
  • Packers waive TE D.J. Williams
  • Packers waive DE/OLB Dezman Moses
  • Packers waive CB Loyce Means
  • Packers waive WR Charles Johnson
  • Packers waive OT Andrew Datko
  • Packers waive C Patrick Lewis
  • Packers waive LB Terrell Manning
  • Packers waive OT Kevin Hughes
  • Packers waive DT Jordan Miller
  • Packers waive CB Brandon Smith
  • Panthers waive QB Jimmy Clausen
  • Panthers waive WR David Gettis
  • Panthers waive DT Sione Fua
  • Panthers waive LB Doug Hogue
  • Panthers waive TE Zack Pianalto
  • Panthers cut CB Drayton Florence
  • Panthers waive WR James Shaw
  • Panthers waive S D.J. Campbell
  • Panthers waive S Robert Lester
  • Panthers waive LB Ben Jacobs
  • Panthers waive RB Tauren Poole
  • Panthers cut LB Jason Williams
  • Panthers waive WR Taulib Ikharo
  • Panthers waive G Tori Mobley
  • Panthers waive DE Craig Roh
  • Panthers waive DT Casey Walker
  • Panthers waive DT D.J. Campbell
  • Panthers waive S Anderson Russell
  • Patriots cut QB Tim Tebow
  • Patriots waive DE Jermaine Cunningham
  • Patriots cut DT Marcus Forston
  • Patriots waive RB George Winn
  • Patriots cut P Zoltan Mesko
  • Patriots waive DL Justin Francis
  • Patriots waive LB Ja’Gared Davis
  • Patriots waive G Josh Kline
  • Patriots waive CB Justin Green
  • Patriots waive S Kanorris Davis
  • Patriots claim C Braxston Cave
  • Patriots claim DT A.J. Francis
  • Patriots waive LB Jeff Tarpinian
  • Patriots waive OL Chris McDonald
  • Patriots waive DB Stephon Morris
  • Patriots waive WR Quentin Sims
  • Raiders waive QB Tyler Wilson
  • Raiders waive DE David Bass
  • Raiders waive OLB Chase Thomas
  • Raiders cut P Chris Kluwe
  • Raiders cut CB Joselio Hanson
  • Raiders cut OT Tony Hills
  • Raiders cut LB Omar Gaither
  • Raiders cut DE Andre Carter
  • Raiders cut TE Richard Gordon
  • Raiders cut S Reggie Smith
  • Raiders waive WR Conner Vernon
  • Raiders waive DL Ryan Baker
  • Raiders waive LB Billy Boyko
  • Raiders waive CB Chance Casey
  • Raiders waive RB Deonte Williams
  • Raiders waive G Jason Foster
  • Raiders waive WR Greg Jenkins
  • Raiders waive TE Brian Leonhardt
  • Raiders waive G Lamar Mady
  • Raiders waive K Justin Medlock
  • Raiders waive S Shelton Johnson
  • Raiders waive DT Kurk Taufa’assau
  • Ravens waive TE Matt Furstenburg
  • Ravens waive DL Cody Larson
  • Ravens waive OT J.J. Unga
  • Ravens waive WR Tandon Doss
  • Ravens waive S Omar Brown
  • Ravens waive RB Bobby Rainey
  • Ravens cut TE Billy Bajema
  • Ravens waive WR LaQuan Williams
  • Redskins cut OT Tony Pashos
  • Redskins waive RB Jawan Jamison
  • Redskins waive OT Xavier Nixon
  • Redskins waive LB Vic So’oto
  • Redskins waive DE Chigbo Anonuby
  • Redskins waive CB Chase Minnifield
  • Redskins waive RB Keiland Williams
  • Redskins waive TE Emmanuel Ogbuehi
  • Redskins waive S DeJon Gomes
  • Redskins cut NT Ron Brace
  • Saints cut CB Chris Carr
  • Saints waive QB Ryan Griffin
  • Saints cut KR Courtney Roby
  • Saints cut S Jim Leonhard
  • Saints cut WR Preston Parker
  • Saints waive FB Austin Johnson
  • Saints waive WR Saalim Hakim
  • Saints waive G Elliott Mealer
  • Saints waive TE Keavon Milton
  • Saints waive TE Michael Higgins
  • Saints waive G Andrew Tiller
  • Saints waive C Jeremiah Warren
  • Saints waive LB Ray Shipman
  • Saints waive LB Rufus Johnson
  • Saints waive S Jerico Nelson
  • Saints cut LB Baraka Arkins
  • Saints waive OT Marcel Jones
  • Saints waive CB Korey Lindsey
  • Saints waive CB Jumal Rolle
  • Seahawks announce retirement of CB Antoine Winfield
  • Seahawks cut QB Brady Quinn
  • Seahawks waive DT Sealver Siliga
  • Seahawks waive DT Jaye Howard
  • Seahawks waive WR Chris Harper
  • Seahawks cut DT Clinton McDonald
  • Seahawks waive WR Phil Bates
  • Seahawks waive DT Michael Brooks
  • Seahawks waive DT Dewayne Cherrington
  • Seahawks waive WR Arceto Clark
  • Seahawks waive TE Darren Fells
  • Seahawks waive S Winston Guy
  • Seahawks acquire DT D’Anthony Smith from Jaguars for future considerations
  • Steelers waive RB Jonathan Dwyer
  • Steelers cut S Ross Ventrone
  • Steelers waive LB Brian Rolle
  • Steelers waive TE Jamie McCoy
  • Steelers cut P Brian Moorman
  • Steelers waive CB Terry Hawthorne
  • Steelers waive WR Justin Brown
  • Steelers waive NT Alameda Ta’amu
  • Steelers waive WR Reggie Dunn
  • Steelers waive OT Mike Golic
  • Steelers waive C Joe Madsen
  • Steelers waive G Chris Hubbard
  • Steelers waive LB Terence Garvin
  • Steelers waive CB Devin Smith
  • Steelers waive WR Kashif Moore
  • Steelers waive RB Avester Alexander
  • Steelers waive TE Nathan Overbay
  • Steelers waive OT Joe Long
  • Steelers waive CB Josh Victorian
  • Steelers waive DE Brian Arnfelt
  • Steelers waive LB Alan Baxter
  • Steelers waive LB Marshall McFadden
  • Texans waive RB Deji Karim
  • Texans waive CB Roc Carmichael
  • Titans cut QB Rusty Smith
  • Titans cut LB Tim Shaw
  • Titans cut S Corey Lynch
  • Titans cut C Fernando Velasco
  • Titans waive DE Scott Solomon
  • Titans waive FB Collin Mooney
  • Titans waive DB Khalid Wooten
  • Vikings waive WR Stephen Burton
  • Vikings waive LB Tyrone McKenzie
  • Vikings waive RB Joe Banyard
  • Vikings claim OT J’Marcus Webb

  • 49ers announce retirement of QB Seneca Wallace – The following moves for 8/30
  • Bears cut QB Jordan Palmer
  • Bears waive OT J’Marcus Webb
  • Bears cut QB Trent Edwards
  • Bears cut S Tom Nelson
  • Bears waive RB Harvey Unga
  • Bears waive WR Josh Lenz
  • Bears waive S Brandon Hardin
  • Bears cut C Edwin Williams
  • Bears waive LB Jerry Franklin
  • Bears waive LS Brandon Hartson
  • Bears waive RB Armando Allen
  • Bears waive TE Fendi Onobun
  • Bears waive CB Demontre Hurst
  • Bears waive DT Christian Tupou
  • Bears waive DL Aston Whiteside
  • Bears waive DE Josh Williams
  • Bills cut QB Matt Leinart
  • Bills cut G Antoine Caldwell
  • Bills waive CB Crezdon Butler
  • Bills waive OT Zebrie Sanders
  • Bills waive RB Zach Brown
  • Bills waive G Zach Chibane
  • Bills waive S Jordan Dangerfield
  • Bills waive TE Dorin Dickerson
  • Bills waive CB Kip Edwards
  • Bills waive RB Kendall Gaskins
  • Bills waive DT Jarron Gilbert
  • Bills waive CB T.J. Heath
  • Bills waive WR Brandon Kaufman
  • Bills waive LB Keith Pough
  • Bills waive TE Nick Provo
  • Bills waive LB Brian Smith
  • Bills waive C David Snow
  • Bills waive LB Kourtnei Brown
  • Broncos cut RB Lance Ball
  • Broncos waive WR Lamaar Thomas
  • Browns waive TE Dan Gronkowski
  • Browns waive RB Miguel Maysonet
  • Browns waive C Braxston Cave
  • Browns waive WR Mike Edwards
  • Browns waive CB Abdul Kanneh
  • Browns waive CB Kent Richardson
  • Browns waive P Colton Schmidt
  • Buccaneers waive TE Danny Noble
  • Cardinals cut WR Mike Thomas
  • Cardinals cut TE Dick Quinn
  • Cardinals cut G Chilo Rachal
  • Cardinals cut ILB Reggie Walker
  • Cardinals waive DL David Carter
  • Cardinals waive S Jonathon Amaya
  • Cardinals waive WR Charles Hawkins
  • Cardinals waive WR Dan Buckner
  • Cardinals waive C Adam Bice
  • Cardinals waive G Senio Kelemete
  • Cardinals waive TE Alex Gottlieb
  • Cardinals waive S Curtis Taylor
  • Cardinals waive LB Colin Parker
  • Cardinals waive OLB Zack Nash
  • Chargers cut OT Max Starks
  • Chargers cut CB Will Middleton
  • Chargers waive S Sean Cattouse
  • Chargers waive CB Greg Gatson
  • Chargers waive LB Jerrell Harris
  • Chargers waive LB Daniel Molls
  • Chargers waive OT Randy Richards
  • Chargers waive G Steve Schilling
  • Chargers waive WR Luke Tasker
  • Chargers waive LB Phillip Dillard
  • Chargers waive DB Cornelius Brown
  • Cowboys cut WR Anthony Armstrong
  • Cowboys waive QB Alex Tanney
  • Eagles cut QB Dennis Dixon
  • Eagles cut DE Everette Brown
  • Eagles cut DT Antonio Dixon
  • Eagles waive QB G.J. Kinne
  • Eagles waive DE David King
  • Eagles waive OT Matt Kopa
  • Eagles waive CB Trevard Lindley
  • Eagles waive WR Ifeanyi Momah
  • Eagles waive WR Will Murphy
  • Eagles waive C Dallas Reynolds
  • Eagles waive LB Adrian Robinson
  • Eagles waive C Matt Tennant
  • Falcons waive LB Brian Banks
  • Falcons waive LB Pat Schiller
  • Falcons waive RB Ronnie Wingo
  • Falcons waive S Charles Mitchell
  • Falcons waive G Theo Goins
  • Falcons waive DT Neal Huynh
  • Falcons waive CB Terrence Johnson
  • Falcons waive DT Micanor Regis
  • Falcons waive OT Alec Savoie
  • Falcons waive K Jeremy Shelley
  • Falcons waive CB Peyton Thompson
  • Jaguars waive QB Mike Kafka
  • Jaguars cut CB Marcus Trufant
  • Jaguars waive WR Jeremy Ebert
  • Jaguars waive DE Pannel Egboh
  • Jaguars waive RB Jonathan Grimes
  • Jaguars waive LB Brandon Marshall
  • Jaguars waive WR Charly Mitchell
  • Jaguars cut OT Pat McQuistan
  • Jaguars waive G Drew Nowak
  • Jaguars waive CB Kevin Rutland
  • Jaguars waive LB Julian Stanford
  • Jaguars waive WR Toney Clemons
  • Jaguars waive DE Ryan Davis
  • Jaguars waive DT T.J. Barnes
  • Jaguars waive OT R.J. Dill
  • Jaguars waive TE Ryan Otten
  • Jaguars waive WR Tobias Palmer
  • Jaguars waive QB Matt Scott
  • Jaguars waive S Steven Terrell
  • Jaguars waive LB Mike Zimmer
  • Jets cut NT Antonio Garay
  • Jets cut K Dan Carpenter
  • Packers sign RB/KR Joe McKnight
  • Patriots cut TE Jake Ballard
  • Patriots cut TE Daniel Fells
  • Patriots cut DE Marcus Benard
  • Patriots waive DL Scott Vallone
  • Patriots waive OL Matt Stankiewitch
  • Patriots waive LB Mike Rivera
  • Patriots waive WR Johnathan Haggerty
  • Patriots waive OL Luke Patterson
  • Patriots waive FB Ben Bartholomew
  • Patriots waive DL Gilbert Pena
  • Rams waive TE Philip Lutzenkirchen
  • Rams waive OT D.J. Young
  • Rams waive DE/OLB Sammy Brown
  • Rams waive DE Mason Brodine
  • Rams waive S Rashard Hall
  • Rams waive WR Nicholas Johnson
  • Rams waive CB Drew Thomas
  • Rams waive DE R.J. Washington
  • Rams waive QB Austin Davis
  • Rams waive WR Emory Blake
  • Rams waive S Cody Davis
  • Rams waive WR Justin Veltung
  • Ravens waive RB Delone Carter
  • Ravens cut QB Caleb Hanie
  • Ravens waive CB Marc Anthony
  • Ravens waive LB Nigel Carr
  • Ravens waive RB Anthony Allen
  • Ravens waive TE Alex Silvestro
  • Ravens waive QB Dayne Crist
  • Ravens waive LB Brandon Copeland
  • Ravens waive OT Jordan Devey
  • Ravens waive OT Rogers Gaines
  • Ravens waive G Reggie Stephens
  • Texans waive RB Dennis Johnson
  • Texans waive DT Chris Jones
  • Texans waive OT Nate Menkins
  • Texans waive FB Tyler Clutts
  • Texans waive DE Keith Browner
  • Texans waive DE Delano Johnson
  • Texans waive TE Jake Byrne
  • Texans waive C Tyler Horn
  • Texans waive G Alex Kupper
  • Texans waive LB Cameron Collins
  • Texans waive S Orhian Johnson
  • Texans waive LB Mike Mohamed
  • Texans waive WR Uzoma Nwachukwu
  • Texans waive S Jawanza Starling
  • Titans cut LB Gary Guyton
  • Titans waive RB Jalen Parmele
  • Titans waive S Al Afalava
  • Titans waive DT DaJohn Harris
  • Titans waive G Kasey Studdard
  • Titans waive DT Nigel Nicholas
  • Titans waive TE Brandon Barden
  • Titans waive DT Zach Clayton

