* – Wildcard berth
Green Bay finishes ahead of New Orleans because of a head-to-head victory.
St. Louis finishes ahead of Chicago because of conference record.
New England finishes ahead of Denver because of a head-to-head victory.
San Diego finishes ahead of Baltimore because of a head-to-head victory.
NFC East |
Record |
NFC North |
Record |
NFC South |
Record |
NFC West |
Record |
10-6 |
12-4 |
12-4 |
13-3 |
8-8 |
10-6 |
9-7 |
11-5 |
5-11 |
7-9 |
8-8 |
10-6 |
3-13 |
3-13 |
5-11 |
9-7 |
AFC East |
Record |
AFC North |
Record |
AFC South |
Record |
AFC West |
Record |
13-3 |
10-6 |
11-5 |
13-3 |
6-10 |
9-7 |
8-8 |
9-7 |
6-10 |
8-8 |
7-9 |
7-9 |
2-14 |
6-10 |
3-13 |
3-13 |
2014 NFL Regular Season Results
Home team in CAPS
These were used to determine my projected records above when I compiled my 2014 NFL Season Previews individually.
Week 1:
Thursday, Sept. 4
SEAHAWKS 27, Packers 24
Sunday, Sept. 7
BEARS 34, Bills 26
BRONCOS 34, Colts 17
BUCCANEERS 17, Panthers 13
CHIEFS 20, Titans 17
49ers 41, COWBOYS 20
Patriots 23, DOLPHINS 13
EAGLES 34, Jaguars 16
Saints 26, FALCONS 24
Raiders 23, JETS 20
RAMS 20, Vikings 10
RAVENS 24, Bengals 17
STEELERS 27, Browns 10
Redskins 27, TEXANS 24
Monday, Sept. 8
LIONS 28, Giants 24
CARDINALS 20, Chargers 16
Week 2:
Thursday, Sept. 11
RAVENS 23, Steelers 20
Sunday, Sept. 14
49ERS 48, Bears 27
BENGALS 24, Falcons 20
BILLS 27, Dolphins 20
BRONCOS 38, Chiefs 16
Saints 31, BROWNS 10
Rams 24, BUCCANEERS 13
Seahawks 20, CHARGERS 17
Cardinals 23, GIANTS 20
PACKERS 31, Jets 10
Lions 24, PANTHERS 20
Texans 24, RAIDERS 20
REDSKINS 32, Jaguars 24
TITANS 34, Cowboys 27
Patriots 31, VIKINGS 24
Monday, Sept. 15
COLTS 31, Eagles 24
Week 3:
Thursday, Sept. 18
FALCONS 31, Buccaneers 24
Sunday, Sept. 21
BENGALS 31, Titans 17
BROWNS 17, Ravens 16
Chargers 26, BILLS 19
CARDINALS 13, 49ers 10
Chiefs 16, DOLPHINS 15
Redskins 34, EAGLES 30
Texans 26, GIANTS 24
Colts 34, JAGUARS 13
Packers 34, LIONS 31
PANTHERS 20, Steelers 17
PATRIOTS 27, Raiders 16
RAMS 34, Cowboys 24
SAINTS 48, Vikings 17
Broncos 27, SEAHAWKS 17
Monday, Sept. 22
Bears 26, JETS 20
Week 4:
Thursday, Sept. 25
Giants 34, REDSKINS 31
Sunday, Sept. 28
49ERS 33, Eagles 17
BEARS 30, Packers 27
CHARGERS 24, Jaguars 17
COLTS 35, Titans 24
Saints 66, COWBOYS 20
Lions 24, JETS 15
RAIDERS 17, Dolphins 13
RAVENS 13, Panthers 10
STEELERS 23, Buccaneers 20
TEXANS 16, Bills 14
Falcons 34, VIKINGS 26
Monday, Sept. 29
Patriots 30, CHIEFS 27
Week 5:
Thursday, Oct. 2
PACKERS 31, Vikings 24
Sunday, Oct. 5
