* – Wildcard berth
Green Bay finishes ahead of Seattle because of head-to-head result.
Pittsburgh finishes ahead of Tennessee because of head-to-head result.
NFC East |
Record |
NFC North |
Record |
NFC South |
Record |
NFC West |
Record |
12-4 |
11-5 |
13-3 |
11-5 |
11-5 |
8-8 |
10-6 |
8-8 |
8-8 |
7-9 |
8-8 |
4-12 |
7-9 |
4-12 |
7-9 |
3-13 |
AFC East |
Record |
AFC North |
Record |
AFC South |
Record |
AFC West |
Record |
15-1 |
11-5 |
11-5 |
12-4 |
7-9 |
7-9 |
8-8 |
11-5 |
5-11 |
6-10 |
6-10 |
7-9 |
2-14 |
4-12 |
4-12 |
7-9 |
2017 NFL Regular Season Results
Home team in CAPS
These were used to determine my projected records above when I compiled my 2017 NFL Season Previews individually.
Week 1:
Thursday, Sept. 7
PATRIOTS 33, Chiefs 27
Sunday, Sept. 10
Panthers 20, 49ERS 17
Falcons 26, BEARS 13
BENGALS 19, Ravens 17
BILLS 20, Jets 10
Steelers 31, BROWNS 24
COWBOYS 27, Giants 24
Buccaneers 26, DOLPHINS 23
Cardinals 24, LIONS 23
PACKERS 24, Seahawks 20
RAMS 13, Colts 10
Eagles 27, REDSKINS 24
TEXANS 17, Jaguars 16
TITANS 23, Raiders 20
Monday, Sept. 11
Saints 24, VIKINGS 23
Chargers 24, BRONCOS 23
Week 2:
Thursday, Sept. 14
Texans 13, BENGALS 10
Sunday, Sept. 17
Cowboys 26, BRONCOS 23
BUCCANEERS 19, Bears 16
CHARGERS 24, Dolphins 23
Eagles 23, CHIEFS 21
Cardinals 24, COLTS 23
Packers 34, FALCONS 31
Titans 24, JAGUARS 16
PANTHERS 26, Bills 16
RAIDERS 41, Jets 14
Redskins 23, RAMS 17
RAVENS 24, Browns 21
Patriots 40, SAINTS 26
SEAHAWKS 38, 49ers 10
STEELERS 26, Vikings 13
Monday, Sept. 18
GIANTS 20, Lions 17
Week 3:
Thursday, Sept. 21
49ERS 23, Rams 20
Sunday, Sept. 24
Steelers 24, BEARS 10
Broncos 24, BILLS 17
Chiefs 21, CHARGERS 20
COLTS 26, Browns 20
EAGLES 23, Giants 17
Dolphins 27, JETS 9
Falcons 38, LIONS 34
PACKERS 31, Bengals 23
PANTHERS 23, Saints 17
PATRIOTS 27, Texans 13
Raiders 30, REDSKINS 24
TITANS 20, Seahawks 17
VIKINGS 17, Buccaneers 14
Jaguars 19, Ravens 17
Monday, Sept. 25
Cowboys 30, CARDINALS 27
Week 4:
Thursday, Sept. 28
PACKERS 34, Bears 16
Sunday, Oct. 1
BROWNS 27, Bengals 26
Giants 20, BUCCANEERS 17
CARDINALS 27, 49ers 19
Eagles 24, CHARGERS 23
CHIEFS 31, Redskins 27
COWBOYS 27, Rams 16
FALCONS 30, Bills 20
JETS 16, Jaguars 13
PATRIOTS 35, Panthers 24
RAVENS 23, Steelers 20
SEAHAWKS 27, Colts 21
TEXANS 16, Titans 14
VIKINGS 20, Lions 17
Saints 28, Dolphins 24
Monday, Oct. 2
Raiders 26, BRONCOS 23
Week 5:
Thursday, Oct. 5
Patriots 34, BUCCANEERS 27
Sunday, Oct. 8
BENGALS 24, Bills 23
COLTS 27, 49ers 12