  • 49ers cut QB Seneca Wallace – The following moves for 8/29

  • 49ers cut S Darcel McBath – The following moves for 8/28
  • Browns claim LB Eric Martin
  • Browns cut CB Trevin Wade
  • Buccaneers sign WR Jordan Norwood
  • Jaguars sign CB Will Blackmon
  • Jets sign QB Graham Harrell
  • Patriots waive CB Ras-I Dowling

  • 49ers waive DL Lawrence Okoye – The following moves for 8/27
  • 49ers waive NT Lamar Divens
  • Bears waive QB Matt Blanchard
  • Bengals waive G Otis Hudson
  • Bengals waive OT Jason Weaver
  • Browns claim P Colton Schmidt
  • Browns claim LB Paul Hazel
  • Browns waive FB Owen Marecic
  • Browns waive G Ryan Miller
  • Browns waive LB Kendrick Adams
  • Browns waive G Dominic Alford
  • Browns waive WR Dominique Croom
  • Browns waive DL Nicolas Jean-Baptiste
  • Browns waive TE Travis Tannahill
  • Buccaneers waive TE Zach Miller
  • Buccaneers waive TE Mike Shanahan
  • Buccaneers waive WR Terriun Crump
  • Buccaneers waive WR Chris Denton
  • Buccaneers waive G Adam Smith
  • Buccaneers waive CB Braden Smith
  • Cardinals sign TE Dick Quinn
  • Chiefs waive WR Jamar Newsome
  • Cowboys waive TE Colin Cochart
  • Cowboys waive G Dennis Godfrey
  • Cowboys waive WR Anthony Amos
  • Cowboys waive WR Jared Green
  • Cowboys waive LB Deon Lacey
  • Cowboys waive K Brett Maher
  • Cowboys waive WR Eric Rogers
  • Cowboys waive QB Nick Stephens
  • Cowboys waive CB Brandon Underwood
  • Dolphins waive WR Julius Pruitt
  • Dolphins waive LB Michael Clay
  • Dolphins cut G Lance Louis
  • Dolphins waive WR Jeff Fuller
  • Dolphins waive LB David Hinds
  • Dolphins waive DE Emeka Onyenekwu
  • Dolphins waive WR Andrell Smith
  • Dolphins waive LB Nathan Williams
  • Eagles waive DE/OLB Phillip Hunt
  • Jaguars claim QB Ricky Stanzi
  • Jaguars cut TE Isaiah Stanback
  • Jaguars waive RB De’Leon Eskridge
  • Jaguars claim LB Kyle Knox
  • Jets sign K Dan Carpenter
  • Jets cut K Billy Cundiff
  • Lions waive K Havard Rugland
  • Lions waive CB De’Quan Menzie
  • Lions waive TE Cameron Morrah
  • Lions waive TE Matt Veldman
  • Patriots waive TE Evan Landi
  • Patriots waive DT Anthony Rashad White
  • Patriots claim DT Gilbert Pena
  • Rams waive LB Jabara Williams
  • Redskins cut OT Jeremy Trueblood
  • Redskins cut CB Ryan Mouton
  • Redskins waive LB Roddrick Muckelroy
  • Saints claim CB Jumal Rolle
  • Saints waive WR Tim Toone
  • Saints waive S Akwasi Owusu-Ansah
  • Saints waive LB Eric Martin
  • Seahawks waive WR Donavon Kemp
  • Seahawks cut CB Will Blackmon
  • Titans waive S Markelle Martin

  • 49ers waive QB Scott Tolzien – The following moves for 8/26
  • 49ers waive RB D.J. Harper
  • 49ers waive LB Joe Holland
  • 49ers waive OL Al Netter
  • Bills waive WR Da’Rock Rogers
  • Bills waive WR DeMarco Sampson
  • Bills waive C Ryan Turnley
  • Bills waive CB Jumal Rolle
  • Bills waive DB Dominique Ellis
  • Browns waive WR Jordan Norwood
  • Buccaneers cut WR Derek Hagan
  • Buccaneers cut FB Spencer Larsen
  • Buccaneers waive WR Carlton Mitchell
  • Buccaneers waive DE Ernest Owusu
  • Buccaneers waive DE Markus White
  • Buccaneers waive S Troy Nolan
  • Jets cut WR Braylon Edwards
  • Jets cut G Stephen Peterman
  • Jets waive RB Joe McKnight
  • Jets waive WR Joe Collins
  • Jets waive S Donnie Fletcher
  • Jets waive G Patrick Ford
  • Jets waive OT Trey Gilleo
  • Jets waive S Bret Lockett
  • Jets waive TE Hayden Smith
  • Jets waive LB Sean Progar-Jackson
  • Jets waive P Ryan Quigley
  • Jets waive WR Marcus Rucker
  • Jets waive LS Patrick Scales
  • Jets waive RB Chad Spann
  • Jets waive WR K.J. Stroud
  • Jets waive WR Rahsaan Vaughn
  • Packers waive K Giorgio Tavecchio
  • Patriots cut LB Niko Koutouvides
  • Patriots waive WR Kamar Aiken
  • Patriots waive CB Brandon Jones
  • Patriots waive CB LeQuan Lewis
  • Patriots waive LS Mike Zupancic
  • Rams waive WR Andrew Helmick
  • Rams waive WR Raymond Radway
  • Rams waive WR Demetrius Fields
  • Rams waive TE Colby Prince
  • Rams waive QB Tim Jenkins
  • Rams waive K Brett Baer
  • Rams waive CB Robert Steeples
  • Rams waive LB Joseph Lebeau
  • Rams waive DT Al Lapuaho
  • Rams waive LS Jorgen Hus
  • Redskins cut WR Donte’ Stallworth
  • Redskins waive KR Richard Crawford
  • Redskins waive ILB Quan Sturdivant
  • Redskins waive FB Eric Kettani
  • Redskins waive DE/OLB Ricky Elmore
  • Redskins waive K John Potter
  • Redskins waive WR Chip Reeves
  • Saints acquire DE/OLB Parys Haralson from 49ers for conditional 7th-round pick
  • Seahawks waive WR Brett Swain
  • Seahawks waive TE Jameson Konz
  • Seahawks waive WR Perez Ashford
  • Seahawks waive LB Kyle Knox
  • Seahawks waive TE Andrei Lintz
  • Seahawks waive LS Kyle Nelson
  • Seahawks waive DT Martin Parker
  • Seahawks waive LB Craig Wilkins
  • Seahawks sign LS Clint Gresham
  • Texans waive RB Ray Graham
  • Texans waive QB Stephen McGee
  • Texans waive LB Elliot Coffey
  • Texans waive FB Zach Boren
  • Texans waive G Bryan Collins
  • Texans waive OT Nick Mondek
  • Texans waive DE Earl Okine
  • Texans waive CB Travis Howard
  • Texans waive P Andrew Shapiro
  • Texans waive LB Ja’Gared Davis
  • Texans waive TE Adam Schiltz
  • Titans cut OT Barry Richardson
  • Titans waive WR Roberto Wallace
  • Titans waive TE DeMarco Cosby
  • Titans waive K Maikon Bonani
  • Titans waive LB Kadarron Anderson
  • Titans waive S Tracy Wilson
  • Titans waive TE Martell Webb
  • Titans waive WR Justin Hilton
  • Vikings cut DE Lawrence Jackson
  • Vikings waive LB Stanford Keglar
  • Vikings waive WR LaMark Brown
  • Vikings waive WR Chris Summers
  • Vikings waive WR Erik Highsmith
  • Vikings waive G Tyler Holmes
  • Vikings waive DE Marquis Jackson
  • Vikings waive DB Greg McCoy
  • Vikings waive RB Bradley Randle
  • Vikings waive QB James Vandenberg
  • Vikings waive C Camden Wentz
  • Vikings waive RB Jerodis Williams
  • Vikings waive DB Roderick Williams

