
2010 NFL Regular Season Standings
* – Wildcard berth
Top NFC Seeds are Packers (1), Cowboys (2) and Saints (3) based on strength of victory tie-breaker.
Ravens No. 2 seed; Chargers No. 3 seed based on conference record.
Jets over Dolphins in AFC East based on conference record.
Dolphins No. 5 seed; Texans No. 6 seed based on wins versus common opponents (Jets, Titans, Raiders, Ravens).

NFC East
NFC North
NFC South
NFC West

AFC East
AFC North
AFC South
AFC West

2010 NFL Regular Season Results
Home team in CAPS

These were used to determine my projected records above when I compiled my 2010 NFL Season Previews individually.

Week 1:
Thursday, Sept. 9
SAINTS 31, Vikings 28

Sunday, Sept. 12
BEARS 34, Lions 31
Dolphins 17, BILLS 3
BUCCANEERS 13, Browns 10
Packers 24, EAGLES 20
GIANTS 27, Panthers 23
Broncos 20, JAGUARS 13
PATRIOTS 23, Bengals 20
Cardinals 17, RAMS 13
Cowboys 34, REDSKINS 27
49ers 23, SEAHAWKS 10
STEELERS 17, Falcons 13
Colts 27, TEXANS 23
Raiders 24, TITANS 17

Monday, Sept. 13
JETS 20, Ravens 13
Chargers 34, CHIEFS 10

Week 2:
Sunday, Sept. 19
Ravens 31, BENGALS 24
BRONCOS 24, Seahawks 9
Chiefs 23, BROWNS 13
CHARGERS 31, Jaguars 17
COLTS 27, Giants 24
COWBOYS 38, Bears 27
FALCONS 26, Cardinals 20
JETS 20, Patriots 10
Eagles 34, LIONS 27
PACKERS 27, Bills 10
PANTHERS 24, Buccaneers 23
RAIDERS 16, Rams 10
Texans 24, REDSKINS 16
TITANS 31, Steelers 10
Dolphins 24, VIKINGS 20

Monday, Sept. 20
Saints 27, 49ERS 24

Week 3:
Sunday, Sept. 26
Colts 28, BRONCOS 20
BUCCANEERS 20, Steelers 13
Raiders 19, CARDINALS 17
49ers 16, CHIEFS 6
DOLPHINS 24, Jets 20
GIANTS 28, Titans 17
Eagles 24, JAGUARS 10
Bengals 20, PANTHERS 17
PATRIOTS 35, Bills 28
Redskins 24, RAMS 10
RAVENS 34, Browns 0
SAINTS 38, Falcons 35
Chargers 38, SEAHAWKS 6
TEXANS 34, Cowboys 31
VIKINGS 34, Lions 17

Monday, Sept. 27
Packers 24, BEARS 17

Week 4:
Sunday, Oct. 3
Jets 16, BILLS 10
Bengals 20, BROWNS 13
CHARGERS 27, Cardinals 17
Redskins 30, EAGLES 10
FALCONS 24, 49ers 21
GIANTS 24, Bears 20
Colts 31, JAGUARS 24
PACKERS 38, Lions 24
Texans 24, RAIDERS 20
RAMS 12, Seahawks 9
SAINTS 31, Panthers 27
Ravens 23, STEELERS 17
TITANS 31, Broncos 10

Monday, Oct. 4
DOLPHINS 27, Patriots 23

Week 5:
Sunday, Oct. 10
Eagles 27, 49ERS 17
BENGALS 16, Buccaneers 10
BILLS 13, Jaguars 3
Falcons 28, BROWNS 6
Saints 27, CARDINALS 24
COLTS 41, Chiefs 14
COWBOYS 31, Titans 21
LIONS 31, Rams 21
PANTHERS 27, Bears 23
Chargers 27, RAIDERS 24
RAVENS 30, Broncos 27
Packers 26, REDSKINS 16
TEXANS 31, Giants 28

Monday, Oct. 11
Vikings 20, JETS 14

Week 6:
Sunday, Oct. 17
49ERS 20, Raiders 10
BEARS 31, Seahawks 13
Jets 23, BRONCOS 3
Saints 34, BUCCANEERS 17
EAGLES 31, Falcons 21
GIANTS 31, Lions 28
PACKERS 27, Dolphins 24
Ravens 28, PATRIOTS 20
Chargers 37, RAMS 10
Colts 38, REDSKINS 24
Browns 13, STEELERS 12
TEXANS 27, Chiefs 20
VIKINGS 24, Cowboys 20