COWBOYS 31, Packers 27
Titans 27, DOLPHINS 20
EAGLES 34, Cardinals 17
Chargers 20, GIANTS 13
LIONS 23, Panthers 16
RAIDERS 37, Ravens 23
Seahawks 22, RAMS 9
STEELERS 27, Jaguars 16
Chiefs 20, TEXANS 17
Monday, Oct. 9
BEARS 23, Vikings 16
Week 6:
Thursday, Oct. 12
Eagles 27, PANTHERS 24
Sunday, Oct. 15
BRONCOS 13, Giants 9
Buccaneers 25, CARDINALS 21
Steelers 31, CHIEFS 23
FALCONS 27, Dolphins 17
JAGUARS 22, Rams 19
Patriots 30, JETS 10
Chargers 28, RAIDERS 27
RAVENS 9, Bears 6
REDSKINS 23, 49ers 20
SAINTS 27, Lions 24
TEXANS 22, Browns 12
VIKINGS 23, Packers 20
Monday, Oct. 16
TITANS 30, Colts 17
Week 7:
Thursday, Oct. 19
RAIDERS 27, Chiefs 20
Sunday, Oct. 22
Cowboys 34, 49ERS 17
Panthers 12, BEARS 10
Buccaneers 27, BILLS 20
Titans 16, BROWNS 15
Broncos 19, CHARGERS 13
Jaguars 26, COLTS 23
DOLPHINS 23, Jets 20
Seahawks 16, GIANTS 14
PACKERS 38, Saints 27
Falcons 31, PATRIOTS 28
STEELERS 27, Bengals 17
VIKINGS 19, Ravens 6
Cardinals 24, Rams 16
Monday, Oct. 23
EAGLES 34, Redskins 23
Week 8:
Thursday, Oct. 26
Dolphins 20, RAVENS 16
Sunday, Oct. 29
Colts 27, BENGALS 23
Raiders 30, BILLS 24
Panthers 21, BUCCANEERS 17
EAGLES 43, 49ers 26
Falcons 27, JETS 0
LIONS 26, Steelers 23
PATRIOTS 31, Chargers 24
Cowboys 30, REDSKINS 27
SAINTS 23, Bears 16
SEAHAWKS 19, Texans 6
Vikings 20, Browns 17
Monday, Oct. 30
CHIEFS 23, Broncos 16
Week 9:
Thursday, Nov. 2
JETS 17, Bills 13
Sunday, Nov. 5
49ERS 20, Cardinals 17
COWBOYS 24, Chiefs 23
Raiders 31, DOLPHINS 24
Broncos 23, EAGLES 20
GIANTS 17, Rams 0
Bengals 20, JAGUARS 17
Falcons 24, PANTHERS 20
SAINTS 31, Buccaneers 24
Redskins 22, SEAHAWKS 20
TEXANS 23, Colts 20
TITANS 26, Ravens 16
Monday, Nov. 6
Lions 27, PACKERS 24
Week 10:
Thursday, Nov. 9
CARDINALS 23, Seahawks 20
Sunday, Nov. 12
Giants 20, 49ERS 19
Packers 30, BEARS 23
BILLS 26, Saints 23
Patriots 24, BRONCOS 14
BUCCANEERS 33, Jets 17
Steelers 30, COLTS 28
FALCONS 26, Cowboys 21
Chargers 23, JAGAURS 16
LIONS 28, Browns 21
Texans 16, RAMS 0
REDSKINS 20, Vikings 17
Bengals 24, TITANS 23
Monday, Nov. 13
Dolphins 24, PANTHERS 21
Week 11:
Thursday, Nov. 16
STEELERS 27, Titans 24
Sunday, Nov. 19
BEARS 16, Lions 13
BRONCOS 20, Bengals 10
BROWNS 16, Jaguars 13
Bills 23, CHARGERS 20
Eagles 34, COWBOYS 27
Chiefs 24, GIANTS 13
PACKERS 27, Ravens 17
SAINTS 30, Redskins 27
Cardinals 20, TEXANS 17
VIKINGS 20, Rams 3
Patriots 34, Raiders 31
Monday, Nov. 20
SEAHAWKS 26, Falcons 20
Week 12:
Happy Thanksgiving
COWBOYS 31, Chargers 24