  • Bears cut WR Devin Aromashodu – The following moves for 8/25
  • Bears cut TE Leonard Pope
  • Bears cut DT Eric Foster
  • Bears cut DE Kyle Moore
  • Bears cut S Tom Zbikowski
  • Bears cut RB Curtis Brinkley
  • Bears cut S Derrick Martin
  • Bears cut TE Gabe Miller
  • Bears cut LB Patrick Trahan
  • Bears cut DT Brent Russell
  • Bears cut P Tress Way
  • Bears cut OT A.J. Lindeman
  • Bears cut C P.J. Lonergan
  • Bears cut LB Lawrence Wilson
  • Bengals waive TE Dick Quinn
  • Bengals waive K Quinn Sharp
  • Bengals waive WR Jheranie Boyd
  • Bengals waive DT Vaughn Meatoga
  • Bengals waive CB Terrence Brown
  • Bengals waive LB Jordan Campbell
  • Bills sign QB Matt Leinart
  • Broncos waive TE Deangelo Peterson
  • Broncos waive OT Manase Foketi
  • Broncos waive WR Greg Orton
  • Broncos waive DE Lanston Tanyu
  • Broncos waive C Quentin Saulsberry
  • Broncos waive WR Kemonte Bateman
  • Broncos waive CB Mario Butler
  • Broncos waive QB Ryan Katz
  • Broncos waive LB Uona Kaveinga
  • Broncos waive CB Nigel Malone
  • Broncos waive WR Quincy McDuffie
  • Buccaneers waive QB Adam Weber
  • Cardinals waive WR Nick Edwards
  • Cardinals waive QB Caleb TerBush
  • Cardinals waive OL Deveric Gallington
  • Cardinals waive OT Joe Caprioglio
  • Cardinals waive DT Jonathan Mathis
  • Cardinals waive LB Korey Jones
  • Cardinals waive DT Cordian Hagans
  • Cardinals waive CB Ronnie Yell
  • Cardinals cut K Dan Carpenter
  • Chargers waive G Brandyn Dombrowski
  • Chargers waive WR Deon Butler
  • Chargers waive C Colin Baxter
  • Chargers waive QB Nathan Enderle
  • Chargers waive RB Edwin Baker
  • Chargers waive CB Greg Brown
  • Chargers waive S Tony Burnett
  • Chargers waive P Richard Kent
  • Chargers waive DL Jamarcus McFarland
  • Chargers waive TE Dallas Walker
  • Chiefs waive QB Ricky Stanzi
  • Chiefs waive WR Terrance Cooper
  • Chiefs waive DB Neiko Thorpe
  • Chiefs waive FB Braden Wilson
  • Chiefs waive WR Tyler Shoemaker
  • Chiefs waive RB Jordan Roberts
  • Chiefs waive CB Kamaal McIlwain
  • Chiefs waive DE Rob Lohr
  • Chiefs waive OL A.J. Hawkins
  • Chiefs waive DB Otha Foster
  • Chiefs waive OL Hutch Eckerson
  • Chiefs waive OL Ryan Durand
  • Chiefs waive DE Miguel Chavis
  • Chiefs waive CB Vince Agnew
  • Colts waive CB Johnny Adams
  • Colts waive RB Davin Meggett
  • Colts waive C Rick Schmeig
  • Colts waive DB Ashante Williams
  • Colts waive WR Teddy Wiliams
  • Colts waive WR Maurice Williams
  • Colts waive DB Allen Chapman
  • Colts waive G Danous Estenor
  • Colts waive DL Kellen Heard
  • Colts waive K Brandon McManus
  • Colts waive LB C.O. Prime
  • Eagles cut LB Jamar Chaney
  • Eagles cut S Kenny Phillips
  • Eagles waive TE Derek Carrier
  • Eagles waive DE Eddie McClam
  • Eagles waive WR Nick Miller
  • Eagles waive OT Nic Purcell
  • Eagles waive OL Isaac Remington
  • Eagles waive TE Will Shaw
  • Eagles waive DT Daryell Walker
  • Eagles waive LS James Winchester
  • Eagles waive P Brad Wing
  • Falcons waive TE Colin Cloherty
  • Falcons waive TE Tim Biere
  • Falcons waive FB DeVonte Campbell
  • Falcons waive LB Nick Clancy
  • Falcons waive QB Seth Doege
  • Falcons waive DE Cam Henderson
  • Falcons waive DE Brandon Thurmond
  • Falcons waive OT Jeff Nady
  • Falcons waive RB Donald Russell
  • Falcons waive S Troy Sanders
  • Falcons waive C Matt Smith
  • Giants waive WR Terrell Sinfield
  • Giants waive FB Ben Guiudugli
  • Giants waive WR Brandon Collins
  • Giants waive TE Jamie Childers
  • Giants waive TE Chase Clement
  • Giants waive OL Michael Jasper
  • Giants waive OL Austin Holtz
  • Giants waive LB Jake Muassau
  • Giants waive LB Etienne Sabino
  • Giants waive DT Frank Okam
  • Giants waive CB La’Ron Scott
  • Giants waive CB Junior Mertile
  • Giants waive S Alonzo Tweety
  • Jaguars waive C Mark Asper
  • Jaguars waive S Ray Polk
  • Jaguars waive P Ken Parrish
  • Jaguars waive CB Lionel Smith
  • Jaguars waive LB Maalink Bomar
  • Jaguars waive LB Jeremiah Green
  • Jaguars waive DE J.D. Griggs
  • Jaguars waive LS Jeremy Cain
  • Jaguars waive DE Paul Hazel
  • Jaguars waive LS Luke Ingram
  • Jaguars waive WR Jamal Miles
  • Jaguars waive OT Roderick Tomlin
  • Lions acquire LB Chris White from Bills for QB Thaddeus Lewis
  • Lions cut S Chris Hope
  • Lions waive DE Ronnell Lewis
  • Lions waive WR Cody Wilson
  • Lions waive CB Myron Lewis
  • Packers waive RB Angelo Pease
  • Packers waive WR Alex Gillett
  • Packers waive WR Omarius Hines
  • Packers waive DT Gilbert Pena
  • Packers waive WR Justin Wilson
  • Panthers sign G Travelle Wharton
  • Raiders cut KR Joshua Cribbs
  • Raiders waive WR Sam McGuffie
  • Raiders waive C Andrew Robiskie
  • Raiders waive DB Cory Neims
  • Raiders waive DT Myles Wade
  • Raiders waive WR Tray Session
  • Raiders waive FB Jon Hoese
  • Raiders waive RB Deonte Williams
  • Raiders waive LB Eric Harper
  • Ravens re-sign QB Dayne Crist
  • Ravens cut TE Visanthe Shiancoe
  • Ravens waive G Ramon Harewood
  • Ravens waive WR Tommy Streeter
  • Ravens waive LB Bryan Hall
  • Steelers waive RB Baron Batch
  • Steelers waive CB Demarcus Van Dyke
  • Steelers waive QB John Parker Wilson
  • Steelers waive LB Stevenson Sylvester
  • Steelers waive OT D’Anthony Batiste
  • Steelers waive OT Mike Farrell
  • Steelers waive WR David Gilreath
  • Steelers waive WR Tyler Shaw
  • Steelers waive CB Ryan Steed
  • Steelers waive TE Peter Tuitupou
  • Steelers waive WR J.D. Woods
  • Steelers waive RB Jeremy Wright

  • Cardinals cut WR Jarett Dillard – The following moves for 8/24
  • Packers waive QB Graham Harrell
  • Panthers waive OT Bruce Campbell
  • Panthers waive KR Kealoha Pilares
  • Panthers waive LB Ryan Rau
  • Panthers waive QB Colby Cameron
  • Panthers waive WR Dale Moss
  • Panthers waive P JOrdan Gay
  • Panthers waive CB Nick Hixson
  • Panthers waive K Morgan Lineberry
  • Panthers waive DE Louis Nzegwu
  • Panthers waive S Ricardo Silva
  • Panthers waive OL Justin Wells

  • Lions cut WR Chaz Schilens – The following moves for 8/23
  • Lions cut CB Domonique Johnson
  • Lions cut OT Derek Hardman
  • Lions cut DL John Drew
  • Lions cut DB Ross Weaver
  • Steelers acquire RB Felix Jones from Eagles for DE/OLB Adrian Robinson

  • 49ers waive WR Ricardo Lockette – The following moves for 8/22
  • 49ers sign QB Seneca “Backdoor Bandit” Wallace
  • Browns waive P T.J. Conley
  • Jets sign Mohamed Massaquoi
  • Jets sign OT Jason Smith

  • Cardinals sign K Dan Carpenter – The following moves for 8/21
  • Cowboys sign DE Jason Vega
  • Giants sign WR Terrell Sinkfield
  • Ravens acquire RB Delone Carter from Colts for KR David Reed
  • Saints cut OT Jason Smith

  • Bills waive G Keith Williams – The following moves for 8/20
  • Broncos sign LB Paris Lenon
  • Broncos acquire G John Moffitt from Seahawks for DT Sealver Siliga
  • Buccaneers sign DE Trevor Scott
  • Buccaneers sign K Rian Lindell
  • Cardinals sign WR Mike Thomas
  • Dolphins cut CB Richard Marshall
  • Jets claim C Scott Wedige
  • Raiders sign OT Tony Hills
  • Raiders claim OLB Chase Thomas

  • 49ers acquire WR Jon Baldwin from Chiefs for WR A.J. Jenkins – The following moves for 8/19
  • Bills cut K Rian Lindell
  • Browns cut FB Brock Bolen
  • Cardinals waive C Scott Wedige
  • Cardinals waive C Kyle Quinn
  • Cardinals waive P Will Batson
  • Cowboys waive LB Alex Albright
  • Jaguars cut C Jason Spitz
  • Jaguars cut WR Mohaemd Massaquoi
  • Lions cut WR Mike Thomas
  • Lions waive LB Cory Greenwood
  • Patriots cut LB A.J. Edds
  • Patriots cut DL Scott Vallone
  • Patriots cut OT R.J. Mattes
  • Ravens cut CB Chris Johnson
  • Saints cut QB Seneca Wallace
  • Saints cut WR Steve Breaston
  • Saints cut WR Patrick Crayton
  • Vikings cut CB Jacob Lacey