Monday, Oct. 18
JAGUARS 30, Titans 17

Week 7:
Sunday, Oct. 24
BEARS 23, Redskins 20
Raiders 24, BRONCOS 16
BUCCANEERS 20, Rams 17
Jaguars 17, CHIEFS 16
Patriots 31, CHARGERS 28
Steelers 24, DOLPHINS 23
FALCONS 24, Bengals 17
PACKERS 31, Vikings 21
PANTHERS 16, 49ers 13
RAVENS 24, Bills 10
SAINTS 24, Browns 20
SEAHAWKS 13, Cardinals 10
Eagles 26, TITANS 17

Monday, Oct. 25
COWBOYS 31, Giants 27

Week 8:
Sunday, Oct. 31
49ERS 17, Broncos 13
Dolphins 17, BENGALS 7
CARDINALS 24, Buccaneers 23
Titans 24, CHARGERS 23
Bills 31, CHIEFS 17
COWBOYS 34, Jaguars 10
JETS 17, Packers 16
Redskins 30, LIONS 20
PATRIOTS 28, Vikings 17
Panthers 27, RAMS 17
RAIDERS 20, Seahawks 7
SAINTS 23, Steelers 20

Monday, Nov. 1
Texans 27, COLTS 24

Week 9:
Sunday, Nov. 7
Bears 16, BILLS 10
Patriots 20, BROWNS 17
Colts 44, EAGLES 14
FALCONS 27, Buccaneers 24
LIONS 20, Jets 16
PACKERS 24, Cowboys 17
PANTHERS 20, Saints 17
RAIDERS 16, Chiefs 15
RAVENS 27, Dolphins 24
Giants 16, SEAHAWKS 13
TEXANS 34, Chargers 31
VIKINGS 31, Cardinals 13

Monday, Nov. 8
Steelers 20, BENGALS 10

Week 10:
Thursday, Nov. 11
FALCONS 30, Ravens 20

Sunday, Nov. 14
49ERS 30, Rams 10
Vikings 26, BEARS 24
Lions 25, BILLS 22
Chiefs 26, BRONCOS 23
Jets 10, BROWNS 0
BUCCANEERS 23, Panthers 20
CARDINALS 20, Seahawks 10
COLTS 23, Bengals 20
DOLPHINS 27, Titans 24
GIANTS 24, Cowboys 20
Patriots 24, STEELERS 17
TEXANS 26, Jaguars 24

Monday, Nov. 15
REDSKINS 24, Eagles 20

Week 11:
Thursday, Nov. 18
DOLPHINS 17, Bears 10

Sunday, Nov. 21
49ERS 27, Buccaneers 7
BENGALS 13, Bills 12
Cardinals 20, CHIEFS 10
COWBOYS 36, Lions 24
EAGLES 34, Giants 24
JAGUARS 20, Browns 19
JETS 23, Texans 10
Ravens 34, PANTHERS 20
Colts 34, PATRIOTS 31
Falcons 41, RAMS 7
SAINTS 44, Seahawks 8
STEELERS 21, Raiders 18
Redskins 24, TITANS 20
VIKINGS 27, Packers 24

Monday, Nov. 22
CHARGERS 27, Broncos 24

Week 12:
Happy Thanksgiving
Patriots 34, LIONS 20
COWBOYS 31, Saints 20
JETS 26, Bengals 0

Sunday, Nov. 28
BEARS 24, Eagles 20
Steelers 16, BILLS 13
BRONCOS 20, Rams 17
Panthers 17, BROWNS 7
Chargers 26, COLTS 24
Packers 34, FALCONS 31
GIANTS 27, Jaguars 13
Dolphins 24, RAIDERS 20
RAVENS 24, Buccaneers 17
Vikings 30, REDSKINS 27
SEAHAWKS 24, Chiefs 10
Titans 24, TEXANS 23

Monday, Nov. 29
CARDINALS 24, 49ers 20

Week 13:
Thursday, Dec. 2
EAGLES 30, Texans 17

Sunday, Dec. 5
Saints 31, BENGALS 21
Falcons 26, BUCCANEERS 20
CARDINALS 16, Rams 10
Raiders 24, CHARGERS 23
Broncos 24, CHIEFS 20
Cowboys 31, COLTS 27
DOLPHINS 20, Browns 10
GIANTS 24, Redskins 16
LIONS 28, Bears 24
PACKERS 34, 49ers 24
Steelers 20, RAVENS 17
SEAHAWKS 24, Panthers 20
TITANS 31, Jaguars 28
VIKINGS 23, Bills 0