49ERS 31, Chiefs 13
BRONCOS 31, Cardinals 20
CHARGERS 27, Jets 10
Ravens 30, COLTS 17
COWBOYS 33, Texans 26
EAGLES 12, Rams 9
Falcons 28, GIANTS 21
Steelers 20, JAGUARS 19
LIONS 27, Bills 24
Bears 30, PANTHERS 27
PATRIOTS 26, Bengals 23
SAINTS 44, Buccaneers 13
TITANS 20, Browns 17
Monday, Oct. 6
Seahawks 34, REDSKINS 31
Week 6:
Thursday, Oct. 9
Colts 24, TEXANS 20
Sunday, Oct. 12
BENGALS 12, Panthers 10
Patriots 28, BILLS 27
BROWNS 20, Steelers 16
BUCCANEERS 27, Ravens 20
CARDINALS 31, Redskins 17
Packers 24, DOLPHINS 20
EAGLES 15, Giants 13
FALCONS 38, Bears 30
Broncos 41, JETS 10
Chargers 30, RAIDERS 23
SEAHAWKS 44, Cowboys 28
TITANS 23, Jaguars 17
VIKINGS 23, Lions 22
Monday, Oct. 13
RAMS 20, 49ers 17
Week 7:
Thursday, Oct. 16
PATRIOTS 17, Jets 0
Sunday, Oct. 19
BEARS 45, Dolphins 38
BILLS 20, Vikings 13
49ers 26, BRONCOS 20
CHARGERS 34, Chiefs 17
COLTS 27, Bengals 20
COWBOYS 48, Giants 45
Browns 13, JAGUARS 10
LIONS 27, Saints 24
PACKERS 28, Panthers 17
Cardinals 17, RAIDERS 3
RAMS 17, Seahawks 10
RAVENS 27, Falcons 20
REDSKINS 38, Titans 27
Monday, Oct. 20
STEELERS 17, Texans 13
Week 8:
Thursday, Oct. 23
BRONCOS 27, Chargers 24
Sunday, Oct. 26
BENGALS 22, Ravens 16
BROWNS 20, Raiders 10
BUCCANEERS 38, Vikings 24
CARDINALS 34, Eagles 13
CHIEFS 22, Rams 20
FALCONS 34, Lions 27
JAGUARS 23, Dolphins 17
JETS 13, Bills 10
Seahawks 20, PANTHERS 16
PATRIOTS 41, Bears 30
Packers 34, SAINTS 31
STEELERS 27, Colts 23
TITANS 16, Texans 13
Monday, Oct. 27
Redskins 47, COWBOYS 30
Week 9:
Thursday, Oct. 30
Saints 31, PANTHERS 17
Sunday, Nov. 2
49ERS 24, Rams 13
BENGALS 33, Jaguars 14
Buccaneers 24, BROWNS 21
CHIEFS 17, Jets 3
Cardinals 34, COWBOYS 30
DOLPHINS 20, Chargers 17
PATRIOTS 30, Broncos 27
Redskins 34, VIKINGS 24
SEAHAWKS 24, Raiders 0
STEELERS 20, Ravens 17
Eagles 26, TEXANS 24
Monday, Nov. 3
Colts 28, GIANTS 21
Week 10:
Thursday, Nov. 6
BENGALS 19, Browns 16
Sunday, Nov. 9
BILLS 24, Chiefs 23
BRONCOS 52, Raiders 9
BUCCANEERS 28, Falcons 27
Rams 17, CARDINALS 16
JETS 16, Steelers 14
Dolphins 33, LIONS 30
PACKERS 44, Bears 27
RAVENS 31, Titans 20
SAINTS 26, 49ers 23
SEAHAWKS 28, Giants 27
Jaguars 27, Cowboys 24
Monday, Nov. 10
EAGLES 26, Panthers 20
Week 11:
Thursday, Nov. 13
DOLPHINS 20, Bills 10
Sunday, Nov. 16
BEARS 33, Vikings 20
BROWNS 19, Texans 17
CARDINALS 26, Lions 23
CHARGERS 27, Raiders 3
COLTS 33, Patriots 30
PACKERS 28, Eagles 20
49ers 27, GIANTS 17
PANTHERS 28, Falcons 21
RAMS 24, Broncos 20
REDSKINS 34, Buccaneers 32
SAINTS 23, Bengals 13
SEAHAWKS 23, Chiefs 10