  • Bears sign QB Trent Edwards – The following moves for 8/18
  • Bears waive WR Jerrell Jackson
  • Bengals cut DE/OLB Aaron Maybin
  • Bengals cut WR Tyrone Goard
  • Bengals cut CB Troy Stoudemire
  • Bills cut OT Tony Hills
  • Bills waive WR Terrell Sinkfield
  • Bills waive CB Don Unamba
  • Bills waive S Mark Legree
  • Lions sign TE Cameron Morrah
  • Lions sign OT Kevin Haslam

  • Bears cut DE Jamaal Anderson – The following moves for 8/17
  • Bears sign DT Eric Foster
  • Lions sign LB Rocky McIntosh
  • Lions sign CB Rashean Mathis

  • Bears sign QB Jordan Palmer – The following moves for 8/16

  • Dolphins sign DE/OLB Antwan Applewhite – The following moves for 8/15
  • Lions sign DT Justin Bannan
  • Patriots cut WR Michael Jenkins
  • Redskins sign LB Quan Sturdivant

  • Bills waive TE Mike Caussin – The following moves for 8/14
  • Bills sign LB Jamaal Westerman
  • Chiefs sign CB Kennard Cox
  • Chiefs waive LB Chad Kilgore
  • Dolphins cut K Dan Carpenter
  • Dolphins re-sign QB Aaron Corp
  • Redskins cut WR Devery Henderson

  • Jaguars sign LB Andy Studebaker – The following moves for 8/13
  • Patriots sign TE Evan Landi

  • Bears sign RB Curtis Brinkley – The following moves for 8/12
  • Eagles acquire WR Jeff Maehl from Texans for OT Nate Menkin
  • Giants waive WR Kris Adams
  • Giants sign WR Marcus Harris
  • Packers announce retirement of K Ryan Longwell
  • Patriots sign CB LeQuan Lewis
  • Rams sign OT D.J. Young
  • Saints sign WR Patrick Crayton

  • Bears sign DB Derrick Martin – The following moves for 8/11
  • Jets sign RB Kahlil Bell
  • Lions sign CB Myron Lewis
  • Ravens sign TE Dallas Clark
  • Titans sign LB Gary Guyton

  • Bengals re-sign G Otis Hudson – The following moves for 8/10
  • Buccaneers re-sign S Troy Nolan
  • Ravens sign WR Brandon Stokley
  • Seahawks sign WR Donavon Kemp

  • Bengals re-sign G Otis Hudson – The following moves for 8/10
  • Buccaneers re-sign S Troy Nolan
  • Ravens sign WR Brandon Stokley
  • Seahawks sign WR Donavon Kemp

  • 49ers sign CB Eric Wright – The following moves for 8/8
  • Buccaneers waive DB Myron Lewis
  • Steelers claim TE Michael Palmer

  • Bills sign S Mark Legree – The following moves for 8/7
  • Broncos sign TE Deangelo Peterson
  • Jaguars claim WR Charly Martin
  • Seahawks cut WR Early Doucet

  • 49ers waive WR Charly Martin – The following moves for 8/6
  • 49ers sign P Colton Schmidt
  • Jaguars sign OT Pat McQuistan
  • Seahawks waive OT Michael Palmer

  • Buccaneers waive S Troy Nolan – The following moves for 8/5
  • Buccaneers waive WR Bobby Sewall
  • Jaguars waive WR Taylor Price
  • Jaguars waive OL Stephane Milhim
  • Jets waive WR Marcus Davis
  • Lions cut WR Devin Thomas
  • Lions sign CB Brandon King
  • Packers sign QB Vince Young
  • Patriots sign OL Matt Stankiewitch
  • Patriots sign LS MIke Zupancic
  • Saints sign WR Steve Breaston
  • Sints waive WR Chris Givens

  • Falcons cut TE Tommy Gallarda – The following moves for 8/4
  • Jets cut WR Jordan White
  • Jets sign RB Mossis Madu
  • Jets sign WR Michael Campbell
  • Jets sign C Erik Cook

  • Chiefs waive OT Mike Tepper – The following moves for 8/3
  • Chiefs sign G Rokevious Watkins
  • Patriots waive WR Lavasier Tuinei
  • Patriots waive OT Elvis Fisher
  • Seahawks sign WR Early Doucet

  • 49ers sign WR Austin Collie – The following moves for 8/2
  • 49ers sign WR Lavelle Hawkins
  • Bears waive K Austin Signor
  • Bears sign TE Leonard Pope
  • Bears waive TE Brody Eldridge
  • Panthers claim S Ricardo Silva
  • Panthers sign G Chris Scott

  • Chiefs sign OT Mike Tepper – The following moves for 8/1
  • Chiefs sign CB Kamaal McIlwain
  • Colts sign G Thomas Austin
  • Colts waive G Robert T. Griffin
  • Cowboys waive DE Cameron Sheffield
  • Eagles waive WR B.J. Cunningham
  • Lions cut S Ricardo Silva
  • Lions cut DL Spencer Nealy
  • Panthers cut G/C Geoff Hangartner
  • Patriots sign WR Lavasier Tuinei

  • Broncos sign G/C Ryan Lilja – The following moves for 7/31
  • Buccaneers sign G Roger Allen
  • Buccaneers sign G Howard Barbieri
  • Buccaneers sign LB Dom DeCicco
  • Chargers sign QB Nate Enderle
  • Dolphins waive WR Armon Binns
  • Dolphins waive WR Jasper Collins
  • Patriots waive G/C Nick McDonald
  • Patriots cut WR Lavelle Hawkins
  • Redskins sign ILB Nick Barnett

  • 49ers waive LB Darius Fleming – The following moves for 7/30
  • Dolphins sign WR Julius Pruitt
  • Eagles re-sign WR Nick Miller
  • Panthers sign TE Zack Pianalto
  • Saints sign WR Tim Toone
  • Seahawks re-sign DL Jameson Konz
  • Steelers sign CB Ryan Steed

  • Buccaneers sign S Troy Nolan – The following moves for 7/29
  • Raiders re-sign LB Omar Gaither
  • Ravens sign FB Vonta Leach
  • Texans sign ILB Joe Mays

  • Bills sign OT Tony Hills – The following moves for 7/28
  • Bills sign G Antoine Caldwell
  • Broncos sign G Steve Vallos
  • Cardinals claim TE Mickey Shuler
  • Chargers sign CB William Middleton
  • Dolphins waive QB Aaron Corp
  • Ravens sign TE Visanthe Shiancoe

  • Bills waive OT Chris Scott – The following moves for 7/27
  • Bills waive TE Mickey Schuler
  • Broncos waive TE Lucas Reed
  • Broncos sign TE Jake O’Connell
  • Buccaneers sign FB Spencer Larsen
  • Chargers waive ILB Jonas Mouton
  • Jets sign RB Chad Spann
  • Seahawks claim DE/OLB O’Brien Schofield

  • Eagles waive RB William Powell – The following moves for 7/26
  • Giants waive K David Buehler
  • Giants sign FB Ryan D’Imperio
  • Lions sign DT Andre Fluellen

  • Bears sign DE Jamaal Anderson – The following moves for 7/25
  • Bears announce retirement of DT Sedrick Ellis
  • Colts waive TE Weslye Saunders
  • Jaguars waive S Chris Banjo
  • Jaguars waive TE Kyler Reed
  • Lions waive G Bill Nagy
  • Patriots re-sign G Tyronne Green
  • Redskins sign CB Ryan Mouton
  • Redskins waive S Jordan Bernstine
  • Redskins waive S Devin Holland
  • Texans waive TE Phillip Supernaw

  • Browns sign LB Justin Cole – The following moves for 7/24
  • Browns sign FB Brock Bolen
  • Browns waive OL Dominic Alford
  • Browns waive WR Kennan Davis
  • Cardinals waive LB Tim Fugger
  • Cowboys sign DE George Selvie
  • Cowboys sign DL Landon Cohen
  • Cowboys waive WR Lavasier Tuinei
  • Jaguars claim S Ray Polk
  • Jets re-sign WR Braylon Edwards
  • Jets sign DT Leger Douzable
  • Lions sign WR Chaz Schilens
  • Panthers waive WR Lamont Bryant
  • Panthers sign OL Garrett Chisolm
  • Panthers sign TE Dominique Curry
  • Rams waive G Rokevious Watkins
  • Titans sign RB Jackie Battle
  • Titans sign TE DeMarco Cosby

  • Bills cut DE Mark Anderson – The following moves for 7/23
  • Broncos cut ILB Joe Mays
  • Browns sign WR Naaman Roosevelt
  • Buccaneers sign RB Peyton Hillis
  • Cardinals waive RB William Powell
  • Falcons waive WR Tim Toone
  • Jets sign K Billy Cundiff
  • Jets sign LS Patrick Scales
  • Jets sign OT Jeffrey Shugarts
  • Raiders waive CB Coye Francies
  • Raiders waive LB Travis Goethel
  • Saints sign DB Akwasi Owusu-Ansah
  • Saints waive CB Ryan Steed
  • Seahawks sign TE Michael Palmer

  • Buccaneers cut CB Eric Wright – The following moves for 7/22
  • Jaguars waive QB Jordan Rodgers
  • Panthers waive G Thomas Austin
  • Texans waive DL RaShon Harris

  • Cowboys sign OT Demetress Bell – The following moves for 7/21
  • Cowboys sign QB Alex Tanney
  • Cowboys sign WR Lavasier Tuinei

  • 49ers acquire CB Eric Wright from Buccaneers for a 2014 late-round pick – The following moves for 7/19
  • Rams sign LB Will Witherspoon

  • Buccaneers sign K Lawrence Tynes – The following moves for 7/17
  • Lions waive RB Jahvid Best
  • Redskins announce retirement of TE Chris Cooley

  • 49ers claim WR Charly Martin – The following moves for 7/12
  • Cowboys cut FB Lawrence Vickers

  • Cowboys waive DT Robert Calloway – The following moves for 7/11
  • Seahawks waive WR Charly Martin

  • Bengals cut DE Jamaal Anderson – The following moves for 7/10

  • Steelers cut CB Justin King – The following moves for 7/2

  • Browns waive DE/OLB Ausar Walcott – The following moves for 6/26
  • Lions sign DE Israel Idonije
  • Patriots cut TE Aaron Hernandez

  • Cowboys sign DE Jerome Long – The following moves for 6/24
  • Lions cut WR Brian Robiskie
  • Lions sign S Chris Hope
  • Vikings sign ILB Desmond Bishop

  • Buccaneers sign CB Michael Adams – The following moves for 6/19
  • Buccaneers waive G Jeremy Lewis
  • Panthers sign WR Dale Moss
  • Titans sign OT Barry Richardson

  • Patriots sign RB George Winn – The following moves for 6/18

  • Lions sign TE Matt Veldman – The following moves for 6/17
  • Lions waive TE Dominique Curry
  • Packers cut ILB Desmond Bishop