Monday, Dec. 6
PATRIOTS 24, Jets 20

Week 14:
Thursday, Dec. 9
Colts 34, TITANS 24

Sunday, Dec. 12
49ERS 20, Seahawks 0
BEARS 30, Patriots 27
Browns 16, BILLS 13
Broncos 13, CARDINALS 10
CHARGERS 44, Chiefs 14
COWBOYS 27, Eagles 10
JETS 20, Dolphins 17
PANTHERS 23, Falcons 20
Raiders 20, JAGUARS 10
LIONS 27, Packers 24
REDSKINS 23, Buccaneers 20
SAINTS 28, Rams 24
Bengals 20, STEELERS 17
VIKINGS 31, Giants 20

Monday, Dec. 13
Ravens 24, TEXANS 13

Week 15:
Thursday, Dec. 16
CHARGERS 30, 49ers 20

Sunday, Dec. 19
BENGALS 21, Browns 17
Lions 31, BUCCANEERS 24
COLTS 21, Jaguars 20
COWBOYS 17, Redskins 16
DOLPHINS 24, Bills 21
Eagles 40, GIANTS 24
PANTHERS 28, Cardinals 14
Packers 30, PATRIOTS 27
Broncos 27, RAIDERS 23
Chiefs 24, RAMS 23
RAVENS 27, Saints 24
Falcons 30, SEAHAWKS 20
Jets 10, STEELERS 9
Texans 30, TITANS 14

Monday, Dec. 20
VIKINGS 31, Bears 20

Week 16:
Thursday, Dec. 23
STEELERS 20, Panthers 10
Merry Christmas
Cowboys 34, CARDINALS 17

Sunday, Dec. 26
BEARS 20, Jets 17
Chargers 31, BENGALS 17
Patriots 52, BILLS 6
Texans 37, BRONCOS 3
Ravens 27, BROWNS 0
BUCCANEERS 20, Seahawks 3
Titans 34, CHIEFS 17
DOLPHINS 24, Lions 23
EAGLES 34, Vikings 31
Redskins 30, JAGUARS 3
PACKERS 31, Giants 20
Colts 44, RAIDERS 10
49ers 31, RAMS 10

Monday, Dec. 27
FALCONS 27, Saints 20

Week 17:
Sunday, Jan. 2
49ERS 20, Cardinals 17
Chargers 20, BRONCOS 17
BROWNS 17, Steelers 13
Raiders 20, CHIEFS 10
COLTS 28, Titans 16
Cowboys 30, EAGLES 17
FALCONS 24, Panthers 23
JETS 26, Bills 19
Bears 20, PACKERS 17
PATRIOTS 27, Dolphins 24
Bengals 27, RAVENS 24
Giants 23, REDSKINS 20
SAINTS 23, Buccaneers 17
SEAHAWKS 24, Rams 10
TEXANS 33, Jaguars 30
LIONS 27, Vikings 23

2010 NFL Playoff Predictions – Wildcard Round

6. Minnesota Vikings (10-6) at 3. New Orleans Saints (12-4)
The Saints beat the Vikings in the NFC Championship. I have the same thing happening in the 2010 season opener. Hell, even in my 2009 NFL Season Preview, I had New Orleans defeating Minnesota in a playoff meeting (albeit in the first round). The Saints clearly own this rivalry, at least in the Superdome. They’re just so tough to beat at home with all of their crazy fans and the insane crowd noise.

Saints 27, Vikings 24

5. Atlanta Falcons (11-5) at 4. San Francisco 49ers (9-7)
I can already see it: The Falcons are -3 over the 49ers despite being the lower seed and the road team. The public is betting the hell out of Atlanta. “How are the 49ers going to beat the Falcons?” clueless ESPN analysts will ask. “San Francisco stinks! They’re only in the playoffs because the NFC West sucks!” most casual football fans will exclaim.

But not me. San Francisco has been waiting for a playoff game since 2002. The rabid fans will be going nuts. Plus, the 49ers have the better defense.

This will be my January NFL Pick of the Month – and I’ll be eight units richer by the time this game is over.

49ers 20, Falcons 13

6. Houston Texans (10-6) at 3. San Diego Chargers (12-4)
A quick checklist: Is the choking kicker still on the team? Check. Is the overmatched head coach still pacing the sidelines? Check. Is the defense still soft? Check.

The Chargers have a phenomenal, Super Bowl-worthy offense, but you just can’t trust Norv Turner or Nate Kaeding in a playoff game – especially one that they’re supposed to win.

Texans 31, Chargers 24

5. Miami Dolphins (11-5) at 4. New York Jets (11-5)
The Jets are at home. Their quarterback has more playoff experience than Miami’s. Their defense is better.

That’s all great. I’m picking the Dolphins.

New York’s an awesome team capable of winning the Super Bowl, but I don’t like Mark Sanchez being in a situation where he’s expected to win at this stage of his career. It’s one thing to go on the road with absolutely no pressure, but this would be the first time Sanchez is expected to come away with a victory in a huge game. Whether or not he succeeds in this situation depends on how much he evolves as an NFL quarterback in his second season.