Monday, Nov. 17
Steelers 23, TITANS 20
Week 12:
Thursday, Nov. 20
CHIEFS 28, Raiders 10
Sunday, Nov. 23
49ERS 36, Redskins 23
Buccaneers 31, BEARS 20
BILLS 26, Jets 10
BRONCOS 36, Dolphins 19
CHARGERS 13, Rams 12
COLTS 20, Jaguars 17
EAGLES 41, Titans 27
FALCONS 20, Browns 17
GIANTS 36, Cowboys 33
PATRIOTS 38, Lions 22
SEAHAWKS 19, Cardinals 17
TEXANS 27, Bengals 24
Packers 34, VIKINGS 16
Monday, Nov. 24
SAINTS 37, Ravens 17
Week 13:
Happy Thanksgiving
49ERS 24, Seahawks 16
Eagles 49, COWBOYS 38
LIONS 44, Bears 37
Sunday, Nov. 30
BILLS 27, Browns 17
BUCCANEERS 20, Bengals 17
Broncos 37, CHIEFS 27
COLTS 44, Redskins 41
FALCONS 31, Cardinals 20
Giants 26, JAGUARS 23
Patriots 27, PACKERS 24
RAMS 35, Raiders 14
Chargers 24, RAVENS 16
STEELERS 23, Saints 20
TEXANS 30, Titans 20
Panthers 21, VIKINGS 17
Monday, Dec. 1
Dolphins 22, JETS 20
Week 14:
Thursday, Dec. 4
BEARS 59, Cowboys 49
Sunday, Dec. 7
BENGALS 24, Steelers 21
BRONCOS 28, Bills 14
BROWNS 21, Colts 17
CARDINALS 20, Chiefs 10
CHARGERS 23, Patriots 20
Ravens 27, DOLPHINS 24
EAGLES 26, Seahawks 24
Buccaneers 38, LIONS 35
49ers 34, RAIDERS 0
REDSKINS 24, Rams 23
SAINTS 42, Panthers 21
TEXANS 24, Jaguars 22
TITANS 26, Giants 20
VIKINGS 13, Jets 10
Monday, Dec. 8
PACKERS 38, Falcons 27
Week 15:
Thursday, Dec. 11
RAMS 17, Cardinals 6
Sunday, Dec. 14
BILLS 26, Packers 24
Bengals 17, BROWNS 10
Broncos 29, CHARGERS 27
CHIEFS 30, Raiders 9
COLTS 26, Texans 17
EAGLES 27, Cowboys 24
FALCONS 27, Steelers 20
GIANTS 32, Redskins 24
LIONS 42, Vikings 10
PANTHERS 20, Buccaneers 3
Dolphins 20, PATRIOTS 17
RAVENS 31, Jaguars 24
49ers 27, SEAHAWKS 24
TITANS 14, Jets 3
Monday, Dec. 15
BEARS 27, Saints 26
Week 16:
Thursday, Dec. 18
Jaguars 27, TITANS 24
Saturday, Dec. 20
49ERS 31, Chargers 24
Sunday, Dec. 21
BEARS 34, Lions 27
Seahawks 25, CARDINALS 17
Colts 49, COWBOYS 38
Vikings 16, DOLPHINS 6
Patriots 27, JETS 9
PACKERS 40, Buccaneers 24
PANTHERS 17, Browns 0
RAIDERS 24, Bills 20
RAMS 24, Giants 17
Eagles 41, REDSKINS 23
SAINTS 30, Falcons 27
STEELERS 24, Chiefs 14
TEXANS 27, Ravens 20
Monday, Dec. 22
Broncos 20, BENGALS 17
Week 17:
Sunday, Dec. 28
49ERS 23, Cardinals 20
BRONCOS 40, Raiders 10
Saints 23, BUCCANEERS 17
CHIEFS 20, Chargers 17
DOLPHINS 26, Jets 3
FALCONS 21, Panthers 14
GIANTS 28, Eagles 17
PACKERS 40, Lions 21
PATRIOTS 38, Bills 17
RAVENS 17, Browns 9
Cowboys 32, REDSKINS 29
SEAHAWKS 16, Rams 10
STEELERS 20, Bengals 16
TEXANS 30, Jaguars 13
TITANS 20, Colts 3
Bears 28, VIKINGS 14
2014 NFL Playoff Predictions – Wildcard Round

