

I’ve broken down my 2008 NCAA Tournament picks by region and Final Four. Also available are links to my 2008 NCAA Tournament Stats, Facts, Trends and Tips, and NCAA Tournament Credo. I got three out of the four Final Four teams right last year (Florida, Georgetown and UCLA), so hopefully I have similar success this…
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Random Mailbag

These are random/interesting e-mails or Facebook posts I’ve received. The e-mails are italicized and left mostly unedited. My responses follow them. 12/19/09: Kansas, Matt Millen, Stolen Word From Blake H.: I am probably going to attend Kansas next year, and as a future Jayhawk, I was sooo pissed with the Turner Gill hire. If you…
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Random Mailbag

These are random/interesting e-mails or Facebook posts I’ve received. The e-mails are italicized and left mostly unedited. My responses follow them. 11/24/09: Hate Mail From Joe M.: GOOD JOB WITH UR GAME OF THE YEAR YOU F*****G IDIOT MY BUDDY TOLD ME U WER GOOD AND GET THE BIG GAMES RIGHT BUT YOU DONT KNOW…
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Random Mailbag

These are random/interesting e-mails or Facebook posts I’ve received. The e-mails are italicized and left mostly unedited. My responses follow them. 3/24/10: Drunk Mail, Hate Mail, Lost Mail Hannes K.: I’m from Austria … no, really: sounds like a joke – but I’m really from Austria. And: I’m drunk. That means: I’m really drunk. Not…
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Random Mailbag

These are random/interesting e-mails or Facebook posts I’ve received. The e-mails are italicized and left mostly unedited. My responses follow them. 3/2/10: Al Davis Hate Mails/E-mails Jim L.: As much as I do enjoy your football site, your Oakland Raider mock drafts kinda bug me. I know Al Davis isn’t the best drafter, but it’s…
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Random Mailbag

These are random/interesting e-mails or Facebook posts I’ve received. The e-mails are italicized and left mostly unedited. My responses follow them. 1/25/10: Another Weekend of Hatemail From P.Diddy (sent on MLK Day): L O L HWO WAS TAHT WEAK 19 OF URS????? LOLOL U MUST HAV WANTED 2 KILL URSELF. I HAV A NAME U…
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Random Mailbag

These are random/interesting e-mails or Facebook posts I’ve received. The e-mails are italicized and left mostly unedited. My responses follow them. 5/4/10: Jerks of the Week Responses Jason R: Thank you for calling out Pete Carroll on Jerks of the Week. As a USC fan I’d like him back, simply because I can’t stand that…
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Random Mailbag

These are random/interesting e-mails or Facebook posts I’ve received. The e-mails are italicized and left mostly unedited. My responses follow them. 12/29/09: Hate Mail From Facebook: your a loser and your picks suck c**k just like you –> Thanks! I hear from my cousin that male porn is a great way to make money, so…
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Random Mailbag

These are random/interesting e-mails or Facebook posts I’ve received. The e-mails are italicized and left mostly unedited. My responses follow them. 12/5/09: Hate Mail, Vick Mail, Delhomme Mail From Christopher M.: Nice pick with Carolina…how about you stop picking them idiot. –> Chris, Good to hear from you again. Thanks for the congrats. It wasn’t…
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Random Mailbag

These are random/interesting e-mails or Facebook posts I’ve received. The e-mails are italicized and left mostly unedited. My responses follow them. 11/28/09: Fat Coaches, Dumb Coaches, Fantasy Fails From Jason P.: You say you are a large man… I don’t have any proof of this except your word, but I am 6’3 270 pounds, so…
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