Dolphins 16, Jets 10

2010 NFL Playoff Predictions – Divisional Round

4. San Francisco 49ers (9-7) at 1. Green Bay Packers (12-4)
The 49ers are a great story and Mike Singletary is awesome, but this is the end of the line for them. Alex Smith just isn’t good enough to go into a hostile environment like Green Bay and come away with a playoff victory. It’s a shame too because San Francisco has a Super Bowl-type roster if the quarterback position is ignored.

Packers 34, 49ers 17

3. New Orleans Saints (12-4) at 2. Dallas Cowboys (12-4)
The Saints have a very talented roster, but there are two problems:

First, they’re a different team on the road because they don’t have their rabid fans making things hectic for the opposing quarterback. And second, like all Super Bowl winners, there might be some complacency following last year’s championship.

I had New Orleans going to the Super Bowl in my 2009 NFL Season Preview. They could certainly make a repeat trip in 2010, but things will be much more difficult this year.

Cowboys 30, Saints 27

6. Houston Texans (10-6) at 1. Indianapolis Colts (13-3)
There’s always at least one upset in the divisional round of the playoffs, so this is the one I’m projecting.

The Texans had the Colts on the ropes twice in 2009. With a sound rushing attack, maybe they’ll actually be able to hold on to their late-game leads against Indianapolis. Call it a hunch, but I really think Houston gets over the hump in 2010.

Texans 24, Colts 23

5. Miami Dolphins (11-5) at 2. Baltimore Ravens (12-4)
This is a rematch of a Week 9 battle in which I have Baltimore winning, 27-24.

Lots of thought and analysis was put into the three seconds it took me to determine that outcome and score, so I think it would be smart to use that as a reference point for this prediction.

In all seriousness, I really like the Ravens this year. Had Joe Flacco not suffered multiple leg injuries last season, Baltimore could have advanced all the way to the Super Bowl. Plus, Cam Cameron owns his former team.

Ravens 27, Dolphins 17

2010 NFL Playoff Predictions – Championship Sunday

2. Dallas Cowboys (12-4) at 1. Green Bay Packers (12-4)
I’d love to give you detailed analysis of this highly anticipated NFC Championship. However, the following post-game interaction between Wade Phillips and the press is a better indicator as to why Green Bay will win this contest.

Reporter: “Why did you punt on 4th-and-4 at midfield with 2:10 remaining, down four points and only one timeout remaining?”

**Wade Phillips looks confused.**

Wade Phillips: “What?”

Reporter: “You punted when you were down with barely any time and only one timeout in reserve.”

Wade Phillips: “That’s not true…”

**Wade Phillips looks even more confused.**

Reporter: “It’s not true?”

Wade Phillips: “Sometimes you get the ball back…”

**Wade Phillips looks unbelievably confused.**

Good lord, why does this guy still have a head-coaching job?

Packers 31, Cowboys 27

6. Houston Texans (10-6) at 2. Baltimore Ravens (12-4)
The Texans have an awesome team capable of going the distance, but can they win a big game in a frigid, hostile environment? Maybe.

The greater concern is that the Texans tend to have major problems against these defensive powerhouse 3-4 teams. In three meetings against the Steelers, Jets and Ravens the past two years, Houston has lost by a combined score of 103-37.

Ravens 27, Texans 17

2010 NFL Playoff Predictions – Super Bowl XLIV at Dallas

Green Bay Packers (12-4) vs. Baltimore Ravens (12-4)
This would be a great Super Bowl – Both teams have outstanding quarterbacks with tons of playmakers at their disposal. Both squads also have terrific defenses. The line would probably be Packers -4, and if so, I’d have immense difficulty picking a side.

I really can’t get the 2009 meeting out of my mind. I know it was at Green Bay and Joe Flacco was hurt at the time, but the Packers whacked the Ravens, 27-14. The score could definitely be reserved this time, but it could just be that Green Bay has something on Baltimore’s coaching staff, much like Sean Payton always beats Andy Reid, and hard work always beats Jack Del Rio.

This is a very close call, but I’m taking the Packers because of Aaron Rodgers. Detractors will say that he’s 0-8 in games decided by four points or fewer, but seven of those losses were in 2008. His only defeat in this manner last season was against Pittsburgh. Was it his fault that Ben Roethlisberger threw a touchdown strike with a few seconds remaining on the clock? Rodgers was 26-of-48 for 383 yards and three touchdowns in that contest.

I’m taking Baltimore to cover, but Green Bay to win. The good news for Ravens fans is that the team I picked to lose the Super Bowl last year actually won the whole thing. So be happy that I went against you.

Packers 27, Ravens 26

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