6. St. Louis Rams (10-6) at 3. New Orleans Saints (12-4)
The Rams are a very tough team that will push for a postseason spot despite playing in the brutally difficult NFC West. Unfortunately, they don’t appear to have the quarterback play to make a deep playoff run. The Saints are just too strong at home anyway.
Saints 27, Rams 16

5. Seattle Seahawks (11-5) at 4. Philadelphia Eagles (10-6)
The Seahawks aren’t nearly as good of a team on the road, but they’re still the superior squad in this matchup. Having said that, I don’t see Seattle going very deep into the playoffs. There are just too many distractions, and a post-Super Bowl hangover could definitely be in the works. The Eagles once again are only in the playoffs because their division is terrible, but they may pull off a victory this time.
Eagles 23, Seahawks 20

6. Baltimoe Ravens (9-7) at 3. Indianapolis Colts (11-5)
Two years ago, the Ravens knocked the Colts out of the playoffs in the first round on their way to a Super Bowl victory. It’s payback time for Andrew Luck. Baltimore isn’t nearly as good on the road, and Luck, now in his third year, is ready to take the next step.
Colts 31, Ravens 16

5. San Diego Chargers (9-7) at 4. Pittsburgh Steelers (10-6)
Philip Rivers led an upset victory over another AFC North team in the opening round of the playoffs this past January. Can he do it again? Sure. If Rivers is hot, he can beat anyone. However, he won’t be battling the limited Andy Dalton this time. Ben Roethlisberger is coming off a career year, so if he maintains his high level of play, he could lead Pittsburgh deep into the postseason.
Steelers 27, Chargers 24
2014 NFL Playoff Predictions – Divisional Round

4. Philadelphia Eagles (10-6) at 1. San Francisco 49ers (13-3)
We’ve seen a handful of home underdogs pull off upsets over teams with better records in the first round of the playoffs recently. This includes Tim Tebow’s Broncos over the Steelers, and the Marshawn Lynch-led Seahawks over the Saints in that earthquake game. You know what these teams have had in common? They’ve been absolutely obliterated in the following round. That’s what will happen to the Eagles, who are no match for the 49ers.
49ers 38, Eagles 13

3. New Orleans Saints (12-4) at 2. Green Bay Packers (12-4)
Interestingly enough, I had this second-round matchup printed in my 2013 playoff preview. Here’s what I wrote: “New Orleans went to the Super Bowl after the 2009 season, but did so playing all indoor games. It’s doubtful that a warm-weather squad can march into Lambeau and beat Aaron Rodgers.” I still stand by that, so my prediction will remain the same.
Packers 30, Saints 24

4. Pittsburgh Steelers (10-6) at 1. New England Patriots (13-3)
The Patriots have dominated the Steelers over the years, and there’s no reason for that not to continue, especially given that New England has the superior squad. The Patriots are geared up for another Super Bowl run, so they’ll be highly disappointed if they don’t at least get to the AFC Championship.
Patriots 34, Steelers 23

3. Indianapolis Colts (11-5) at 2. Denver Broncos (13-3)
I wrote earlier that Andrew Luck is ready to make the next step in Year 3. That most definitely is the case, but the same can’t be said for his atrocious defense. Just as New England did this past January, Denver should be able to score at will against a horrific stop unit.
Broncos 45, Colts 27
2014 NFL Playoff Predictions – Championship Sunday

2. Green Bay Packers (12-4) at 1. San Francisco 49ers (13-3)
This has been a one-sided rivalry. The 49ers have absolutely owned the Packers. It’s gotten so bad that Green Bay decided to change its defensive philosophy to stop San Francisco. Unfortunately, the Packers just haven’t done enough quite yet. The 49ers are the best team in the NFL, so barring injuries, they’re the favorite to represent the NFC in the Super Bowl.
49ers 27, Packers 20

2. Denver Broncos (13-3) at 1. New England Patriots (13-3)
“Peyton Manning versus Tom Brady. Their matchups have always been classics. This could be the final time they ever meet in the playoffs, so it’ll be a pleasure to watch.”
I wrote that last year. These teams met in the AFC Championship, as predicted. What I got wrong though was it being a pleasure to watch. The Broncos dismantled New England. Manning was branded as a choke artist earlier in his career, but Brady has been the one who has gagged lately. Perhaps that will change, but Denver has the superior roster, so I’ll give it the edge, even though this contest is in Foxboro.
Broncos 34, Patriots 30
2014 NFL Playoff Predictions – Super Bowl XLIX at Arizona

San Francisco 49ers (13-3) vs. Denver Broncos (13-3)
Last year’s predicted matchup was the Seahawks-Broncos, with the NFC contestant winning, 24-21. The two teams actually did battle each other, but it was a complete one-sided affair, with Seattle coming out on top, 43-8.
It would be great to watch a more competitive Super Bowl. Unfortunately, this game won’t be much better. While the Broncos have obtained a few upgrades this offseason, the 49ers hail from the superior conference and have the better talent. They’re also just so much tougher. The Seahawks pushed Denver around in last year’s “big game,” and San Francisco figures to do the same.
49ers 34, Broncos 17
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