
Jerks of the Week – Dec. 28, 2009

Jerks of the Week for Dec. 28, 2009 JERK OF THE WEEK NO. 1: Corrine Brown I talked about Congress two weeks ago. I argued that they should concentrate on forcing college football to adopt a playoff system because they don’t accomplish anything anyway. Well, it’s been two weeks now, and Congress hasn’t done a…
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Jerks of the Week – March 22, 2010

Jerks of the Week for March 22, 2010 JERK OF THE WEEK NO. 1: Russian Mustache Speedo Man I can’t seem to get a workout done at my gym without being bombarded by naked old men, communist soccer players or other people of that nature. On Thursday evening, I met my latest nemesis: Russian Mustache…
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Jerks of the Week – Jan. 11, 2010

Jerks of the Week for Jan. 11, 2010 JERK OF THE WEEK NO. 1: Jewelry Commercials Thank God the holidays are over. The weather will soon warm up, the annoying kids on my street are back in school, and the horrible Kay, Jared and Zales commercials are finally finished. These commercials are terrible for three…
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Jerks of the Week – June 7, 2010

Jerks of the Week for June 7, 2010 JERK OF THE WEEK NO. 1: New Neighbors I’m always excited for new neighbors. It’s more than just a break from the monotony of evil Vietnamese kids breaking fire hydrants, old Indian women yelling at me about dog poop, and bums looking for unknown misplaced items on…
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