  • Chiefs claim DE Austen Lane – The following moves for 6/14
  • Chiefs cut DT Daniel Muir
  • Dolphins waive WR Courtney Gardner
  • Dolphins sign WR Joe Hastings
  • Jets sign TE Kellen Winslow Jr.
  • Rams sign S Matt Giordano
  • Seahawks waive QB Jerrod Johnson

  • Broncos cut RB Willis McGahee – The following moves for 6/13
  • Buccaneers sign WR Derek Hagan
  • Jaguars sign CB Lionel Smith
  • Jaguars waive DE AustenLane
  • Jaguars waive CB Trey Wilson
  • Redskins waive FB Dorson Boyce
  • Seahawks sign QB Tarvaris Jackson

  • 49ers waive TE Cameron Morrah – The following moves for 6/12
  • Bengals waive S Robert Sands
  • Redskins sign WR Devery Henderson
  • Redskins sign WR Donte’ Stallworth
  • Redskins sign K John Potter
  • Redskins waive TE Deangelo Peterson
  • Redskins waive DE Doug Worthington

  • Bears sign DT Sedrick Ellis – The following moves for 6/11
  • Colts sign RB Ahmad Bradshaw
  • Dolphins claim TE Evan Rodriguez
  • Jaguars claim QB Mike Kafka
  • Jaguars waive TE Matt Veldman
  • Packers sign WR Terrell Sinkfield
  • Ravens cut FB Vonta Leach
  • Saints CB Chris Carr

  • Bears waive WR Dale Moss – The following moves for 6/10
  • Bears sign WR Devin Aromashodu
  • Bears sign WR Jerrell Jackson
  • Bears waive TE Evan Rodriguez
  • Bears sign FB Tony Fiammetta
  • Bears waive WR Demetrius Fields
  • Bills cut QB Tarvaris Jackson
  • Cowboys sign DT Jeris Pendleton
  • Patriots sign QB Tim Tebow
  • Patriots waive QB Mike Kafka
  • Patriots waive DT DeWayne Cherrington

  • Buccaneers acquire G/OT Gabe Carimi from Bears for sixth-round pick – The following moves for 6/9

  • Chiefs sign CB Vince Agnew – The following moves for 6/6
  • Patriots sign LB A.J. Edds
  • Titans cut C Eugene Amano

  • Bills sign G Doug Legursky – The following moves for 6/5
  • Bills waive LB Greg Lloyd
  • Cowboys waive DT Robert Callaway
  • Lions cut WR Lance Long
  • Patriots waive RB Akeem Shavers
  • Ravens sign OLB Daryl Smith
  • Ravens waive DE/OLB Michael McAdoo

  • 49ers waive WR Joe Hastings – The following moves for 6/4
  • 49ers sign WR Kassim Osgood
  • Buccaneers sign K Derek Dimke
  • Buccaneers sign WR Carlton Mitchell
  • Cowboys re-sign S Eric Frampton
  • Lions sign WR Matt Willis
  • Lions sign KR Michael Spurlock
  • Lions sign G Jake Scott
  • Ravens waive QB Dayne Crist
  • Ravens sign WR Marcus Rivers

  • 49ers sign S Ray Ventrone – The following moves for 6/3
  • Cowboys sign TE Dante Rosario
  • Lions sign G Leroy Harris
  • Lions waive CB Lionel Smith

  • Dolphins sign WR Courtney Gardner – The following moves for 5/31
  • Lions waive QB Alex Carder
  • Patriots cut G Tyronne Green
  • Patriots waive WR T.J. Moe

  • Bills sign WR DeMarco Sampson – The following moves for 5/30
  • Falcons sign FB Patrick DiMarco
  • Jets sign WR Ben Obomanu
  • Lions sign RB Montell Owens

  • Broncos sign CB Quentin Jammer – The following moves for 5/29
  • Buccaneers announce retirement of WR Steve Smith
  • Giants sign LB Kyle Bosworth
  • Panthers sign OT Patrick Brown
  • Vikings sign LB Stanford Keglar

  • Lions claim QB Thaddeus Lewis – The following moves for 5/28
  • Seahawks waive TE Anthony McCoy

  • Browns sign WR Tori Gurley – The following moves for 5/23
  • Giants re-sign WR Ramses Barden
  • Saints waive DE Greg Romeus

  • Bears announce retirement of ILB Brian Urlacher – The following moves for 5/22
  • Broncos waive RB Mario Fanin
  • Broncos announce retirement of S Blake Gideon
  • Browns waive QB Thaddeus Lewis
  • Chiefs sign S Quintin Demps
  • Jaguars sign WR Jeremy Ebert
  • Jaguars waive DT Jeris Pendleton

  • Browns claim RB Miguel Maysonet – The following moves for 5/21
  • Browns waive LB Ryan Rau
  • Browns waive S Eric Hagg
  • Chargers sign OT Max Starks
  • Chargers waive OT Kevin Haslam
  • Raiders sign S Charles Woodson
  • Seahawks waive QB Josh Portis

  • Bears cut DT Andre Fluellen – The following moves for 5/20
  • Eagles waive RB Miguel Maysonet
  • Patriots sign WR Mark Harrison
  • Rams sign TE Zach Potter
  • Seahawks re-sign TE Darren Fells

  • Chargers sign DE Dwight Freeney – The following moves for 5/18

  • Bills hire GM Doug Whaley – The following moves for 5/16
  • Browns re-sign RB Brandon Jackson
  • Browns sign QB Brian Hoyer
  • Chargers sign OLB Thomas Kaiser
  • Cowboys sign DT Anthony Hargrove
  • Giants waive TE Michael Palmer
  • Giants waive CB Antonio Dennard
  • Jaguars claim DT Kyle Love
  • Jaguars cut RB Montell Owens
  • Jaguars sign C Dan Gerberry
  • Raiders sign P Chris Kluwe
  • Saints sign DT Isaako Aaitui

  • Bills hire GM Doug Whaley – The following moves for 5/16
  • Browns re-sign RB Brandon Jackson
  • Browns sign QB Brian Hoyer
  • Chargers sign OLB Thomas Kaiser
  • Cowboys sign DT Anthony Hargrove
  • Giants waive TE Michael Palmer
  • Giants waive CB Antonio Dennard
  • Jaguars claim DT Kyle Love
  • Jaguars cut RB Montell Owens
  • Jaguars sign C Dan Gerberry
  • Raiders sign P Chris Kluwe
  • Saints sign DT Isaako Aaitui

  • Dolphins claim WR Marvin McNutt – The following moves for 5/15
  • Dolphins waive LS Patrick Scales
  • Dolphins sign QB Aaron Corp
  • Jets announce retirement of QB David Garrard
  • Lions claim CB De’Quan Menzie
  • Patriots cut DT Kyle Love
  • Raiders sign KR Josh Cribbs
  • Raiders sign QB Matt McGloin
  • Ravens announce retirement of WR Mark Clayton
  • Ravens announce retirement of ILB Rolando McClain
  • Ravens sign QB Dayne Crist
  • Texans waive RB George Winn
  • Texans waive OT Dann O’Neill
  • Titans sign LB Greg Jones

  • Bills claim TE Mickey Schuler – The following moves for 5/14
  • Chiefs claim OT Matt Reynolds
  • Chiefs waive CB De’Quan Menzie
  • Chiefs waive G Lucas Patterson
  • Eagles waive WR Marvin McNutt
  • Eagles sign RB Felix Jones
  • Jaguars claim DL Brandon Deaderick
  • Jets claim WR Marcus Davis
  • Lions waive RB Devin Moore
  • Raiders claim WR Andre Holmes
  • Texans sign RB Deji Karim

  • Bears sign DT Corvey Irvin – The following moves for 5/13
  • Bears sign DT Christian Tupou
  • Bears sign CB Maurice Jones
  • Bears sign WR Demetrius Fields
  • Bears waive CB LeQuan Lewis
  • Bears waive LB Dom DeCicco
  • Browns waive CB Kevin Barnes
  • Browns waive WR Mike Edwards
  • Browns waive DL Paipai Falemalu
  • Browns waive P Jake Schum
  • Browns waive DB Ricky Tunstall
  • Browns sign P T.J. Conley
  • Cardinals waive QB Brian Hoyer
  • Chiefs waive FB Ryan D’Imperio
  • Chiefs waive RB Nate Eachus
  • Chiefs waive S Jose Gumbs
  • Eagles waive OT Matt Reynolds
  • Eagles waive WR DeMarco Sampson
  • Eagles waive DT Ronnie Cameron
  • Packers waive LB Micah Johnson
  • Panthers sign LB Ben Jacobs
  • Panthers waive DE Thomas Kaiser
  • Panthers waive G Zachary Williams
  • Patriots sign G Tyronne Green
  • Patriots waive DL Brandon Deaderick
  • Raiders sign TE Jeron Mastrud
  • Raiders waive CB Akwasi Owusu-Ansah
  • Raiders waive TE Mickey Shuler
  • Raiders waive CB Adrian Bushnell
  • Raiders waive C Deveric Gallington
  • Raiders waive LS Adam Steiner
  • Ravens waive WR Tori Gurley
  • Saints sign LB Baraka Atkins
  • Titans sign DT Antonio Johnson
  • Titans waive LB Tom Wort

  • Giants waive WR Marcus Davis – The following moves for 5/12
  • Giants waive OT Levy Adcock
  • Giants waive DL Bobby Skinner
  • Giants waive DB Buddy Jackson
  • Giants waive LB Charles Dieuseul
  • Giants waive K Jake Rogers
  • Jets waive K Derek Dimke
  • Jets waive WR Royce Pollard
  • Jets waive DT Roosevelt Holiday

  • Giants sign TE Michael Palmer – The following moves for 5/12
  • Giants waive OT Levy Adcock
  • Giants sign DT Frank Okam

  • Cardinals sign ILB Karlos Dansby – The following moves for 5/10
  • Giants sign OLB Aaron Curry
  • Patriots waive WR Andre Holmes

  • Cowboys waive DT Brian Price – The following moves for 5/9
  • Cowboys waive QB Aaron Corp
  • Patriots sign WR Lavelle Hawkins
  • Ravens acquire C A.Q. Shipley from Colts for a conditional 2014 pick

  • Browns sign OT Rashad Butler – The following moves for 5/8
  • Buccaneers announce retirement of S Ronde Barber
  • Seahawks waive TE Darren Fells
  • Titans sign RB Jalen Parmele
  • Titans waive RB Jamie Harper

  • Cowboys sign QB Aaron Corp – The following moves for 5/7
  • Jaguars sign CB Marcus Trufant
  • Jaguars cut CB Antwaun Molden
  • Patriots claim RB Akeem Shavers

  • 49ers sign G Adam Snyder – The following moves for 5/6
  • Buccaneers sign DT Andre Neblett
  • Giants announce retirement of LB Clint Sintim
  • Jaguars waive LB Greg Jones
  • Jaguars waive RB Richard Murphy
  • Steelers sign OT Guy Whimper
  • Vikings cut P Chris Kluwe
  • Vikings sign OT Brandon Keith