LIONS 24, Vikings 17
REDSKINS 20, Giants 17
Sunday, Nov. 26
Seahawks 23, 49ERS 16
BENGALS 27, Browns 20
CARDINALS 17, Jaguars 16
CHIEFS 24, Bills 23
COLTS 24, Titans 20
EAGLES 22, Bears 9
FALCONS 27, Buccaneers 24
Panthers 22, JETS 12
PATRIOTS 31, Dolphins 24
RAIDERS 23, Broncos 17
RAMS 24, Saints 20
STEELERS 35, Packers 34
Monday, Nov. 27
RAVENS 23, Texans 20
Week 13:
Thursday, Nov. 30
Redskins 31, COWBOYS 30
Sunday, Dec. 3
BEARS 17, 49ers 16
Patriots 27, BILLS 21
CARDINALS 28, Rams 11
CHARGERS 26, Browns 13
DOLPHINS 19, Broncos 16
FALCONS 20, Vikings 16
JAGUARS 21, Colts 20
Chiefs 30, JETS 13
Buccaneers 30, PACKERS 27
RAIDERS 28, Giants 24
RAVENS 20, Lions 17
SAINTS 31, Panthers 30
SEAHAWKS 27, Eagles 20
TITANS 24, Texans 10
Monday, Dec. 4
BENGALS 22, Steelers 20
Week 14:
Thursday, Dec. 7
FALCONS 38, Saints 34
Sunday, Dec. 10
Bears 17, BENGALS 16 ,br> BILLS 27, Colts 24
BRONCOS 9, Jets 6
Packers 38, BROWNS 24
BUCCANEERS 24, Lions 20
Titans 20, CARDINALS 18
Redskins 24, CHARGERS 23
CHIEFS 23, Raiders 20
GIANTS 20, Cowboys 17
Eagles 30, RAMS 0
Seahawks 20, JAGUARS 17
PANTHERS 20, Vikings 16
STEELERS 23, Ravens 20
49ers 17, TEXANS 16
Monday, Dec. 11
DOLPHINS 26, Patriots 24
Week 15:
Thursday, Dec. 14
COLTS 24, Broncos 21
Saturday, Dec. 16
LIONS 30, Bears 10
Sunday, Dec. 17
Titans 19, 49ERS 3
BILLS 24, Dolphins 22
BROWNS 22, Ravens 20 s
CHIEFS 26, Chargers 24
Eagles 17, GIANTS 16
Texans 17, JAGUARS 10
Packers 27, PANTHERS 21
RAIDERS 34, Cowboys 31
REDSKINS 31, Cardinals 20
SAINTS 34, Jets 16
SEAHAWKS 21, Rams 14
Patriots 38, STEELERS 34
VIKINGS 17, Bengals 13
Monday, Dec. 18
BUCCANEERS 30, Falcons 27
Week 16:
Saturday, Dec. 23
PACKERS 31, Vikings 20
RAVENS 38, Colts 27
Sunday, Dec. 24
49ERS 20, Jaguars 13
Browns 23, BEARS 20
Lions 27, BENGALS 24
CHARGERS 27, Jets 16
CHIEFS 20, Dolphins 17
COWBOYS 28, Seahawks 23
DOLPHINS 27, Bills 24
GIANTS 10, Cardinals 9
Buccaneers 23, PANTHERS 22
PATRIOTS 41, Bills 17
Broncos 23, REDSKINS 20
Falcons 30, SAINTS 27
TITANS 19, Rams 6
Monday, Dec. 25
Raiders 38, EAGLES 34
TEXANS 19, Steelers 17
Week 17:
Sunday, Dec. 31
Chiefs 24, BRONCOS 17
BUCCANEERS 28, Saints 27
Raiders 27, CHARGERS 20
COLTS 24, Texans 16
Cowboys 27, EAGLES 26
FALCONS 31, Panthers 28
GIANTS 19, Redskins 16
Packers 28, LIONS 21
PATRIOTS 28, Jets 0
RAMS 9, 49ers 6
RAVENS 24, Bengals 20
SEAHAWKS 24, Cardinals 21
STEELERS 24, Browns 10
Jaguars 27, TITANS 16
VIKINGS 27, Bears 10
2017 NFL Playoff Predictions – Wildcard Round

6. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (10-6) at 3. Green Bay Packers (11-5)
In the early 2000s, the Buccaneers had trouble winning cold-weather playoff games, losing in Philadelphia in consecutive playoff appearances. This all changed when Jon Gruden came along, though Donovan McNabb’s injury helped matters. This is a hump this new Tampa regime may have to overcome. It’s quite difficult to imagine Jameis Winston, in his first postseason start, beating Aaron Rodgers in Lambeau.
Packers 27, Buccaneers 20

5. Dallas Cowboys (11-5) at 4. Seattle Seahawks (11-5)
These teams may both be 11-5, but the road they took to get here was much different. The Seahawks won a horrible division, while the Cowboys just lost a tough battle to the upstart Eagles in a division in which only one team had a losing record (Giants, 7-9). Dallas is the superior team, as it has the better offensive line. David Irving will no longer be suspended, so he’ll harass Russell Wilson enough to give Dak Prescott his first playoff victory.
Cowboys 24, Seahawks 16

6. Houston Texans (8-8) at 3. Pittsburgh Steelers (11-5)
The Texans are only in the playoffs because the AFC is such a thin conference. There are two elite teams (Patriots, Raiders), and three second-tier squads (Steelers, Titans, Chiefs), and that’s it. The sixth spot seems wide open, but Houston managed to squeeze into the final seed. This was initially Baltimore, but with Joe Flacco’s troublesome back and Kenneth Dixon’s meniscus injury, I had to choose someone else. The Chargers were considered, but I don’t trust them to stay healthy. Thus, I went with the Texans. Either way, this should be an easy victory for the Steelers, though I do expect better things from Deshaun Watson in the future.
Steelers 24, Texans 13

5. Kansas City Chiefs (11-5) at 4. Tennessee Titans (11-5)
The Titans have the better offensive line and quarterback. Kansas City’s defense is superior, but not by much; Tennessee has a solid stop unit of its own. Still, these teams are close, so home-field advantage will help the Titans. Besides, it’s not like Alex Smith hasn’t failed in the playoffs before.
Titans 19, Chiefs 16
2017 NFL Playoff Predictions – Divisional Round

5. Dallas Cowboys (11-5) at 1. Atlanta Falcons (13-3)
The Falcons have the better quarterback and offensive line, thanks to the departures of Ronald Leary and Doug Free. However, the real difference between these two teams are the stop units. Atlanta has a young, talented defense that continues to improve by leaps and bounds. That will prove to be the deciding factor in this divisional round matchup.
Falcons 34, Cowboys 24

3. Green Bay Packers (11-5) at 2. Philadelphia Eagles (12-4)
This might seem like a game in which Aaron Rodgers brings his playoff experience into Philadelphia and shows Carson Wentz how to perform in the postseason. However, the Eagles have the better offensive line and pass rush, and Wentz seems sharp enough not to fold in his first postseason appearance of his career. He should be able to torch Green Bay’s woeful cornerbacks with the help of his improved receiving corps. The Eagles will continue to make their shocking run, advancing to the NFC Championship.
Eagles 30, Packers 27

4. Tennessee Titans (11-5) at 1. New England Patriots (14-2)
The Titans have a chance to make a lot of noise this year, and under the right circumstances, they could advance to the AFC Championship. Not if they have to go through New England, however. Tom Brady can whisper, “Oh sweet, summer child” into Marcus Mariota’s ear as he schools the young quarterback.
Patriots 26, Titans 16

3. Pittsburgh Steelers (11-5) at 2. Oakland Raiders (12-4)
The Raiders had no chance in the playoffs last year when they lost both Derek Carr and Donald Penn to injury. If they have better luck with health this upcoming season, they should be able to make a deep run in the postseason. The Steelers managed to defeat an AFC West team in the second round of the playoffs this past January, but they won’t have the luxury of going up against Alex Smith this time. Derek Carr, unlike Smith, has what it takes to reach the Super Bowl.
Raiders 34, Steelers 31
2017 NFL Playoff Predictions – Championship Sunday

2. Philadelphia Eagles (12-4) at 1. Atlanta Falcons (13-3)
The Eagles reached the NFC Championship with Donovan McNabb in his second full season as a starter. That’s exactly what’s happening here with Carson Wentz leading the charge. However, McNabb fell to a superior offensive team when the Rams defeated Philadelphia. The Falcons are also superior offensively, and their defense is pretty solid as well. The Eagles will have an even better shot at the Super Bowl in 2018 when Sidney Jones returns from injury, but for now, Atlanta will move on to Minneapolis.
Falcons 31, Eagles 27

2. Oakland Raiders (12-4) at 1. New England Patriots (14-2)
Here’s another instance in which a young, extremely talented quarterback is going up against a signal-caller with much more experience. The result could be different, however. The Patriots have improved from last year despite being 14-2, but they were very lucky in 2016. They ripped through a very easy schedule, then had the luxury of beating up on a Steeler team that lost Le’Veon Bell in the opening quarter. They were down 28-3 in the Super Bowl, but the Falcons choked and gave up their lead. I’m definitely not saying that New England can’t reach the Super Bowl, obviously, but it could be time for a new dynasty to begin, and Derek Carr has the talent to be the face of the NFL’s new dominant power. Raiders 27, Patriots 23
2017 NFL Playoff Predictions – Super Bowl LII at Minneapolis

Atlanta Falcons (13-3) vs. Oakland Raiders (12-4)
The Falcons might be relieved not to see the Patriots in the Super Bowl again, as I imagine that they’re scarred from last year’s comeback. Unfortunately for Atlanta, the end result could end up being the same.
These teams are very close in talent, so picking a winner is almost a coin flip. Both the Falcons and Raiders have elite quarterbacks and top-tier offensive lines, with some intriguing talent on defense. In the end, I’m going to side with the team that didn’t blow a 28-3 lead in the Super Bowl.
Raiders 30, Falcons 27
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