  • Dolphins re-sign OT Tyson Clabo – The following moves for 5/5

  • Lions claim LB Cory Greenwood – The following moves for 5/4
  • Lions claim G Derek Hardman
  • Ravens waive RB Lonyae Miller

  • Buccaneers cut DT Corvey Irving – The following moves for 5/3
  • Buccaneers waive CB James Rogers
  • Buccaneers waive G Derek Hardman
  • Chiefs waive FB Patrick DiMarco
  • Chiefs waive LB Cory Greenwood
  • Chiefs waive QB Alex Tanney
  • Chiefs waive OL Bryan Mattison
  • Ravens re-sign OT Bryant McKinnie

  • Cardinals acquire CB Javier Arenas from Cardinals for FB Anthony Sherman – The following moves for 5/1
  • Raiders re-sign LS Nick Guess
  • Titans cut WR Lavelle Hawkins
  • Titans waive WR Michael Calvin
  • Titans waive S Suaesi Tuimaunei

  • Colts waive RB Robert Hughes – The following moves for 4/30
  • Colts waive RB Alvester Alexander
  • Colts waive LB Shawn Loiseau
  • Jets waive OT D.J. Young
  • Jets waive CB Cliff Harris
  • Jets waive DE Claude Davis
  • Patriots cut G Brian Waters
  • Raiders sign K Eddie Carmona
  • Steelers waive WR Bert Reed
  • Steelers sign P Brian Moorman

  • Bills acquire DE/OLB Jerry Hughes from Colts for ILB Kelvin Sheppard – The following moves for 4/29
  • Bills waive QB Aaron Corp
  • Bills waive OT Adam Grant
  • Bills waive K Chris Koepplin
  • Bills waive TE Joe Sawyer
  • Cardinals cut G Adam Snyder
  • Cardinals cut G Jeremiah Warren
  • Eagles cut TE Evan Moore
  • Jaguars waive DT Jerome Long
  • Jaguars waive WR Jerrell Jackson
  • Jets cut QB Tim Tebow
  • Packers waive G/T Joe Gibbs
  • Patriots waive TE Brad Herman
  • Patriots waive FB Tony Fiammetta
  • Patriots waive DL Tracy Robertson
  • Patriots waive DB Malcolm Williams
  • Ravens waive TE Steve Watson
  • Vikings sign CB Jacob Lacy
  • Vikings waive P T.J. Conley

  • Browns acquire WR Davone Bess from Dolphins for mid-round swaps – The following moves for 4/28

  • Bengals re-sign OT Andre Smith – The following moves for 4/27
  • Broncos sign DE Shaun Phillips
  • Jets sign RB Chris Ivory
  • Patriots acquire RB LeGarrette Blount from Buccaneers for RB Jeff Demps, 7th-round pick

  • Jets acquire RB Chris Ivory from Saints for 4th-round pick – The following moves for 4/26

  • Chargers claim ILB D.J. Smith – The following moves for 4/25

  • Falcons waive WR Kerry Meier – The following moves for 4/22

  • Buccaneers acquire CB Darrelle Revis from Jets for No. 13 pick and other selections The following moves for 4/21

  • Bengals sign OLB James Harrison – The following moves for 4/19
  • Seahawks re-sign K Steven Hauschka

  • Bears waive OL Chris Riley – The following moves for 4/18
  • Bills sign FB Frank Summers
  • Chiefs sign LB Orie Lemon
  • Jaguars sign DE Pannel Egboh
  • Patriots cut DT Myron Pryor
  • Steelers re-sign NT Steve McLendon

  • 49ers sign TE Cameron Morrah – The following moves for 4/17

  • Bears sign G Eben Britton – The following moves for 4/16
  • Bengals sign TE Alex Smith
  • Jets re-sign OLB Calvin Pace
  • Panthers cut LB Kenny Onatolu
  • Seahawks waive DL Dexter Davis

  • Browns sign K Shayne Graham – The following moves for 4/15
  • Chargers sign TE Dallas Walker
  • Eagles cut QB Trent Edwards
  • Packers sign WR Sederrick Cunningham
  • Rams re-sign QB Kellen Clemens
  • Saints sign QB Seneca Wallace

  • Chiefs sign ILB Akeem Jordan – The following moves for 4/14
  • Steelers match offer for WR Emmanuel Sanders

  • Bengals sign C Mike Pollak – The following moves for 4/12
  • Bengals re-sign RB Bernard Scott
  • Chiefs sign ILB Zac Diles
  • Seahawks sign CB Antoine Winfield

  • Eagles acquire DE/OLB Emmanuel Acho from Browns for RB Dion Lewis – The following moves for 4/11
  • Lions sign K Havard Rugland
  • Raiders sign S Reggie Smith
  • Saints sign OT Jason Smith

  • Bears sign G Chilo Rachal – The following moves for 4/10
  • Bengals cut CB Jason Allen
  • Patriots re-sign WR Julian Edelman
  • Patriots sign WR Emmanuel Sanders to offer sheet; Steelers have 5 days to match
  • Raiders sign RB Rashad Jennings
  • Ravens sign ILB Rolando McClain
  • Texans re-sign ILB Tim Dobbins

  • Bears sign DE Kyle Moore – The following moves for 4/9
  • Bears sign DT Andre Fluellen
  • Jets sign S Dawan Landry
  • Raiders sign CB Mike Jenkins
  • Raiders sign DE Andre Carter
  • Raiders sign S Usama Young
  • Raiders re-sign CB Joselio Hanson
  • Seahawks sign QB Brady Quinn

  • Browns sign WR David Nelson – The following moves for 4/8
  • Buccaneers sign QB Dan Orlovsky
  • Chargers sign WR Deon Butler
  • Chargers sign WR Dan DePalma
  • Chargers sign DB Cornelius Brown
  • Lions sign WR Brian Robiskie
  • Patriots sign DT Tommy Kelly
  • Saints sign S Jim Leonhard
  • Seahawks sign WR Brett Swain
  • Texans re-sign OT Ryan Harris

  • Packers sign TE Matthew Mulligan – The following moves for 4/7

  • Jaguars sign WR Mohamed Massaquoi – The following moves for 4/5
  • Lions sign K David Akers
  • Raiders waive ILB Rolando McClain
  • Raiders waive G Jason Slowey

  • Buccaneers cut QB Dan Orlovsky – The following moves for 4/4
  • Buccaneers cut RB D.J. Ware
  • Falcons cut OT Tyson Clabo
  • Lions announce retirement of K Jason Hanson

  • Bengals claim QB John Skelton – The following moves for 4/3
  • Chargers sign DE/DT Jarius Wynn
  • Cowboys re-sign WR Anthony Armstrong
  • Falcons sign LB Brian Banks
  • Giants sign DT Mike Patterson
  • Lions sign DT C.J. Mosley
  • Packers sign DE/OLB Frank Zombo
  • Panthers sign WR Domenik Hixon
  • Ravens cut ILB Brendon Ayanbadejo
  • Redskins sign QB Pat White
  • Redskins re-sign QB Rex Grossman
  • Steelers re-sign ILB Stevenson Sylvester

  • 49ers sign CB Nnamdi Asomugha The following moves for 4/2
  • Bills sign DT Alan Branch
  • Browns cut S Usama Young
  • Browns cut OLB Chris Gocong
  • Buccaneers sign DE George Selvie
  • Buccaneers sign K Nate Kaeding
  • Buccaneers sign WR Steve Smith
  • Buccaneers sign DT Derek Landri
  • Cardinals acquire QB Carson Palmer from Raiders for conditional 2014 7th-rounder
  • Jaguars sign DT Sen’Derrick Marks
  • Raiders sign CB Tracy Porter

  • 49ers acquire QB Colt McCoy from Browns – The following moves for 4/1
  • Buccaneers sign FB Brian Leonard
  • Cardinals cut QB John Skelton
  • Chiefs cut DE/OLB Andy Studebaker
  • Colts sign WR Darrius Heyward-Bey
  • Jaguars cut DT C.J. Mosley
  • Raiders acquire QB Matt Flynn from Seahawks for 2014 late-rounder, 2015 conditional pick
  • Rams re-sign G Chris Williams
  • Redskins re-sign CB DeAngelo Hall
  • Saints sign QB Luke McCown
  • Titans sign WR Kevin Walter
  • Titans sign C Chris Spencer

  • Bengals re-sign CB Terence Newman – The following moves for 3/30
  • Bills sign QB Kevin Kolb
  • Dolphins sign CB Brent Grimes
  • Eagles sign WR Ifeanyi Momah

  • Bears sign G Matt Slauson – The following moves for 3/29
  • Bears re-sign QB Josh McCown
  • Bills re-sign RB Tashard Choice
  • Redskins re-sign TE Fred Davis
  • Saints sign DE/DT Kenyon Coleman

  • Colts acquire FB Stanley Havili from Eagles for DE Clifton Geathers – The following moves for 3/28
  • Dolphins sign DT Vaughn Martin
  • Patriots sign WR Michael Jenkins
  • Redskins sign DE Darryl Tapp
  • Saints sign DE/OLB Victor Butler
  • Seahawks sign DT Tony McDaniel

  • Cardinals sign S Jonathan Amaya – The following moves for 3/27
  • Chargers cut OT Jared Gaither
  • Cowboys sign S Will Allen
  • Cowboys cut WR Anthony Armstrong
  • Dolphins sign G Lance Louis
  • Falcons sign DE Osi Umenyiora
  • Panthers sign ILB Chase Blackburn
  • Ravens sign S Michael HUff
  • Texans sign FB Greg Jones

  • Bears sign CB Kelvin Hayden – The following moves for 3/26
  • Browns sign QB Jason Campbell
  • Cowboys sign OLB Justin Durant
  • Raiders cut DT Tommy Kelly

  • Bears re-sign OT Jonathan Scott – The following moves for 3/25
  • Eagles sign P Donnie Jones
  • Eagles cut P Mat McBriar
  • Giants re-sign G Kevin Boothe
  • Titans sign DT Ropati Pitoitua

  • Bears sign OLB James Anderson – The following moves for 3/24
  • Patriots re-sign OT Sebastian Vollmer
  • Ravens sign DE/OLB Elvis Dumervil

  • Bears sign S Tom Zbikowski – The following moves for 3/23
  • Bengals re-sign WR/KR Brandon Tate
  • Bengals re-sign TE Dick Quinn

  • Bears sign OLB D.J. Williams – The following moves for 3/22
  • Bengals re-sign OT Dennis Roland
  • Browns sign TE Kellen Davis
  • Browns sign CB Chris Owens
  • Chiefs re-sign DE/OLB Edgar Jones
  • Panthers re-sign DT Dwan Edwards
  • Rams cut TE Matthew Mulligan
  • Texans sign P Shane Lechler

  • 49ers re-sign S Darcel McBath – The following moves for 3/21
  • Bengals re-sign CB Pacman Jones
  • Bengals sign QB Josh Johnson
  • Cardinals sign DE Frostee Rucker
  • Chargers sign G Rich Ohrnberger
  • Packers re-sign ILB Brad Jones
  • Panthers sign WR Ted Ginn
  • Titans sign S Bernard Pollard

  • Bears sign DE Turk McBride – The following moves for 3/20
  • Buccaneers sign OLB Jacob Cutrera
  • Cardinals re-sign QB Brian Hoyer
  • Panthers sign S Michael Mitchell
  • Panthers re-sign CB Captain Munnerlyn
  • Patriots re-sign CB Marquice Cole
  • Raiders re-sign OT Khalif Barnes
  • Redskins sign CB E.J. Biggers
  • Texans sign S Ed Reed

  • 49ers sign WR Marlon Moore – The following moves for 3/19
  • Browns sign K Phil Dawson
  • Colts sign NT Aubrayo Franklin
  • Dolphins sign franchise DT Randy Starks
  • Dolphins re-sign G Nate Garner
  • Giants re-sign QB David Carr
  • Giants re-sign S Stevie Brown
  • Jaguars re-sign C Brad Meester
  • Panthers sign CB D.J. Moore
  • Texans re-sign CB Brice McCain
  • Titans sign C/G/OT Rob Turner
  • Vikings sign G Seth Olsen

  • Bengals re-sign ILB Rey Maualuga – The following moves for 3/18
  • Colts sign QB Matt Hasselbeck
  • Jets sign DE/OLB Antwan Barnes
  • Raiders sign DT Vance Walker
  • Rams sign OT Jake Long
  • Redskins re-sign OT Tyler Polumbus
  • Saints sign TE Ben Watson
  • Saints re-sign OLB Ramon Humber
  • Titans sign QB Ryan Fitzpatrick
  • Titans cut QB Matt Hasselbeck

  • Patriots sign OT Will Svitek – The following moves for 3/17
  • Raiders sign OLB Kevin Burnett
  • Saints re-sign KR Courtney Roby

  • 49ers sign S Craig Dahl – The following moves for 3/16
  • Buccaneers sign TE Tom Crabtree
  • Cowboys re-sign OLB Ernie Sims
  • Giants sign TE Brandon Myers
  • Giants sign WR Louis Murphy
  • Giants sign ILB Dan Connor
  • Jets re-sign K Nick Folk
  • Patriots cut WR Brandon Lloyd
  • Patriots re-sign OLB Niko Koutouvides
  • Patriots re-sign CB Aqib Talib

  • 49ers sign OLB Dan Skuta – The following moves for 3/15
  • Bears re-sign CB Zackary Bowman
  • Broncos cut DE Elvis Dumervil
  • Cardinals sign DE Matt Shaughnessy
  • Cardinals sign CB Antoine Cason
  • Chargers sign RB Danny Woodhead
  • Chargers re-sign RB Ronnie Brown
  • Chargers sign NT Antonio Garay
  • Chiefs sign G/OT Geoff Schwartz
  • Colts cut S Tom Zbikowski
  • Dolphins sign TE Dustin Keller
  • Dolphins sign WR Brandon Gibson
  • Eagles acquire WR Arrelious Benn and 2013 7th-rounder from Buccaneers for 2013 6th-rounder and conditional 2014 pick
  • Jaguars sign RB Justin Forsett
  • Jaguars sign CB Alan Ball
  • Jaguars sign DT Roy Miller
  • Jets sign RB Mike Goodson
  • Jets sign G/OT Willie Colon
  • Lions re-sign S Louis Delmas
  • Lions re-sign C Dylan Gandy
  • Packers re-sign ILB Robert Francois
  • Patriots sign S Adrian Wilson
  • Patriots sign WR Donald Jones
  • Patriots re-sign CB Kyle Arrington
  • Raiders sign OLB Nick Roach
  • Ravens sign DE/DT Marcus Spears
  • Seahawks cut WR Ben Obomanu
  • Steelers sign TE Matt Spaeth
  • Texans re-sign OT Andrew Gardner
  • Vikings sign WR Greg Jennings

  • Bears re-sign DT Nate Collins – The following moves for 3/14
  • Buccaneers sign WR Kevin Ogletree
  • Buccaneers cut OLB Quincy Black
  • Cardinals to cut QB Kevin Kolb
  • Cardinals sign ILB Jasper Brinkley
  • Chiefs sign CB Sean Smith
  • Chiefs cut QB Matt Cassel
  • Colts sign DE/DT Ricky Jean-Francois
  • Eagles sign DE/OLB Connor Barwin
  • Eagles sign S Kenny Phillips
  • Eagles sign CB Cary Williams
  • Falcons sign RB Steven Jackson
  • Falcons re-sign TE Tony Gonzalez
  • Giants re-sign OLB Keith Rivers
  • Giants sign S Ryan Mundy
  • Lions announce retirement of OT Jeff Backus
  • Patriots sign KR/RB Leon Washington
  • Ravens re-sign CB Chris Johnson
  • Redskins sign OT Jeremy Trueblood
  • Saints sign CB Keenan Lewis
  • Seahawks sign DE Michael Bennett
  • Titans re-sign KR/RB Darius Reynaud
  • Vikings sign QB Matt Cassel

  • 49ers sign DT Glenn Dorsey – The following moves for 3/13
  • Bears cut TE Kellen Davis
  • Bears cut DT Matt Toeaina
  • Bears cut TE Matt Spaeth
  • Bills sign OLB Manny Lawson
  • Broncos sign WR Wes Welker
  • Broncos sign CB Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie
  • Broncos sign DT Terrance Knighton
  • Broncos sign ILB Stewart Bradley
  • Browns sign DE/OLB Quentin Groves
  • Browns sign TE Gary Barnidge
  • Browns re-sign RB Chris Ogbonnaya
  • Buccaneers sign S Dashon Goldson
  • Buccaneers sign OLB Jonathan Casillas
  • Cardinals sign RB Rashard Mendenhall
  • Cardinals cut S Kerry Rhodes
  • Cardinals sign QB Drew Stanton
  • Cardinals sign DE/OLB Lorenzo Alexander
  • Cardinals sign CB Jerraud Powers
  • Cardinals sign S Yeremiah Bell
  • Chargers sign CB Derek Cox
  • Chargers sign G Chad Rinehart
  • Chiefs sign WR Donnie Avery
  • Chiefs re-sign G Bryan Mattison
  • Colts sign S LaRon Landry
  • Cowboys cut DE/DT Marcus Spears
  • Giants sign K Josh Brown
  • Jaguars cut WR Laurent Robinson
  • Jaguars sign OLB Geno Hayes
  • Jets re-sign FB Lex Hilliard
  • Lions sign RB Reggie Bush
  • Lions sign S Glover Quin
  • Lions re-sign CB Chris Houston
  • Lions sign DT Jason Jones
  • Panthers sign CB Drayton Florence
  • Panthers re-sign QB Derek Anderson
  • Patriots sign WR Danny Amendola
  • Raiders sign OLB Kaluka Maiava
  • Raiders sign DT Pat Sims
  • Raiders re-sign CB Coye Francies
  • Raiders sign DE Jason Hunter
  • Ravens cut S Bernard Pollard
  • Seahawks sign DE Cliff Avril
  • Steelers sign QB Bruce Gradkowski
  • Steelers re-sign WR Plaxico Burress
  • Titans sign RB Shonn Greene
  • Titans sign DT Sammie Lee Hill
  • Titans sign ILB Moise Fokou

  • Bears sign TE Martellus Bennett – The following moves for 3/12
  • Bears sign OT Jermon Bushrod
  • Bears sign franchise DT Henry Melton
  • Bengals re-sign DE Robert Geathers
  • Bills cut QB Ryan Fitzpatrick
  • Broncos sign G Louis Vasquez
  • Broncos re-sign DT Kevin Vickerson
  • Browns sign DE/OLB Paul Kruger
  • Browns sign DT Desmond bryant
  • Chargers cut TE Randy McMichael
  • Chargers cut NT Antonio Garay
  • Chargers sign TE John Phillips
  • Chargers sign OT King Dunlap
  • Chiefs sign DE/DT Mike DeVito
  • Chiefs sign TE Anthony Fasano
  • Chiefs sign QB Chase Daniel
  • Colts sign OT Gosder Cherilus
  • Colts sign CB Greg Toler
  • Colts sign DE/OLB Erik Walden
  • Colts sign G Donald Thomas
  • Colts sign DE/OLB Lawrence Sidbury
  • Colts re-sign CB Darius Butler
  • Cowboys sign franchise DE/OLB Anthony Spencer
  • Dolphins sign WR Mike Wallace
  • Dolphins sign ILB Dannell Ellerbe
  • Dolphins sign OLB Philip Wheeler
  • Dolphins cut ILB Karlos Dansby
  • Dolphins re-sign S Chris Clemons
  • Dolphins cut OLB Kevin Burnett
  • Eagles sign FB/TE James Casey
  • Eagles sign S Patrick Chung
  • Eagles sign CB Bradley Fletcher
  • Eagles sign NT Isaac Sopoaga
  • Eagles sign ILB Jason Phillips
  • Falcons re-sign OT Sam Baker
  • Falcons announce retirement of C Todd McClure
  • Giants sign CB Aaron Ross
  • Jets cut NT Sione Pouha
  • Lions tender DE Willie Young
  • Lions re-sign S Amari Spievey
  • Lions re-sign WR Kassim Osgood
  • Packers tender CB Sam Shields
  • Panthers cut OLB James Anderson
  • Panthers re-sign TE Ben Hartsock
  • Raiders cut WR Darrius Heyward-Bey
  • Raiders cut S Michael Huff
  • Raiders cut DE David Tollefson
  • Raiders re-sign CB Phillip Adams
  • Rams sign TE Jared Cook
  • Rams re-sign DE William Hayes
  • Ravens sign DE/DT Chris Canty
  • Ravens re-sign OT Ramon Harewood
  • Ravens re-sign S James Ihedigbo
  • Redskins re-sign DE/DT Kedric Golston
  • Redskins re-sign P Sav Rocca
  • Saints cut OLB Will Herring
  • Seahawks cut RB/KR Leon Washington
  • Steelers cut G Willie Colon
  • Steelers re-sign ILB Larry Foote
  • Steelers re-sign FB David Johnson
  • Texans cut WR Kevin Walter
  • Titans sign G Andy Levitre
  • Titans sign TE Delanie Walker
  • Titans cut S Jordan Babineaux
  • Titans cut G Mitch Petrus
  • Vikings cut CB Antoine Winfield
  • Vikings re-sign OT Phil Loadholt
  • Vikings re-sign FB Jerome Felton
  • Vikings re-sign OLB Erin Henderson
  • Vikings re-sign WR Jerome Simpson
  • Vikings re-sign C Joe Burger
  • Vikings re-sign S Jamarca Sanford

  • 49ers acquire WR Anquan Boldin from Ravens for 6th-rounder The following moves for 3/11
  • Broncos cut OLB D.J. Williams
  • Broncos re-sign S David Bruton
  • Broncos cut QB Caleb Hanie
  • Cardinals cut RB Chris Wells
  • Cardinals re-sign S Rashad Johnson
  • Colts tender G Jeff Linkenbach
  • Cowboys cut ILB Dan Connor
  • Giants tender WR Victor Cruz
  • Giants tender S Stevie Brown
  • Jets sign QB David Garrard
  • Jets tender OT Austin Howard
  • Lions tender OT Jason Fox
  • Packers tender C Evan Dietrich-Smith
  • Ravens tender TE Ed Dickson
  • Ravens tender DE Arthur Jones
  • Ravens tender TE Dennis Pitta
  • Redskins cut CB DeAngelo Hall
  • Redskins tender NT Chris Baker
  • Redskins sign OT Tony Pashos
  • Seahawks acquire WR Percy Harvin from Vikings for 2013 1st-, 7th-rounders; 2014 mid-rounder
  • Steelers re-sign G Ramon Foster
  • Steelers re-sign RB Jonathan Dwyer
  • Titans tender C Fernando Velasco
  • Titans announce retirement of G Steve Hutchinson
  • Vikings tender CB A.J. Jefferson

  • Bengals re-sign DE Wallace Gilberry – The following moves for 3/10
  • Bengals re-sign K Mike Nugent
  • Chargers re-sign KR Richard Goodman
  • Giants sign DT Cullen Jenkins
  • Rams cut S Quintin Mikell

  • Bills re-sign CB Leodis McKelvin – The following moves for 3/9
  • Buccaneers re-sign RB LeGarrette Blount
  • Cardinals cut WR Early Doucet
  • Chargers tender WR Danario Alexander
  • Chiefs sign CB Dunta Robinson
  • Dolphins tender OLB Austin Spitler
  • Dolphins tender CB R.J. Stanford
  • Falcons re-sign S William Moore
  • Falcons re-sign G Garrett Reynolds
  • Jets re-sign ILB Josh Mauga
  • Redskins re-sign DE/OLB Rob Jackson
  • Saints re-sign DE/OLB Junior Galette
  • Saints tender C Brian De La Puente
  • Steelers cut DE/OLB James Harrison
  • Steelers tender RB Jonathan Dwyer
  • Steelers tender RB Isaac Redman
  • Steelers tender WR Emmanuel Sanders

  • Bengals re-sign P Kevin Huber – The following moves for 3/8
  • Broncos tender OT Chris Clark
  • Broncos tender RB Lance Ball
  • Broncos tender P Britton Colquitt
  • Cardinals cut S Adrian Wilson
  • Cardinals tender QB Brian Hoyer
  • Chargers cut S Atari Bigby
  • Cowboys tender S Danny McCray
  • Dolphins re-sign QB Matt Moore
  • Jaguars cut CB Aaron Ross
  • Jaguars cut S Dawan Landry
  • Jets tender TE Jeff Cumberland
  • Panthers cut CB Chris Gamble
  • Ravens cut G Bobbie Williams

  • 49ers re-sign CB Tramaine Brock – The following moves for 3/7
  • Bengals re-sign RB Cedric Peerman
  • Bengals tender S Jeromy Miles
  • Chargers cut ILB Takeo Spikes
  • Dolphins re-sign WR Brian Hartline
  • Titans re-sign K Rob Bironas

  • 49ers cut K David Akers – The following moves for 3/6
  • Bills re-sign S/LB Bryan Scott
  • Chiefs cut OT Eric Winston
  • Eagles cut CB Nnamdi Asomugha
  • Lions re-sign OLB DeAndre Levy
  • Panthers re-sign OLB Jordan Senn
  • Rams cut OT Wayne Hunter

  • Bills announce retirement of DE Shawne Merriman – The following moves for 3/5
  • Falcons re-sign RB Antone Smith
  • Lions sign P Blake Clingan

  • Chiefs re-sign WR Dwayne Bowe The following moves for 3/4
  • Chiefs franchise OT Branden Albert
  • Chiefs re-sign P Dustin Colquitt
  • Colts re-sign DT Fili Moala
  • Cowboys cut S Gerald Sensabaugh
  • Cowboys franchise DE/OLB Anthony Spencer
  • Dolphins franchise DT Randy Starks
  • Vikings cut WR Michael Jenkins

  • Steelers sign CB William Gay – The following moves for 3/3

  • Cowboys re-sign C Phil Costa – The following moves for 3/1

  • Bears franchise DT Henry Melton The following moves for 3/1
  • Bengals franchise DE Michael Johnson
  • Bills franchise S Jairus Byrd
  • Broncos franchise OT Ryan Clady
  • Cardinals cut ILB Stewart Bradley
  • Cardinals cut CB William Gay
  • Colts franchise P Pat McAfee
  • Falcons cut RB Michael Turner
  • Falcons cut DE John Abraham
  • Falcons cut CB Dunta Robinson
  • Lions re-sign OT Corey Hilliard
  • Panthers cut DT Dwan Edwards
  • Patriots cut FB Spencer Larsen
  • Ravens re-sign QB Joe Flacco

  • Eagles sign QB G.J. Kinne – The following moves for 2/28
  • Steelers claim QB John Parker Wilson

  • Bills announce retirement of DE Chris Kelsay – The following moves for 2/27
  • Chiefs acquire QB Alex Smith from 49ers
  • Jaguars cut QB John Parker Wilson
  • Jaguars cut OT Guy Whimper
  • Jaguars waive CB Brandon King
  • Giants re-sign OT William Beatty

  • Eagles cut DE/DT Cullen Jenkins – The following moves for 2/25
  • Eagles cut DT Mike Patterson

  • Ravens announce retirement of C Matt Birk – The following moves for 2/22
  • Titans sign S George Wilson

  • Chargers claim CB Johnny Patrick – The following moves for 2/20

  • Chiefs cut WR Steve Breaston – The following moves for 2/19
  • Chiefs cut TE Kevin Boss
  • Jets cut OT Jason Smith
  • Jets cut ILB Bart Scott
  • Jets cut S Eric Smith
  • Jets cut DE Calvin Pace
  • Jets waive TE Josh Baker
  • Saints waive CB Johnny Patrick
  • Saints cut TE David Thomas

  • Chiefs sign S Husain Abdullah – The following moves for 2/18

  • Bills re-sign OT Colin Brown – The following moves for 2/15
  • Eagles sign OT Ed Wang

  • Bills re-sign QB Tarvaris Jackson – The following moves for 2/15
  • Packers cut S/CB Charles Woodson
  • Rams waive WR Titus Young

  • Bills cut CB Terrence McGee – The following moves for 2/14
  • Eagles sign QB Dennis Dixon
  • Redskins sign DT Ron Brace

  • Bears announce retirement of WR Johnny Knox – The following moves for 2/13
  • Browns sign P Spencer Lanning
  • Buccaneers sign P Chas Henry
  • Giants sign K David Buehler
  • Titans waive LB Kevin Malast

  • Bears cut WR Johnny Knox – The following moves for 2/12

  • Bills cut OLB Nick Barnett – The following moves for 2/11
  • Bills cut S George Wilson

  • Chiefs sign WR Mardy Gilyard – The following moves for 2/9
  • Chiefs sign DE/DT Marcus Dixon
  • Saints hire DC Rob Ryan

  • Panthers sign DT Colin Cole – The following moves for 2/8

  • Buccaneers waive CB LeQuan Lewis – The following moves for 2/7
  • Eagles hire DC Billy Davis
  • Giants re-sign DT Shaun Rogers
  • Giants re-sign TE Bear Pascoe
  • Lions sign CB D.J. Johnson

  • Eagles cut OT Demetress Bell – The following moves for 2/6
  • Giants cut RB Ahmad Bradshaw
  • Giants cut DT Chris Canty
  • Giants waive DT Martin Parker

  • Browns cut DE Frostee Rucker – The following moves for 2/5
  • Giants cut OLB Michael Boley
  • Lions cut G Stephen Peterman
  • Lions cut DE Kyle Vanden Bosch
  • Rams claim WR Titus Young
  • Redskins cut CB D.J. Johnson

  • Lions waive WR Titus Young The following moves for 2/4

  • Packers announce retirement of WR Donald Driver – The following moves for 1/31

  • Packers announce retirement of C Jeff Saturday – The following moves for 1/26

  • Rams hire DC Rob Ryan The following moves for 1/25
  • Saints fire DC Steve Spagnuolo

  • Patriots sign DT Armond Armstead – The following moves for 1/22

  • Cardinals hire DC Todd Bowles – The following moves for 1/20

  • Jaguars hire OC Jedd Fisch – The following moves for 1/19
  • Jaguars hire DC Bob Babich
  • Raiders hire OC Greg Olson

  • 49ers waive K Billy Cundiff – The following moves for 1/18
  • Bears hire DC Mel Tucker
  • Browns hire DC Ray Horton
  • Browns hire GM Michael Lombardi
  • Jets hire OC Marty Mornhinweg
  • Jets hire GM Jeff Idzik

  • Browns hire OC Norv Turner – The following moves for 1/17
  • Cardinals hire HC Bruce Arians
  • Chargers hire OC Ken Whisenhunt
  • Jaguars hire HC Gus Bradley

  • Bears hire HC Marc Trestman – The following moves for 1/16
  • Eagles hire HC Chip Kelly

  • Chargers hire HC Mike McCoy – The following moves for 1/15

  • Jaguars fire HC Mike Mularkey – The following moves for 1/11
  • Steelers waive RB/KR Chris Rainey

  • Bills hire DC Mike Pettine – The following moves for 1/10
  • Panthers hire GM Dave Getteman
  • Vikings sign P T.J. Conley

  • Cowboys fire DC Rob Ryan – The following moves for 1/9

  • Jets fire OC Tony Sparano – The following moves for 1/8

  • 49ers sign K Billy Cundiff – The following moves for 1/2

  • 49ers cut RB Brandon Jacobs – The following moves for 1/1
  • Bears fire HC Lovie Smith
  • Bills fire HC Chan Gailey
  • Browns fire HC Pat Shurmur
  • Browns fire GM Tom Heckert
  • Cardinals fire HC Ken Whisenhunt
  • Cardinals fire GM Rod Graves
  • Chargers fire HC Norv Turner
  • Chargers fire GM A.J. Smith
  • Chiefs fire HC Romeo Crennel
  • Chiefs announce retirement of G Ryan Lilja
  • Eagles fire HC Andy Reid
  • Jaguars fire GM Gene Smith
  • Jets fire GM Mike Tannebaum
  • Raiders fire OC Greg Knapp

    2013 NFL Free Agent Positions:
    QB | RB | FB | WR | TE | OT | G | C | DE | DT | OLB | ILB | CB | S | K/P | FA Grades | Winners/Losers

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